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Titania is the Goddess of Summer & Light. She was worshiped by many fey of lawful alignments (brownies, bookas, pixies, sprites etc) and all of the Feywilds considered her their patron deity. Titania, like other sylvan gods, did not grant spells to her followers, nor did she have priests or clerics, for all fey creatures had magical powers of their own. All who knew her name were taught that she was a goddess of goodness and mercy. She represents the conventional beauty and warmth of nature, lovely summers and autumn, fertility, and the new bloom of life after spring. She was also known as the Queen of Light and led the Seelie Court.   She watched over all the fey of the Feywilds, even extending her blessings to those fey that lived outside of the Feywilds. Though her powers were limited outside her realm, she would do what she could for the ones she called her children.   She was also greatly amused by the comings and goings of mortals, and was known to gaze at the Material Plane for entertainment.


Takes the form of an eladrin of immense beauty. Her skin was the color of honey and her hair shimmered in all of the colors of autumn leaves. Her eyes glowed with gold like the sun.


Titania seemed flighty and frivolous to some, but in truth she was a brilliant strategist both in court and on a battlefield. She had a dry sense of humor and could be very pragmatic when needed. It was almost impossible to make her angry, but if a truly despicable act roused her ire, the perpetrator would be faced with the most powerful wrath.

Divine Domains

Titania had no clerics, and thus no divine domains. However, she was known to take on a mortal as her champion as a last resort in times of war.


Titania always carried a diamond-tipped wand. During times of war, she would lend it to her chosen mortal champion to fight on her behalf. The champion was said to be untouchable so long as they held this wand and carried her favor.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Represented by a white diamond with a blue star.


  • Brightest Night: A festival celebrated by most of the world. Its celebration is particularly prevalent in Batun and Rizex. It marks days of when both of Valloth's moons are at their fullest, which happens once a year.   During this time, the veil between the Feywilds and the Material Plane is at its thinnest. Crossing over between these realms occur far more easily and frequently. This 4 day period is marked by various festivals that either welcome the Feys presence, or attempts to deter it, depending on culture and region.   Most cities, towns, and settlements that celebrate this holiday pay homage to Titania and her followers, offering milk, honey, and sweet treats in hopes of attracting the blessings of the Good Fey.
  • Summer Solstice: At the summer solstice, the Sun travels the longest path through the sky, and that day therefore has the most daylight. Marks the beginning of summer, and the end of spring.   The significance given to the summer solstice is varied among cultures, but most recognize the event in some way with holidays, festivals, and rituals around that time with themes of religion, fertility, reflection. Often referred to as Midsummer.   The Fey celebrate this as the birth of Titania.



Sister (Trivial)

Towards Titania




Sister (Trivial)

Towards Mab




The knowledge of what soured the relationship between these two is lost to time. For reasons only known to them, Titania and Mab have nothing but malice and hatred for one another.


Divine Classification
Minor God
Lawful Good
Mab (Sister)
Ruled Locations

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