Little Ferry

Little Ferry sits on the western bank of the Blue Water river. The town is named for the ferry which is the only way across the river for those without a boat between Garrison and Merrinport. Such a strategic location has of course seen it share of conflict over the centuries. The town is surrounded by a high stone wall and is watched over by an ancient keep high upon a bluff with weathered walls known as the Amber Hall from the color of the stones it was fashioned from.   The Masters of the Ferry are a family named Amberhall, a name taken from the keep which is their seat of power. Their strength is commerce and trading and they take full advantage of their geographic position as one of the only ways to cross the river for many leagues in either direction. As long as a traveler pays the ferryman they do not ask questions. Their sigil is an amber keep with a river below it plied by a ferry.


Human 55% Dwarf 15% Elf 10% Halfling 5% Dragonborn 5% Gnome 4% Tiefling 3% Half-Orc 3%


  • Little Ferry


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