Session 3: Something is Rotten in Little Ferry Report Act I

General Summary

Belsday the 6th of Harvestide in the year 3025 AF
With the sun poking through the thick clouds a cool wind blew in from the northeast as our heroes sat around the morning campfire enjoying the Fate Bound Feast prepared by Druss. They discussed what had happened to them as they attacked the gnoll camp and saw the strange portal and eerie purple lights streaming across the sky.   Markuen was very quiet throughout the meal. When it was over he finally spoke to his friends. The encounter with the gnolls within the forest and the ill tidings that he heard from Silver Leaf upset him to the core. He told his friends that he could not leave the forest. Markuen had decided that he needed to leave the Fate Bound and follow his own path. He would seek out Silver Leaf and stay within the Druthain Wood and help his brethren fight the evil within. After giving each of his friends something to remember him by, Markuen disappeared into the wood.   After packing up, our heroes headed back toward the road to Little Ferry. With a clearing in sight up ahead, Tenzin and Shayne saw a strange, yellowish liquid splattered on the forest floor. There were also small, red blood stains almost too tiny to see. Tenzin touched the strange liquid and it felt oily and also stung a bit. Shayne was bold enough to taste the liquid, but luckily he suffered no ill effects.   Continuing on into the clearing, the heroes discovered much more of the yellow fluorescent liquid spread all over the grass. After looking more closely at the surroundings they saw more blood spattered around and clear signs that something had crashed into the clearing. They also spotted tracks of four-legged creatures coming into the clearing along with tracks of a biped with three toes ending in talons. Further investigation showed that the tracks of the biped led out of the clearing heading toward the road. The heroes decided to follow them to see what they could find.   As the heroes neared the road, they saw four travelers, three humans wearing chain mail and blue cloaks and a halfling. Suddenly a high-pitched screech filled the air. It was earsplitting and otherworldly. Looking down the road they found the source of the noise coming from four blue-skinned creatures with taloned feet and a huge gaping maw lined with sharp teeth ending in claws.
Comet Spawn   The Fate Bound leapt to attack even though they had never faced a threat like this before. The sound of the screech chilled them to the bone and it took an act of willpower to charge forward. Two of the human guards stood their ground while another fled from the screeching creatures. The halfling shouted to inspire the guards while dancing back out of the reach of the creatures.   Arveer strode forward boldly shaking off the ear-splitting shrieks and putting himself between his friends and the creatures. Druss, initially stunned by the shrieking shook it off and charged down to stand beside the guards. Leonardo took out his sword and moved quickly down to fight beside Arveer against the creatures. Shayne moved stealthily toward the creatures looking for an opening. Iados moved forward staying behind Arveer and Leonardo casting spells. Tenzin approached calling upon Morwen to bless his three friends, who were now facing off against three of the blue-skinned creatures.   As the battle raged on, the creatures continued to screech loudly while snapping and biting with their maws. The halfling, who was clearly a bard, darted around the battlefield demoralizing the creatures and inspiring those around him. All three of the guards were now in the battle and stabbing their spears at the creature in front of them in unison with the help of Druss. Iados blasted away with burning hands deftly shaping it around his friends. Arveer was having difficulty hitting the shifty creatures, but he stood strong preventing the creatures from getting to his friends. Leonardo smote the creature in front of him channeling the powers he was only now beginning to understand. Shayne darted into combat as the creatures were distracted hitting vital spots.   Then one of the creatures opened his maw wildly and snapping at Leonardo he began to swallow him whole. Arveer was also under heavy attack with the creatures snapping and biting at him viciously. This horrified the Fate Bound and they sprang into action. Druss and the guards finished off one of the creatures and charged over to help the others. Leonardo broke free from the creatures grasp and with a mighty swing he killed the creature splattering it's blood all over his armor. Druss lopped off the head of another creature and Shayne mortally wounded another splattering himself with the strange yellow blood. Together, they defeated the blue horrors.   Stunned by the ferocity and unusual, otherworldly, piercing shout of the creatures, our heroes decided to rest and recuperate before moving on. The halfling introduced himself as Gilligan Trottle a bard from Hilltown. He claimed to know Druss although he consistently mispronounced his name. As Gilligan recounted his tale the heroes were surprised to learn that he too had been visited by Tyrubeli and given a tarot card; in his case it was a wheel. The Riverguard introduced themselves as Brad, Robert and Jesapear. Impressed by their actions in combat, Tenzin gave each of them a magical Goodberry while Arveer gave them each a gold piece for their efforts.   Druss suggested that they burn the creatures, but that they should also save one to show to the authorities in Little Ferry. As they gathered up the bodies, Arveer went off in search of firewood and Gilligan spoke with Leonardo telling him he wanted to make his mark in the world. Leonardo told Gilligan about the sigil he had seen in his dream that gives him power to smite his enemies. Arveer returned with some rather large dried out logs. He broke one into kindling and Brad of the Riverguard did so as well, while Iados tried and failed.   They continued on their journey toward Little Ferry carrying a body and a severed head of the strange blue creatures that they decided to name Comet Spawn. They covered them with blankets so as not to startle other travelers. As the day moved into evening, they made a camp for the night beside a stream.   Arveer and Tenzin ventured from the camp to hunt for food. Arveer confided to Tenzin that he was glad to be traveling with such commendable companions. Tenzin expressed the same. After they had caught some game and were on the way back, Tenzin revealed to Arveer that a strange symbol was on his skin and he showed it to the dragonborn. It was the first time he had confided that to any of his friends. Arveer also shared more information about the pain he felt whenever he thought about what had been done to his family.   Gilligan told the Fate Bound more of his story recounting that he had been born in Hilltown and grew up in a tavern. He befriended an elven bard there that helped him get into the Bard's College in Garrison. He had many adventures after that, but after incurring a hefty debt to the Green Blades they had put a bounty on his head of 300 gold to the assassin group known only as the Shadows. Since then he had been traveling about to avoid them. Both Arveer and Shayne were very interested in this as both had histories with these organizations, but neither of them had heard of Gilligan before.   