Great War Military Conflict in Valeguard | World Anvil
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Great War

30 Winterwane, 1833 - Surprise attack on Aelnon by Sirisean Dominion The war began after illegal Sirisean prospectors discovered vast deposits of Arcanium in the Aelnon Hold of Northridge. Knowing how this would change the balance of power, the Dominion of Sirisea launched a surprise attack on the Aelnon Hierarchy fifty years ago. For five years, the Great War between Aelnon and Sirisea ravaged the continent of Gonania. Aelnon steam-powered juggernauts clashed with Arcanium-fueled Sirisean Warforged. The Warforged were made as the ideal soldiers to serve in the devastating Great War. Although they are constructs, they have much in common with living creatures, including emotions and social bonds, and perhaps even souls. Though rare, some Warforged still exist in Valeguard   --- The war escalated in its third year, when the Sirisean Dominion struck the crucial Gnudoss Timberlands with a prototype Arcanium bomb. The Arcanium bomb twisted and warped the trees and creatures of the forest. Once the wooded heartland of the Aelnon Hierarchy, this forest is now known as the Devil's Snare Forest. The Hill Road that ran through the heart of the Gnudoss Timberland from Heawood Hold to the capital connected the west and east halves of the Hierarchy. Without this route, the only east-west routes were far to the north or south of the nation ---     3 Snowmoot, 1838 - Battle of Saint Ferland’s Bridge The final battle of the Great War took place at the Saint Ferland’s Bridge across the Golden River. A desperate assault in response to the Arcanium Bomb, the fighting culminated in the detonation of the Fellhammer, a hybrid Blastite-Arcanium bomb of enormous power. The strength of the blast pierced the riverbed and flooded the Sirisean Arcanium mines and Warforged factories below, crippling the Sirisean war machine. With Aelnon victory, the Dominion of Sirisea became an Aelnon liege-state and all remaining Arcanium was confiscated by the Aelnon Guard.
Conflict Type
Start Date
30 Winterwane, 1833
Ending Date
3 Snowmoot, 1838
Conflict Result
Aelnon Pyrrhic victory, occupation of Sirisea, Northridge Hold no-man's-land


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