City-State of Ulzharrag Settlement in Valeguard | World Anvil
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City-State of Ulzharrag

Located inside the extinct volcano Ulzharrag, also known as the Ash Mountain, the city-state of Ulzharrag was once home to the Ash Mountain Clan of dwarves and the Mataktar Clan of orcs prior to the Hemoclysm in 1837 CE.

Ulzharrag Proper
Ulzharrag Proper, the largest of Ulzharrag's halls, was built in the volcano's caldera. In Dwarven, its name was Zharr Ruvalk Khaz (the Hall in the River of Fire). Ulzharrag Proper was partially protected from the elements by an artificial outcropping built from native stone and covering half of the caldera. On this outcropping, the Ash Mountain Clan built a large airfield, allowing access to Ulzharrag Proper by airship. Nearly 65% of Ulzharrag's population lived in this hall, while the rest lived in the seven smaller halls closer to the base of the mountain. Ulzharrag Proper was a thriving metropolis - the airfield was always busy, the many workhouses and factories never ceased toiling, and the grand library, the Thindrongol Gorm, often drew scholars from far-flung places.  

Outlying Settlements
Ulzharrag's smaller halls were either hewn directly from the mountain or were constructed in existing cave systems. The inhabitants of Ulzharrag's smaller halls lived a slightly harder life, but rarely did they live in squalor. The purposes of these halls varied by location, but they all shared two common factors. First, each smaller hall had lichen and fungus farms inside and stepped farmland outside, which produced much of the food for the city. Second, the halls helped maintain the complex machinery which fed the Jabyd-Sal, the mountain's giant geothermal power plant. Ulzharrag Proper and the seven outlying settlements were connected by an extensive tram system.

Settlements and their Specialties (starting at due south and going clockwise)
  • Kharn Ladur (Port): Ash Mountain's only port, Kharn Ladur was home to the mountain's fishing fleet.
  • Kan Darim: One of the largest residential centers in the Ash Mountain, second only to Ulzharrag proper. Among other things, it was home to a large subterranean forest.
  • Thir Maldur: The agricultural heart of the Ash Mountain, Thir Maldur boasted the largest of its farm complexes, as well as renowned botanical gardens and experimental fungi farms.
  • Zaragzar: Home to the largest aeronautical design consortium under the Ash Mountain, Zaragzar Heavy Industries. Its cave systems were also home to a variety of exotic beasts.
  • Baramunz: The largest and the second oldest of the Ash Mountain outposts, Baramunz was the industrial heart of the Ash Mountain. Built around the primary substation of the Jabyd-Sal, the factories and forges of Baramunz were said to never go dark.
  • Kheg Todir: The first of the Ash Mountain outposts, built shortly after construction finished on Ulzharrag proper. It eventually became the largest mercantile hub of the Ash Mountain.
  • Hardoral: Relatively rural, Hardoral was home to the richest mines and finest gem cutters under the Ash Mountain.


At its height in 1837 CE, Ulzharrag's population numbered approximately 110,770. Of this, approximately 65% (72,000) lived in Ulzharrag Proper.
Total Population (1837): 112,000
Ash Mountain Dwarves: ~79,744 (71.2%)
Mataktar Orcs: ~29,531 (26.4%)
Other races: ~2688 (2.4%)


Though Ulzharrag's population was almost 1/4 Mataktar Orcs, the Ash Mountain Clan was the primary governing entity in Ulzharrag. The Ash Mountain Clan was led by the Council of Eight, known as Azamar Thrynaz in Dwarven (‘Eternal Law’, in Common). It was composed of the eight masters of the schools of magic. The council of eight had a rotating (ten year position) title of Magnus whose vote could be cast a second time if needed to break a tie, although this option was rarely needed.
Due to their population and extensive ties with the Ash Mountain Clan, the Mataktar Clan often had at least one (and occasionally two) permanent representatives at Council of Eight meetings. The Council of Eight took the contributions of the Mataktar Clan seriously and to this end, the Mataktar representatives were generally considered de facto council members.

Industry & Trade

Like most Dwarven and Orcish settlements, Ulzharrag was significantly invested in mining and quarrying, as well as general manufacturing and heavy equipment manufacturing. 
Unlike other Dwarven and Orcish settlements, Ulzharrag was also known for its scholars and mages.  
Ulzharrag was generally self-sufficient in regards to food and fresh water, the former being grown internally and the latter being drawn from Loch For. Excess food was regularly stockpiled for emergencies, and on only a few dire occasions did Ulzharrag have to import food. On a number of occasions, bountiful harvests allowed Ulzharrag to export foodstuffs to its trading partners.


The Jabyd-Sal, Ulzharrag's powerful geothermal power generator, provided effectively limitless power. The Jabyd-Sal powered a system of trams that ran throughout the Ash Mountain, connecting Ulzharrag Proper and the seven smaller halls.
A large number of tunnels also connect the halls; some of these are maintained for use in emergencies, while others are leftovers from the construction of the tram lines and the halls.
A complex system of plumbing ran throughout the mountain, which pumped fresh water from Loch For to the halls and routed sewage to several specialized processing plants.
Ulzharrag was home to many advanced workshops and laboratories, also powered by the Jabyd-Sal.

Guilds and Factions

  • Conclave of Taukma - An order of wizards known as wise and careful scholars across the populated continents of Valeguard, respected for their patience and cunning.
  • Conclave of Thaniz-dul - Supplicants of Moradin (God of creation, artisans, and family) and Ioun (Goddess of knowledge, skill, and prophecy an order of clerics who were guardians and keepers of Ulzharrag's places of worship.
  • The Artificers [?] "Makers of magic-infused objects, artificers are defined by their inventive nature. They see magic as a complex system waiting to be decoded and controlled. Instead of ephemeral spells, they seek to craft durable, useful, marvelous magical items."
  • Ash Mountain Scouts
  • Ashen Ecclesiarchy (Also known as the Ash Mountain Church)


In 176 BCE, Emperor Orin IV decreed that any of the 143 formerly-assimilated Dwarven clans can, by intra-clan referendum, choose to transition to being an Imperial vassal, or even outright secede from the Empire. Of the 143 clans, 95 announced immediate referendums.
In 165 BCE, fragments of several clans which decided to remain Imperial vassals broke away and took up residence in the Greater Rorack mountain range. One of these clans renamed itself the Ash Mountain Clan and began construction of Ulzharrag Proper.


Structures in Ulzharrag were commonly hewn directly from the stone, or otherwise crafted of heavy stone bricks quarried from the mountain. Ulzharrag architecture and stylings retained the decidedly angular and hard-edged qualities of typical Dwarven manufacturing, but with a few distinctions.  
Individual dwellings, usually carved directly into the stone, had wooden facades crafted on the outside to give them each a distinct look.
In Ulzharrag Proper, a series of metallic reflectors around the rim of the volcanic crater redirected sunlight down onto the city. Similarly, in the outlying settlements, surface access tunnels were often constructed with an integrated system of optical fibers that brought sunlight into the settlements.

Natural Resources

  • Rich volcanic soil which provided nourishment to extensive lichen and fungus farms inside the seven smaller halls, as well as stepped farmland outside.
  • Readily accessible freshwater, as well as large fishing populations, located in Loch For to the south
  • Rich veins of many varieties of metals, minerals, and stones, as well as deposits of semi-precious and precious gemstones.
  • Effectively limitless geothermal power, harnessed through the Jabyd-Sal.

1837 CE

Founding Date
165 BCE
110,770 (at its highest count, in 1837 CE)
Owning Organization


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