Valeguard The Age of Man Timeline
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The Age of Man

  • 0 BCE

    The Age of Men Begins
    Era beginning/end

    The Age of Men begins after the first human nation, the Aelnon Hierarchy, is formed.

  • 7 CE

    The Imperial Guard wins the Siege of Fretteson’s Delve, marking the end of the Shield Wars
    Military action

    The Pyrrhic victory by the Imperial Guard Chasm-forgers at the Siege of Fretteson’s Delve marks the end of the Shield Wars. While the Shield Wars were largely successful at protecting Imperial interests, the Siege of Fretteson’s Delve exposes how exhausted and depleted the Imperial Guard has grown. Amid a growing divide between the civilian and military leadership, General Ilik Emberfall publicly blames his uncle, Emperor Orin Emberfall IV, for the nation’s struggles, citing the earlier referendums allowing clans to break away from the Empire.

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  • 17 CE


    General Ilik Emberfall renames himself Orin Emberfall V and declares himself Emperor
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    When General Ilik Emberfall renames himself Orin Emberfall V and declares himself Emperor, the majority of the Imperial Guard follows his lead. His uncle, Emperor Orin Emberfall IV, flees, requesting (and receiving) amnesty from the Ash Mountain Clan.

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  • 17 CE


    The Fourth Great Empire of Orin is reformed into the Fifth Great Empire of Orin
    Political event

    The newly-crowned Emperor Orin Emberfall V begins restructuring the Empire around the New Order of Valeguard, a fringe system of belief arguing that Dwarves are the master race. The New Order postulates that since Dwarven civilization is obviously superior to other civilizations, then the Dwarves themselves were superior to all other races, and should thus be entitled to lead all of Valeguard for its own good.

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  • 150 CE

    Dorin Emberfall I is born
    Life, Birth

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  • 175 CE


    The High Kingdom of Tashalar is formed

    His Holiness High King Naronel Velle leads the Last Crusade, finally reuniting the entirety of the Chultan Peninsula (as well as a number of outlying areas) under Velle reign. High King Velle names the newly-founded nation the High Kingdom of Tashalar.

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  • 175 CE


    Amathrian and Hemandrian, True Prophets of Croqesni, are born
    Life, Birth

    Queen Amsiel Velle gives birth to twin baby boys, Amathrian and Hemandrian. The two are hailed as True Prophets of Croqesni

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  • 195 CE


    Hemandrian Velle murders his brother Amathrian Velle in his sleep
    Life, Death

    Hemandrian Velle slays his brother Amathrian in his sleep, believing him to be an avatar of the Dark God Suriel. With the help of his loyal Chosen, Hemandrian immediately blames the Fifth Great Empire of Orin as the assassins.

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  • 195 CE


    High King Hemandrian Velle declares martial law in the High Kingdom of Tashalar
    Political event

    Hemandrian Velle declares martial law in the High Kingdom of Tashalar and uses his powers to kill or deport anyone not of the Disciples of Croqesni.

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  • 195 CE


    The Dominion of Sirisea is formed

    Refugees from the High Kingdom of Tashalar, as well as from the Aelnon Hierarchy, flee from religious persecution and establish the Dominion of Sirisea.

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  • 266 CE


    Emperor Orin V dies of natural causes
    Life, Death

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  • 266 CE


    Dorin Emberfall I becomes Emperor of the Fifth Great Empire of Orin
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Dorin Emberfall I is the protege and chosen heir to Emperor Orin V.

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  • 335 CE

    The Dwarf and Orc Clan Security and Non-Aggression Pact (DOCSNAP) is created
    Diplomatic action
  • 345 CE

    The Dwarf and Orc Defensive Entente (DOCDE) is created
    Diplomatic action

    In order to counteract redoubled Imperial expansion, High King Hemandrian Velle IV of the High Kingdom of Tashalar offered any willing dwarven or orcish clans entry into the Dwarf and Orc Defensive Entente (DOCDE). Several dozen join.

  • 353 CE

    North-South Understanding signed
    Diplomatic action

    The Fifth Great Empire of Orin and the Eternal Kingdom of Valleriath sign the North-South Understanding, which pledged complete non-aggression between the two powers, and set up an exchange of Imperial scientific, industrial, and military equipment and expertise for valuable rare elements and raw materials, as well as elven magic knowledge.

  • 361 CE

    376 CE

    15-year Stay of Aggression Treaty (SAT) sign
    Diplomatic action

    The Fifth Great Empire of Orin and the High Kingdom of Tashalar sign the 15-year Stay of Aggression Treaty (SAT).

  • 379 CE

    2 Redfall
    479 CE

    2 Redfall

    100-year Suspension of Aggression Treaty (SAT-2) signed
    Diplomatic action

    The Fifth Great Empire of Orin and the High Kingdom of Tashalar signed the 100-year Suspension of Aggression Treaty (SAT-2).

