Aelnon Hierarchy Organization in Valeguard | World Anvil
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Aelnon Hierarchy

Government of the Aelnon Hierarchy

The government of the Aelnon Hierarchy is codified in the Eternal Constitution of Aelnon, which establishes basic rights of the citizenry and the protocols and branches of governance.

Executive Branch

The Hierarch of the Aelnon Hierarchy is both the head of government and head of state for the Aelnon Hierarchy. 

Legislative Branch

Federal legislative power is invested in the bicameral Aelnonian Parliament, which consists of the Federal Diet and the Federal Council.

The 331 members of the Federal Diet represent individual municipalities. Any municipality at least three years old and with a population over 300 can send a representative to the Federal Diet, where the existing members of the Diet will vote on whether to approve the new member. Diet members serve 6-year terms, with half of the members being up for reelection every 3 years. If a municipality falls below the 300 population limit, the Diet can vote (but does not have to) on whether the municipality retains their representative's position in the Diet (this has led to several extinct or near-extinct municipalities retaining their representative in the Diet).

The nine members of the Federal Council represent the nine holds that compose the Aelnon Hierarchy. Councilmembers are selected from and elected by an electoral college composed of 27 representatives appointed by the governments of each hold (three representatives from each of the nine holds). Councilmembers serve 9-year terms, though they can be recalled by a majority vote of the electoral college or dismissed by the Hierarch of Aelnon. Each year, one member of the Council is appointed to be Council Leader; usually (though not always), this means that all nine holds have their councilmember as Council Leader.

Judicial Branch

The Aelnon Supreme Court is the chief federal judicial body in the Aelnon Hierarchy. Each case is heard by a randomly-selected board of nine judges, from a pool of 27 judges (three judges randomly selected from the highest courts of each of Aelnon's nine holds).

At the regional and local levels, holds and municipalities maintain their own civil and criminal courts.


The Aelnon Hierarchy occupies part of the central eastern coast of the continent of Agonin. A large portion of the territory is covered in extensive temperate forests, alpine highlands, and mountains. The heart land of Aelnon is occupied by Bahamut's Spine, a large mountain range, and the Devil's Snare Forest.

Several large rivers run through Aelnon, flowing from the mountains of Bahamut's Spine down to the ocean and providing significant sources of fresh water.


The Military of the Aelnon Hierarchy is composed of the three main branches - the Aelnon Army, the Aelnon Navy, and the Aelnon Air Corps., as well as the national Aelnon Federal Guard.


Construction and maintenance of infrastructure in Aelnon is handled by the Federal Construction Corps.

"Eternal beacon of light"

Founding Date
0 CE
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Aelnonian Peak (GP/SP/CP)
Notable Members


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