The Ghosts

The Group of Changelings

This group are mysterious and everywhere. They infiltrate and take down corruption, they pass on there knowledge without the other people evening knowing who or what they are. When people tell u not to believe everything you see, well in this case they would be right. This group is made up of Changelings who found a place to belong, most of the time they don't do much together but when they are needed they step up to do what they are needed to do. They all keep in contact but they are rarely all in the same place at once, so if the Ghost are all in the same room there's trouble brewing.   There is a group of higher ups or a council that lead this group:   Alia the Sun Elf Monk- she lives on the Keris in plane sight as the monasteries leader.   Lacade the Human Rogue- he's a slippery one and has been known to change his form to escape sticky situations at a moments notice, he's one of the high ranking members of Blackwatch.   Massack a Mountain Dwarf Fighter- he lives on Zeorun as the Lord Commander for The Court of Zeorun.   Nadia the Tiefling Sorcerer- she's a scholar and head of the library on Woodley, she also teaches history in the School of Magic.   Nesyassa a Dragonborn Sorcerer- she's the head Libran and scholar on the human island.   Nexi is a Drow Elf Wizard- she likes to stick to the shadows of the Drow sentimental on the Strufin, she's the reason they have not tried to take over the humans.   Teric a Halfling Wizard- he's accompanies are last member of the inner circle as the Bard gets himself into trouble a lot, he also does the light show for there act.   Xalvn a Gnome Bard- he likes to go places he shouldn't but his Halfling friend (Teric will never admit to there friendship) keeps him on track, he has a circuit that he plays shows at so he see a lot that most wouldn't.


The Council- They over see the organisation, Members- the other people in the group


The group was founded by Alia's Grandmother and has passed down in her family from Changeling to Changeling.

We hide in plane sight, they just can't see what's in fount of them.

Founding Date
The Age of Chaos
Secret, Government
Alternative Names
Shadows, The Unkown
Training Level
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary


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