  • 401 CE

    Dorin Emberfall II is born
    Life, Birth

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  • 478 CE


    Emperor Dorin I dies of natural causes
    Life, Death

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  • 478 CE


    Dorin Emberfall II becomes Emperor of the Fifth Great Empire of Orin
    Life, Achievement/ Win

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  • 479 CE

    3 Redfall
    523 CE

    20 Firemoot

    The First War of Dwarven Coalescence
    Military action

    The Fifth Great Empire of Orin launches coordinated strikes against most of the Dwarven nations and city-states on Valeguard. The resistance effort is spearheaded by the High Kingdom of Tashalar (led by High King Hemandrian Velle VI) and the Ash Mountain Alliance, composed of the Ash Mountain, Stoutfist, Jadehunter, Truehammer, and Tharhak dwarven clans, and the Mataktar orc clan.

    The war ends after the Imperial Guard fails to capture Alentum, capital of Tashalar, despite a prolonged siege. Most of the free Dwarven nations are now under the control of the Empire.

  • 551 CE

    Dorin Emberfall III is born
    Life, Birth

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  • 699 CE


    Emperor Dorin II dies in personal combat
    Life, Death

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  • 699 CE


    Dorin Emberfall III becomes Emperor of the Fifth Great Empire of Orin
    Life, Achievement/ Win

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  • 701 CE

    772 CE

    The Second War of Dwarven Coalescence
    Military action

    The Fifth Great Empire of Orin begins the Second War of Dwarven Coalescence, determined to bring the remaining free Dwarven clans to heel. The primary targets of the Fifth Empire are the Northern Exiles, the Free Dwarven Consortium, and the High Kingdom of Tashalar (led by High King Hemandrian Velle XIII).

    The Second War of Dwarven Coalescence ends after the second failed siege of the Tashalari capital, Alentum. While almost all of the last remaining free Dwarven nations are now under the control of the Empire, a few scattered Dwarven city-states, such as the Ash Mountain Clan, remain.

  • 946 CE

    Bjorni Hrandison invents dynamite
    Technological achievement

    Bjorni Hrandison (Dwarf/male) accidentally invents dynamite. He is awarded the Dwaling Chemistry Prize posthumously.

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  • 1104 CE

    Iderdg Olafsdottir successfully harnesses steam power
    Technological achievement

    Iderdg Olafsdottir (Dwarf/female) successfully harnesses steam power.

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  • 1767 CE

    Astrid Mundidotr pioneers powered flight
    Technological achievement

    Astrid Mundidotr (Dwarf/female) pioneers powered flight.

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  • 1777 CE


    The High Kingdom of Tashalar is destroyed
    Military action

    Tashalari rebels and Imperial troops overthrow and execute King Hemandrian XXIX.

  • 1777 CE


    Exodus from Tashalar
    Population Migration / Travel

    Most of the Velle bloodline flee the ruins of the High Kingdom of Tashalar with the remaining supporters of King Hemandrian and the Followers of Croqesni.

  • 1777 CE


    Aelnon/Sirisea Arms Race begins
    Political event

    With Tashalar's military scattered and defeated and the Fifth Great Empire's resources spent, the Aelnon Hierarchy and the Dominion of Sirisea begin a frantic arms race.

  • 1779 CE

    The Grandy Duchy of Tashalar is formed

    From the ashes of the High Kingdom of Tashalar, the Fifth Great Empire of Orin forms a new puppet state, calling it the Grand Duchy of Tashalar.

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  • 1783 CE

    Hamath Velle is born
    Life, Birth

    Hamath Velle is born to Lord Arisos Velle and Lady Cilla Velle. The Velles are staying in the city of Alentum, capital of the Grand Duchy of Tashalar, guests of the Duke and Duchess of Tashalar.

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  • 1801 CE


    Creon Thold unlocks the secrets of Arcanium
    Scientific achievement

    Famous inventor Creon Thold (Human/male) unlocks the secrets of Arcanium.

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  • 1801 CE


    Aelnon/Empire of Orin form science and technology alliance
    Diplomatic action

    With Arcanium in short supply in the Aelnon Hierarchy, the Fifth Great Empire of Orin offers their expertise in steam power to bridge the technology gap.

  • 1824 CE

    Mogel Militis creates the first (non-Dwarven) mass-producible rifled firearms
    Technological achievement

    Inventor Mogel Militis (Human/male) creates the first (non-Dwarven) mass-producible rifled firearms.

  • 1837 CE

    The Hemoclysm
    Disaster / Destruction

    A large-scale cataclysmic event which lead to the destruction of the Ash Mountain Clan.

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