Session 7: Something is Rotten in Little Ferry Final Act: Looking for Answers Report

General Summary

Galensday the 9th of Harvestide in the year 3025 AF   The Fate Bound stood in silence as the magical barrier restraining the children dropped. They had defeated the plans of Colwyn Arnbyte and his cultists and rescued four of the missing children. Druss was unconscious on the edge of the rift, but before they could reach him a loud rumbling shook the chamber and with a great cracking sound the rift in the floor expanded so that it now blocked their way to the exit. The quake was strong enough to knock some of them to the ground.   Gilligan reacted first casting Healing Word on his friend Druss as he looked into the rift. Although the gap had widened, there was nothing coming up to the threaten the heroes. Arveer, his blood still pumping with adrenaline from his ordeal, grabbed two of children to protect them as he looked out over the widening gap in the floor. Tenzin ran to the dead body of Colwyn and investigated his skull finding that his brain was missing. Leonardo climbed the pedestal and grabbed the other two children to keep them safe. Iados and Shayne approached the rift looking for any threats.   As chunks of the ceiling continued to fall and the shaking continued the Fate Bound realized that they needed to get out as fast as possible. Gilligan leapt across the rift, but came up short and was barely able to grab onto the other side, his legs dangling into the abyss. Iados leapt across the rift making it to the other side, but slid prone onto the floor. Leonardo realizing he would not be able to make it holding the children told Arveer that he would get to the other side so that Arveer could throw the children over the rift to him. He then leapt off the platform and across the rift. As he fell to the ground on the other side, he reached out to grab Gilligan helping the halfling climb to safety. Tenzin spotted a wand on Colwyn's body and picked it up. He then went to the body of the creature that had appeared after Colwyn's death and stuck it in a sack. Druss, now healed, got up and gathered up the kids that Leonardo left on the platform. Shayne jumped across and quickly took out a rope and dangled it over the edge so that anyone jumping across would be able to grab it.   Arveer threw two of the children over the rift into Leonardo's arms and Druss did the same. Tenzin leapt across making it without incident as did Arveer. Druss was the last to jump across and was coming up short, but he was able to grab the rope that Shayne had placed over the edge. The weight of the burly fighter almost pulled the Drow over the edge, but a helping hand from Iados and Leonardo made it possible to pull Druss to safety.   The heroes rushed through the caverns with the children in tow. They passed through the caverns where the children had been kept and started to hear slurping and gurgling noises from up ahead. They remembered the bloblike creatures covered with mouths and eyes and fared that the path ahead would be blocked. As they approached the crypt where they killed the skeletons their worst fears were realized. The hideous creatures were in the room chewing on the bones scattered throughout the chamber. The door leading to the way out was behind the mouth-filled blobs of flesh. The sound of the creatures made all of the children very upset. The Fate Bound acted quickly. Arveer ran into the room past the creatures and stood guard by the door on the other side. Iados picked up one of the children and ran across the room through the door on the other side. Leonardo picked up a child and holding him close to his breast rushed across the room as well leaving him at the door with Iados. Druss picked up a young girl and comforting her moved across the room to bring her to safety. Shayne picked up the last child and knocked him out with the hilt of his weapon before running through the room and into the hallway on the other side.
Gibbering Mouther   Gilligan wanted to find another way out in case the way they had come in was blocked, so he rushed off in the opposite direction of the rest of the party back toward the room where the Fate Bound had originally found the Mouthers. Tenzin, not wanting to let his friend go it alone, raced after him. Stones continued to fall from the ceiling as the caverns looked likely to collapse, but the two heroes would not be deterred.   All of the running through the room had finally attracted the Gibbering Mouthers who slurped across the floor to attack. Arveer was blinded as the blob in front of him shot spittle into his eyes. Leonardo who had joined his friend to cover the children's escape slashed at the other Mouther. Iados and Druss rushed back into the room and joined the fray to help their friends.   Gilligan and Tenzin made it into the room where the mouthers had been kept. It was getting very dangerous as it was now clear that this section of the caverns was going to collapse very soon. Gilligan looked quickly around the chamber and saw that there were no exits. