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Valloth (val-LOTH)

Written by ajamie

Valloth is the third planet from the Sun, Leto, in the Shrouded Expanse (solar system). It is orbited by two moons, Virana and Mirana. A small cluster of asteroids orbited Virana, commonly called Virana’s Tail, and could be seen on nights when Virana was full.


The word “Valloth” is from what is now considered a dead and forgotten language, and its true meaning has many speculations. The commonly accepted theory is that it was taken from an archaic Primordial phrase, which can be roughly translated to “New Beginnings.”


See Fantasy Calendars for full list of holidays and events.   The planet’s axis tilts and rotational periods. A single trip (called a year) around the sun for Valloth takes exactly 275 days, one day being 24 hrs. It has a total of 9 months, with the number of days in a month averaging at 30.5. A week consists of 6 days: Toilday, Oathday, Zirday which are workdays, and Freeday, Moonday, Sunday, which are days of rest. Most calendars mark the moons of Valloth with pink and silver for Mirana and Virana respectively. The world has a multitude of holidays, some specific to particular regions and cultures.

Months of the Year Corresponding Season
Goodmol, Reapmol Spring
Fireseek, Healsebb, Seedfest Summer
Fallst, Flocktime Autumn/Fall
Coldhol, Frosthol Winter

Weekend Days Week Days
Sunday, Freeday, Moonday Toilday, Oathday, Zirday


Valloth is comparable in size to Toril, with an equatorial circumference of about 40,075 km (25,000 miles). About 68% of Valloth’s surface is made up of water, while the remaining 32% is land, consisting of various continents and islands, including the Caheath Commonwealth, Weodon and the Scarstonean Free Territories as the centermost continents. Fire’s Domain is located to the easternmost region, Batun and Rizex to the west, the Frost Territories to the far north, and the Wastes to the far south. While the names of these continents have been mostly the same throughout history, the occupants and powers changed drastically during the Unification Era. Greyed out areas on maps are unchartered. They could contain various treasures, or untold horrors!  


The landmasses of this world are divided into 2 catagories by its occupants: Settled Land, described as relatively safe areas for living, and the Badlands, areas that are overrun by monsters and dragons of all kinds, making these areas unsafe for its occupants. But that does not stop life from florishing.  
Settled Countries
  • Caheath Commonwealth: No governing body, as each city and town governs itself. The country is considered a safe space for the races of Valloth, with a diverse population. Occupants include (in order of most commonly found): Dwarves, humans, halflings, gnomes, half-elves and elves of all and many others. The landscape is also in possession of an Underdark City. The landscape is incredibly mountainous and is difficult to navigate without assistance from a dwarf or gnome guide.
  • Kingdom of Batun : Governed by a royal family and council of eladrin that represent the Seelie Court of the Feywilds. Occupants are primarily lawful aligned fey, and related races and creatures with deep magical connections (kitsune of various kinds, wildwalkers, faerie kobolds, harengon, elves, firbolgs, etc). The land is mostly enchanted forests, and the weather is ever changing to match the moods of the royal family, and their nobles. Land is a hotbed of magical activity. Currently at war with the Kingdom of Rizex.
  • Kingdom of Rizex: Governed by a royal family and council of drow that represent the Unseelie Court of the Feywilds. Occupants are primarily chaotic aligned fey, and related races and creatures with deep magical connections (dark fields kitsune, wildwalkers, drow, etc). The land is mostly thick, twisted and gnarled enchanted forests that blockout the sun, and the weather is normally cloudy and gloomy, matching the needs of the royal family, and their people. Land is a hotbed of magical activity. Currently at war with the Kingdom of Batun
  • Weodon, Land of Anarchy: A wild land of goblins, kobolds, green dragons and anarchy. Rarely do other races settle here for fear of its occupants. The landscape consists of rolling hills and grasslands. Not all hope is lost, however. A few scattered metallic dragons have made their home here, and are known for being good hosts.
  • Scarstonean Free Territories: A land mostly occupied by orcs, half-orcs of all kinds, water genasi, aarakocra, kenku, dragonborn and groups of scattered humans. They have the world's largest natural harbour, taking in hundreds of ships daily. With mountains and hills to their backs, and the ocean to their front, Scarstone is known for their fishing, and is a major seaport. They also have the world's largest Mithral mine, and are known for their sturdy magical armors.
The Badlands
  • Frost Territories: A land of mountains and everlasting winter. This is a result of the astronomically high number of dragons with cold based powers, such as silver and white dragons. Over the millennia, the regional effects of the dragons’ magic affected the world on an enormous scale, resulting in the Frost Territories. Silver and white dragons often fight for territory throughout the land, making it a dangerous place to live. Nevertheless, life persists. Some races who can withstand the below freezing temperatures and the ever present threat of dragons call this home. This includes, but is not limited to: Frost Wind kitsune, humans, kobolds, rougarou, and many others.
  • Fire’s Domain : A land of mountains, volcanoes, deserts and summer. This is a result of the astronomically high number of dragons with fire or lightning based powers and preferences for coasts, such as red, gold, bronze, blue and brass dragons. Over the millennia, the regional effects of the dragons’ magic affected the world on an enormous scale, resulting in Fire’s Domain. Dragons of various colours often fight for territory throughout the land, making it a dangerous place to live. But besides that, it would be a tropical paradise. Nevertheless, life persists. Some races who don’t mind their deadly neighbours make this place their home. This includes, but is not limited to: Rougarou, kobolds, aarakocra, and many others.
  • The Wastes: A land whose weather and climate has been destroyed by magical phenomena. Chaotic is the best word to describe it. It was once a home to many obsidian dragons who were expelled from the Ruby Palace, home of all gem dragons. As such, the landscape warped to suit their needs, and was warm and extremely mountainous, full of active volcanoes, coal and obsidian veins etc. But they were eventually hunted down, and 3000 years later, there is only one left. Now The Wastes are inhabited by mostly black dragons, and are full of swampland and jungles. The weather is erratic and strange, and many malicious creatures gather here. There are some sapient races that make their home here, but they are elusive and incredibly hostile and wary of strangers.


The known history of Valloth at this point in time spans for thousands of years, extending back to the creation of the world by Honinki during the beginning of Written Time. Unwritten Time, however, is a bit of a blank spot.  

Unwritten Time

Not much is known of this period by the masses, but archeologists and other researchers are constantly discovering more information. Relics from this time can be found scattered across the land in the forms of sites of worship and treasures. What little we do know is that beings more ancient than the gods themselves walked the land. But how they disappeared remains a mystery. Speculated to last from from −30,000 BG (Before Gods) to −24,000 BG.  

Written Time

When mortals began to document history in written format rather than the previous word of mouth.

Era of Strife
Between −24,000 AG (After Gods) to (present). The name of this Era is due to the harsh living conditions in part created by the gods and their other creations: Dragons.   Time of Gods
Gods first walked the world thousands of years before they created mortals. The gods arrival to the world is estimated by scholars to be −24000 AG   Time of Droraka 
During the period of −12,000 AG to −3000 AG is when dragons (droraka in ancient draconic) first began to appear. It is theorized that they were created by Honinki in −24,000 AG, but hidden in their realm before descending to Valloth in −12,000 AG for unknown reasons.

Birth of Mortals 
Shortly after the descent of dragons to Valloth, in −3000 AG mortals were created by the gods, who walked the land with their creations.


  • Valloth: Era of Strife



3,980 mi (6,410 km) (equator)
3,960 mi (6,370 km) (poles)     Satellites
Virana     Satellite of
Leto (The sun)     Day length
24 hours     Year length
275 days     Demonym
Vallothian     Population

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