Morsday the 7th of Harvestide in the year 3025 AF     The night passed without incident and the heroes awoke to a cloud filled day with very little wind. Druss was unable to recreate the fine meal he had made the night before, but it was still enough to fill their bellies and break their fast. Arveer was bathing in the stream without his shirt revealing many scars across body. Tenzin was moved by this and spoke with his friend Arveer about it surprised to learn even more about what the dragonborn and his family had endured.   The group made it to the ferry without incident. Brad, Robert and Jesapear spoke to the ferryman and they were allowed to cross the river without paying the toll. The boat was crowded with people and Arveer spoke to a group of them mentioning his family history. They new his father and had heard of his deeds and he asked them about inns they might find and they suggested the River's Rest on Gideon Square. While crossing the river they also learned that the Harvest Festival was coming up next weekend and that many people would be coming into Little Ferry from the countryside. People were also talking about the strange purple light in the sky. Some said it was a sign from the gods, others an ill-omen.   Brad, Robert and Jesapear suggested that they head to Fort Highwater as soon as possible to show their commander the body of the comet spawn that attacked them on the road so they set off across town toward the fort. On the way, Arveer noticed a poster about a missing child named Quinn Jacoby. Remembering what they had found in the gnoll camp, Arveer yanked the poster off the wall angrily and read that anyone with information was to visit M&B Leatherworks in Northside. The group also decided that it would be best if Shayne did not go to Fort Highwater so he headed to Greyside to see if he could find contacts there.   Carrying the remains of the comet spawn, the heroes continued on to Fort Highwater passing by the temple square where Tenzin decided to stay and visit the temple of Morwen while the others headed up past the Amber Hall to Fort Highwater. At the fort, they were introduced to Commander Zander of the Riverguard. He praised the heroes for helping his men and gave them enough gold so that each hero received 30 GP. He then told his men to take the body to Amber Hall so that the court sage could analyze it.
Commander Zander   Then the commander asked the heroes for their aid. He told them that his men were ill-equipped to handle creatures such as the one they had showed him and that clearly something else was at work here especially because gnolls do not take prisoners, so someone or something had to be behind them. He told them that more people were missing and that they were all children who had not yet come of age. With the harvest festival looming, the Riverguard would be busy keeping the peace. He asked for their help in solving the disappearances. The heroes agreed and Commander Zander told them to speak with Sergeant Baldwin his second in command to get all the details about the missing children.   Shayne left his friends and headed into Greyside to a place he had heard about called Bloody Bill's. It was a dimly lit, dirty bar with only a few patrons at this time of day. Shayne approached the bartender, a burly man named Gregor cleaning a glass with a dirty bar rag. Shayne told him that he was looking for a warlock, but the bartender said he had not seen one. Shayne also showed him his tattoo and Gregor told him that he should be careful who he shows that to. Shayne then ordered an ale and a meat pie, and though not expecting much, they were both excellent.   Tenzin entered the temple of Morwen . It was the first time that he had been in any temple before, having learned his craft by doing not by studying. As he prayed he was approached by Lydia an acolyte of Morwen. She welcomed him to the temple and asked if she could be of assistance. Tenzin asked if he could speak with her superior about a matter of faith so he was introduced to Sister Amalia the exalted mother of the temple. They retired to her chambers to discuss things in private.   When they were alone, Tenzin told her that he had a strange sigil that just appeared one day on his chest. When he showed it to Sister Amalia she turned silent. She reached out and touched the sigil, seemingly just trying to make sure it was real. Then she told Tenzin that he was one of the Empaths a chosen instrument of Morwen. She told him that Empaths are rare and that there abilities could be a terrible burden. She would need to consult with her superiors. For now, she asked Tenzin to pray and remain true to the goddess. When she knew more she would contact him.   Druss and Gilligan decided to head to the River's Rest after the long day, while Arveer, Iados and Leonardo decided to stop in the temple square.   Leonardo and Arveer entered the temple of Morwen looking for Tenzin while Iados waited outside. They found Tenzin praying in the center of the temple. Arveer knelt beside him in support of his friend and waited for Tenzin to speak. After a time, Tenzin confided in Arveer and told him what Sister Amalia had said about the Empaths. Arveer moved by his friend's revelation, discussed how he wishes he could have done more to help his family. How he fears the role of leadership and how he is afraid that he may make the same mistakes again. Both prayed to Morwen for guidance.   Leonardo asked Lydia the acolyte about his vision and he showed her his drawing of what he saw in his dreams. She did not recognize the symbol, but said that it looked like scales which was a symbol of the goddess Dalana and she suggested that he visit her temple across the square.   Leonardo left the temple of Morwen and headed across the square to the temple of Dalana. There he met with Weldon a cleric in the service of Dalana. Leonardo showed him the drawing he had made and Weldon told him that it did resemble the scales of justice which are a symbol of his goddess. He suggested that Leonardo pray at the temple to find guidance. Leonardo knelt in prayer holding the drawing of the sigil from his dream. As he did so, he saw a vision of himself standing by the side of the Fate Bound fighting bravely. Then he saw an image of the scales and perhaps an image of Dalana herself with Leonardo standing with other warriors at his side. Abruptly he woke from the vision, not sure what he had seen.   Shayne arrived at the temple square and surprised Iados so much that he was almost brained by his staff. Shayne then went in search of Leonardo. Soon after Arveer and Tenzin met Iados in the square. When Shayne and Leonardo came out from the temple of Dalana they all headed to the River's Rest.   At the River's rest, the heroes met Rory Harfoot the proprietor. A jolly halfling he served them a dinner of roast duck. It was truly a fine meal. Gilligan, wanting to break the ice with this new friends, decided to use his magical skills to turn the water that Leonardo and Tenzin were drinking into alcohol. Although Leonardo was able to keep his wits, Tenzin was not so lucky. Great fun was had by all as Tenzin needed to be carried upstairs.   So ends session three.