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something glinting in the rubble at the far end of the chamber. As Tenzin looked on the halfling sprang across the room to see what was glimmering in the gloom. It turned out to be a jewel encrusted gold bracelet still within the rotting arm of its former owner. Undeterred, the halfling grabbed it quickly arm and all and he and Tenzin fled the room dodging stones and debris falling from the ceiling.   As his friends battled the Mouthers in the crypt, Shayne gathered the children and using an unorthodox method he convinced them to follow him down the hallway away from the creatures. In the crypt, Iados was casting spells setting the Mouthers on fire while Arveer, Druss and Leonardo hacked away at the blobs.   Gilligan and Tenzin were now running for their lives as the caverns collapsed around them. Battered and bruised by falling rocks, they continued to stumble forward knowing that to stop would man certain death. Using their last bit of energy, they dove forward into the crypt just as the caverns behind them collapsed, dust filling the air around them. Looking up from the ground they smiled at each other and looked into the crypt just in time to see their friends finishing off the Mouthers.   The man-made crypt was not shaking as the natural caverns had been and it appeared that this area was safe. Before moving on they turned to the door with the warning placard on it. Shayne stepped up and unlocked it. They pushed upon the door which ground open slowly. The room beyond was a circular crypt with a stone sarcophagus in the center, a pile of coins to one side and a chest to the to the other. The most striking thing in the room was the sewn together golem standing stock still next to the sarcophagus. The golem did not move as the Fate Bound remained outside the room. After a quick discussion they decided to save the children first and come back to loot the crypt later.
Flesh Golem   Continuing on they found themselves back in the chamber where they had entered the crypts and decided to go down the cobwebbed filled hallway they had ignored in their urgency to save the children. At the end of the hallway they found a blank wall. Looking at it carefully they discovered a small stone that looked out of place. Pushing the button caused a section of the wall to snap open as dust fell through the opening. This door had not been opened in quite some time.   The chamber beyond was rectangular with two niches on three of the walls and an iron-bound door opposite where they had entered. Two stone urns were built into the floor equidistant from each other in the middle of the room. Looking around they saw that above each niche was a fresco. In order from left to right they depicted, wheat growing in a field, a vineyard, a general goods store, a weapons store, a trade caravan and finally a trade ship plying an ocean.. Within each niche was a stone bowl carved into the wall and within each bowl was a carving. From left to right they found a sheaf of wheat, a wine bottle, a sack of grain, a small stone sword, a wagon wheel and a model ship. The name Arnbyte was carved into the wall near the ceiling above the secret door.   Gilligan picked up the carving of the ship and tucked it into his backpack feeling certain it was important. Tenzin did the same with the sheaf of wheat. Not sure what to make of the room, the heroes opened the iron-bound door and discovered a spiral staircase which led to an above ground mausoleum. Dim moonlight entered the chamber casting shadows around the tight space. As they opened the door a strong night breeze hit their faces and they rushed out into the Stone Garden Cemetery eager to take a deep breath of fresh air.   They moved immediately toward the Temple Square even though the purple ship that appeared in the sky was no longer visible. They saw a few people moving away from the square toward them, but they paid them no heed. The square was mostly abandoned now with overturned carts and tables that had once been filled with food and other goods were now strewn all over the cobblestones. A large contingent of Riverguard were positioned in front of the Temple of Dalana along with a small crowd of onlookers. The temple looked to be damaged with a gaping hole in its roof where the spire had been.   The Fate Bound were concerned for the children and decided to take them to the Temple of Morwen across the square. The temple was a busy place as the wounded from the incident in the square had been taken their to be treated. Lydia escorted them to see Sister Amalia. As the clerics looked after the children Druss questioned them. He learned that they had been kept in the caverns for many days and had been traumatized by the Gibbering Mouthers. They had not seen any other captives in the place and new nothing of the cult's activities outside what had been done to them. The Fate Bound asked if the children could remain at the temple, but Sister Amalia told them that they should bring them to the Temple of Dalana to see their parents as soon as possible.   Seeing the wisdom of the cleric's words they left and headed toward the Riverguard stationed at the other end of the square. Leonardo led the way holding the hand of a child in each of his hands. Commander Zander and Sergeant Baldwin met them at the cordon and greeting them grimly. They were happy to see the children, but they told the heroes that a comet in the shape of a sailing ship had appeared in the sky over the Temple of Dalana and a beam of purple light had blasted down and destroyed the spire leaving a gaping hole in the roof. Now the member of the Shining Circle were inside and were not allowing anyone to enter. Leonardo told them that he believed that the parents of the children were inside and he and his friends were granted entry.
