The kingdom of Vruchainad is located in the southwestern Crocan Peninsula. Vruchainad gets its name from the Vruchain River, which runs through Cancia.
The state of Vruchainad is feudal. It was founded in 525 by Gael the Great of Paipivaria, who bequeathed it to his second son Alfonso I. Conquests quadrupled the size of Vruchainad in 594. In place of Cancia, the city of Zarasca was conquered and made the capital.
In 627, Upreye's ruler married Vruchainad's heiress. The Upriots gained from the merger, knowing that the defense of Upreye from Wizista would rest on Vruchainad. In 669, Vruchainad made a deal with Wizista. As part of this deal, each kingdom got fifty percent of the halfling-held territory. In 728, Vruchainad captured Aedrucuthage, fulfilling Wizista's wish. Following the capture of Aedrucuthage, the Upriot began invasion of the Gamrior Sea. Taruel was governed for thirteen years by either the king of Vruchainad or his relatives after a slaughter of two thousand half-elves in Taruel on the night of 30 Hesus 772. Vrihgigo joined Vruchainad in 810. In 915, Paipivaria fell to Vruchainadene control.
Following the demise of the Upriot royal line, Vruchainadene nobles elected a Wiziene prince to the throne in 902. His son married the heiress of Wizista (his cousin), and the two kingdoms were united in 969. The Vruchainadene lands remained independent after the crowns merged.
All is good to those of pure hearts.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Power Structure
Feudal state
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations