Wild Elf
Known to have left Álfheimr, and thus sphere of influence of the Elven Pantheon, they migrated to the world of Valnoagawa and joined the existing races of the world before the GodFall occurred. The bulk of the Wild Elves originally inhabited the continent of Odrinara and have resided there for several millennia. A distinct split exist in the population as many live in permanent settlements with others live in large roaming clans that travel far and wide amongst the lands. It has only been recently found out that they are also present on the Noble Lands & are known s as the Noble Land Wild Elfs.
Basic Information
Similar to most humanoids, they are on average taller than most, but have much less overall muscle mass despite being able to compete toe to toe with heavier hitters due to the influence magic on their physical body, reinforcing it beyond what most would expect possible for a creature of Fey origin.
Genetics and Reproduction
Sexual reproduction with a gestation period of a year before giving live birth
Growth Rate & Stages
Members of the species age at the same rate as rate as humans to physical maturity at around 18, but are not considered adults until typically 100 years of age.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Wild Elves consume an omnivorous diet and prefer to eat refined, cooked meat and a variety of plants based off the preferences of the individual.
Biological Cycle
At roughly 20 years of age, an individual gains access to traits that are based off of their personality and experiences during the first years of life. It is at this point that they take on traits that become distinguished into three commonly known variants: High, Wood, & Drow. There ae some that do gain traits reminiscent of their Feywild heritage and gain traits just like the Eladrin progenitors without taking on the physical characteristics.
Additional Information
Geographic Origin and Distribution
Found on both Odrinara & Noble Lands at this known time unless other population exist beyond the known world.
Average Intelligence
Above average knowledge and understanding as most are provided an education necessary for what they seek to do in life.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Wild Elves have two variants that exhibit slight differences, but do not actually look physically different from each other. The bulk of the species have the capacity for magic in some capacity due to their close relationship with the Weave itself.
Civilization and Culture
Average Technological Level
The use of Mythals to greatly influence the locations they hold significant and where they settle.
Major Language Groups and Dialects
- Common
- Elven
Seemingly Indefinite
Average Height
5'03" - 6'04"
Average Weight
Males: 120 - 160 lbs.
Females: 100 - 150 lbs.
Geographic Distribution