Ulzharrag, the Ash Mountain Geographic Location in Valeguard | World Anvil
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Ulzharrag, the Ash Mountain

Ulzharrag, known in Common as the Ash Mountain, is an inactive volcano located on the southern edge of the Greater Rorack mountain range of Agonin.

  The Ash Mountain is the largest mountain (by base diameter and circumference) in the Greater Roracks. Though the mountain is estimated to have been the tallest peak in the distant past, it has ranked sixth tallest since its last eruption in the Age of Elves.

  To the south of the Ash Mountain lies Loch For, a large lake that provided the mountain's inhabitants with ready access to fresh water.

  The Ash Mountain was formerly home to the Ash Mountain Clan, prior to the Hemoclysm in 1837 CE.
Mountain / Hill
Included Locations
Included Organizations

Cover image: Red and Snow Speed Paint by Jorge Jacinto


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