Damaged Temple of Dalana   As the commander had told them, a circular shaped gaping hole was in the ceiling where the steeple of the temple had been. A cluster of knights stood near the floor below the opening one of which was Gregori Erwin. Before they could approach the knights a group of people rushed forward toward the children. As they did so Gregori and another knight, a dwarf, rushed forward as well. All of them thanked the heroes profusely for saving their children. All except the parents of Quinn Jacoby who stood off to the side staring blindly forward.   After embracing his daughter Marlene and comforting his wife Nettie Gregori turned and strode toward Leonardo and asked him if he was now willing to accept his destiny. Leonardo hesitated only for a moment and then he answered yes. Pleased Gregori asked him to rise welcoming him to the order and to a lifetime of service to Dalana .   Observing the happy parents the heroes deduced that they all knew each other. Gregori sensed this and told them why that was so. Brett and Martha Jacoby had both served with the Shining Circle in Garrison and had met there and married. Marisa Belaran now comforting her son Lars was the widow of Alric Belaran who had served as a retainer for the knights of the Shining Circle. Beregar Splintershield a dwarven knight of the Shining Circle was giving his son Warick a bearhug. Ariel Quillen was hugging her daughter Jonila so tightly it appeared to hurt. She was the wife of Thom Quillen now a caravan guard, but once a fighter who worked for the Shining Circle in Garrison. He told them with the attack in the Temple of Dalana it was clear that the children were taken as a direct result of their affiliation with the Shining Circle of that he was sure.   As they looked to the floor of the church below the hole in the ceiling, they noticed three naked bodies of children, crushed with their limbs askew. Something appeared to be carved on their chests, but the heroes could not get close enough to make out what was written there. They learned from Gregori that they had been thrown from the ship to their deaths by a figure on the ship that could not be seen clearly. At that moment, Brett Jacoby rushed forward sobbing, saying that he had seen the figure on the ship and that it had been his son Quinn! His wife insisted it was not so, but he would not be silenced.   This stuck the Fate Bound like a hammer blow. Quinn aboard some other-worldly ship and taking part in such a heinous act. It was almost too much to bare. At that moment, Arveer's shoulders slumped and he staggered forward and collapsed. Perhaps he was finally feeling the effects of his struggle to free the children or perhaps he was wracked with grief over the seeming fate of Quinn. His friend's lifted him up carefully and they returned to the River's Rest and took a long needed rest.   Tyrsday the 10th of Harvestide in the year 3025 AF   The Fate Bound spent most of the next day relaxing in the River's Rest and talking about what had happened to them since they met on the road to Little Ferry. Druss left early and was gone for most of the day. In the evening the heroes received an invitation from Druss to a dinner in their honor.   At the dinner, Druss had many surprises for his friends. Joining them at the table were Commander Zander, Gregori Erwin, Merry Trumblefoot, Sister Amalia, and Goren Apfel.After a wonderful meal, Druss rose from the table and read out a prepared speech that he had written. He told his friends that he had invited all of the guests at the table so that they could help each of them grow as adventurers and as people. Commander Zander then handed Druss special badges making all of the Fate Bound honorary members of the Riverguard. Druss then showed them a banner with a green tree under five phases of the moon. He had a young child from the temple make it for them and he wanted to use it a the heraldry for the Fate Bound. Everyone enthusiastically agreed. Finally, Druss took out a bottle of Whiskey Gold and after handing out special shot glasses to each of them he poured the shots and they made a toast to their future together.   Lysday the 11th of Harvestide in the year 3025 AF   A cold, breezy sunlit morning greeted them as they ate a hearty breakfast. Today they had one task, defeating the golem and looting the Arnbyte crypt. The wand that Tenzin found was revealed to be a wand of magic missiles which was given to Iados. Arveer was also proud to learn that after using his sword to take down the magical barrier it had been imbued with magical properties. It was now a legendary Bloodbane sword. Armed with the sword and the magic wand the fully rested heroes made short work of the golem and looted the crypt.   Here ends session 7.