Rewards Granted

30 GP from Commander Zander of the Riverguard

Character(s) interacted with

Brad, Robert and Jesapear Members of the Riverguard
Three members of the Riverguard that helped to defeat the Comet Spawn near the Druthain Wood.   Commander Zander
The leader of the Riverguard of Little Ferry. He hired the Fate Bound to look into the disappearances and get to the bottom of who is behind them.   Lydia Acolyte of Morwen
A cleric serving in the temple of Morwen in Little Ferry.   Sister Amalia
The exalted mother of the temple of Morwen in Little Ferry. She informed Tenzin that he may be an Empath.   Weldon Hand of Dalana
A cleric of Dalana in Little Ferry.   Gregor
The owner and bartender of Bloody Bill's in the Greyside district of Little Ferry.   Rory Harfoot
Halfling proprietor of the River's Rest in Little Ferry.
Into the Maelstrom
Leonardo Gallois
Level 6 Human Lawful good Paladin
(Folk Hero)
61 / 61 HP
Druss the Destroyer
Level 1 human lawfull good Fighter
10 / 12 HP
Gilligan Trottle
Level 6 Halfling Neutral Bard
42 / 42 HP
Tenzin Lurong
Level 6/1 Human lawful Good Cleric/sorcerer
(Acolyte )
42 / 42 HP
Iados Mahari
Level 6 Tiefling Chaotic Good Wizard
28 / 38 HP
Arveer Bloodbane
Level 6 Dragonborn Lawful Good Fighter
(Folk Hero)
2 / 61 HP
Shayne Karth
Level 6 Drow Chaotic Good Rouge
46 / 47 HP
Level 2 Wood Elf Neutral Good Ranger
23 / 23 HP
Report Date
06 Aug 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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