Valeguard The Hemoclysm
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The Hemoclysm

Disaster / Destruction


A large-scale cataclysmic event which lead to the destruction of the Ash Mountain Clan.

From a survivor's account of the event, the event began with a horrible, piercing psychic noise that incapacitated many in the city:  

"[A] horrible noise filled the city[, but] actually the sound was inside my mind. I fell, stunned by the excruciating noise in my head [...] most of the people were similarly afflicted [...] many clutching their heads and writhing in pain. Some were attempting to flee, some helping other in the chaos, but some were attacking the other citizens."
  This psychic assault was followed by the first of three shockwaves to strike the city:  
"[A] massive seismic wave erupted from the center of the city. It leveled hundreds of buildings and even the sides of the mountain started raining down, crushing whole city blocks."
  The epicenter of the second shockwave appeared to be the Jabyd-Sal (due to this fact, there is some scholarly debate over whether the destruction was caused by the Jabyd-Sal, but the survivor is adamant that it was not):  
“[T]he center of the chamber above the Jabyd-Sal erupted in a geyser of magma. Snakes of flame tore through the city streets, consuming everything in their path.”
  The third and final shockwave completed the destruction of Ulzharrag Proper:  
"[A] new shockwave hit, cracking the outcropping of rock that held the airfield to the side of the mountain [...] the airfield crumbled and fell into a lake of fire [...]”
  The survivor's narrative ends at this point, as they claim they managed to climb aboard the last airship to escape from the destruction.

Related Location
Ulzharrag, the Ash Mountain
Related timelines & articles
The Age of Man
The Empires of Orin (article)