Rewards Granted

Wand of Magic Missiles
Javelin of Lightning   2 Paintings of Arnbyte Family Ancestors worth 100 GP each
6 golden goblets encrusted with jewels 50 GP each   500 GP 25 PP

Missions/Quests Completed

Unexplained Kidnappings   The Fate Bound thwarted the plans of the cultists of Thydos led by Colwyn Arnbyte and saved four of the kidnapped children of Little Ferry.

Character(s) interacted with

Lydia and Sister Amalia clerics of Morwen who were tending to the injured from the Temple Square.
  Commander Zander and Sergeant Baldwin who along with the Riverguard were met outside the damaged Temple of Dalana after they restored order in the Temple Square.
  Gregori Erwin a Knight of the Shining Circle who talked to the Fate Bound overjoyed to see his daughter Marlene had been saved.
Brett and Martha Jacoby the distraught parents of Quinn Jacoby who was not among he children that had been saved.


During the downtime, the Fate Bound learned the following additional information about the kidnappings in Little Ferry.  
  • A full investigation of Arnbyte Manor was conducted. No other cultists were found there and there were no other secret rooms or passages that were uncovered. The major domo that had greeted them on their visits to Arnbyte Manor was also nowhere to be found. His chambers were in a shambles, suggesting that he had left in a hurry. In the fireplace, they found a scrap of paper that had escaped the flames. It looked to be a map with an X marked on it next to the name Cold Hollow. Scribbled in the margin was the note, meet K there. There were no other clues in the room.
  • The strange four-legged creature that looked like a brain was identified by Goren Apfel as an intellect devourer. An intellect devourer resembles a walking brain that is protected by a crusty covering and set on bestial clawed legs. This foul aberration feeds on the intelligence of sentient creatures, taking over a victim’s body on behalf of its mind flayer masters.
  • The bodies of the children that had been thrown from the astral ship had words carved into them. After joining the Shining Circle Leonardo learned that each the message read, "Sins of the fathers".
  • Brett Jacoby continued to insist that he had seen his son throw the bodies from the astral ship. He became so distraught that he could no longer work in his shop and has instead been given over to the care of the clerics in the Temple of Dalana.
  • The Riverguard investigated all of the warehouses and holdings of Arnbyte shipping and were unable to find any other illegal or incriminating material. Only the warehouse that the Fate Bound had found the cultist in had illicit material in it.
Into the Maelstrom
Leonardo Gallois
Level 6 Human Lawful good Paladin
(Folk Hero)
61 / 61 HP
Druss the Destroyer
Level 1 human lawfull good Fighter
10 / 12 HP
Gilligan Trottle
Level 6 Halfling Neutral Bard
42 / 42 HP
Tenzin Lurong
Level 6/1 Human lawful Good Cleric/sorcerer
(Acolyte )
42 / 42 HP
Iados Mahari
Level 6 Tiefling Chaotic Good Wizard
28 / 38 HP
Arveer Bloodbane
Level 6 Dragonborn Lawful Good Fighter
(Folk Hero)
2 / 61 HP
Shayne Karth
Level 6 Drow Chaotic Good Rouge
46 / 47 HP
Report Date
08 Oct 2020
Primary Location


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