
The human island and home of:   Lochcrest- Large City. Population- 24,400 (91% Human, 5% Halfling, 2% Tiefling, 2% Other) The capital city and the home to the Queen and King.   Wolfcastle- Large City. Population- 23,205 (65% Human, 12% Gnome, 10% Elven, 7% Half-Elf, 5% Other, 1% Tiefling) The southern city and the port, ruled by Lord Tyson and Lady Evelyn Flamearrow the Kings family who are human.   Coldwyven- Small City. Population- 9,015 (70% Lizardfolk, 10% Orc, 10% Cyclops, 5% Banshee, 5% Other) The north eastern city ruled by Lord Stockwell and Lady Taya Graviz, the lord is an Orc and the lady is a Banshee.   Greendell- Town. Population- 3,643 (95% Human, 5% Other) The eastern city ruled by Lord Jaxson and Lady Chantal Evendane who are both human.   Corville- Town. Population- 5,493 (92% Human, 5% Half-Elf, 3% Other) The mid south western town ruled by Lady Della Baz who is human.   Easthill the Dark City- City. Population- 8,670 (80% Drow, 8% Deep Gnome, 8% Duergar, 4% Other) The city of eternal darkness is where Underdark creators, as well as those that don't fit in anywhere else, can go on the surface and still be in the dark.   Whitefair- The Devil's Trap- Nobody knows what's up there, as people who come back say different things. There is also no record of what was there before almost like it was wiped from history. The only way to get there is by boat as it protected my a mountains on one side and the ocean on the other.


Strufin is manly desert island with a frozen desert at the top and two mountainous areas in the western region.


  • Strufin
    The human island in Tirra.
Alternative Name(s)
The Human Island
Location under
Included Organizations
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species


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