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Caniic are a smaller type of humanoid, with most of them standing no more than five feet tall. They're about the same size as dwarf, but they have the appearance of dogs walking on two legs. As a result, they have a wide range of appearances. They may appear to be weretouched at first, yet their amiable demeanors and unwavering loyalty have earned their reputation as stalwart friends. They can be found almost anyplace there are other races, modifying their survival instincts to coexist with others wherever they settle.   Camue the Jester created the caniic race to mock the felian in the same way he made the orcs to insult the elves, though this time a little more playfully. Caniic society was never self-contained, and their history is so intertwined with that of other races that they are no longer considered to have a distinct society, but rather as a natural part of all societies.   Caniic are particularly social beings, and when they are removed from other organisms for an extended amount of time, they get extremely depressed and sluggish. Outside of civilized areas, 'packs' are small groupings of people who are often tighter than family. Normally, these packs are only made up of caniic, but if the pack unanimously trusts another humanoid, they may be permitted to join. Most humanoids consider caniics to be friendly companions. Many races regard the caniic as cuddly and amiable creatures deserving of their adoration. Only the felians have an inherent disdain for the caniic, producing a lot of friction between the two species.   Caniic have an extraordinary ability to adapt to whatever environment they find themselves in, whether it's a bustling city, dangerous northern tundras, or deep forests. Any given caniic's fur, color, and build will frequently hint to the specialty they were meant to fill, making them one of the most varied races in the known world, alongside humans. It is extremely rare to come across two caniic that are identical.   They are frequently observed in a variety of functions in society that are similar to those of a faithful canine: the royal guard who swears allegiance to the king; the shepherd who keeps an eye on their flock; the companion who cares for and protects their master for the rest of their lives. They have a strong sense of devotion and responsibility that flows through their veins.   Caniic straddles the boundary between man-made order and natural chaos. Their pack mentality has allowed them to thrive as effective hunters and trackers in the wild, and they've discovered features that make them good allies with non-caniics. Despite the fact that integration into other communities provides them with the benefits of a comfortable lifestyle, most prefer to keep their senses sharp by partaking in a variety of strenuous activities.   A caniic's commitment is unrivaled, and they frequently swear allegiance to their family, friends, and friends' families. Gaining the trust of a caniic can be as simple as sharing a meal with them or as daring as saving their life, and once you have their trust, you can establish a lifelong bond. Caniic recognize the importance of the pack on a basic level, and being welcomed as a fellow pack member is seen as a great honor among their kind.
Caniic Warrior Princess by Rob Taylor
Austral Caniic
65 years
Average Height
4' to 5'
Average Weight
150 pounds
Dasher the Caniic Paladin by Rob Taylor
Caniic Paladin


Ability Score Increase +1 Con
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft.

Caniic Traits

You have a dog's keen senses, especially in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.   Keen Smell
You have advantage on Perception checks that rely on smell.   Bite
You have sharp canine teeth, allowing you to tear through flesh. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 piercing damage, and you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of Strength if you choose.   Colorblind
Your poor color vision means you have disadvantage on any Perception check that relies on differentiating color.   Caniic Ethnicity
There are six broad caniic ethnicities. Choose from one of them: Molosser, Courser, Austral, Protean, Boreal, Bantam.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and another language of your choice.

Articles under Caniic

Cover image: World of Valine Tome by Rob Taylor


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