05a - Sewer Clog

General Summary

The city of Stonehelm requested the guild's aid in clearing the sewers of obstructions after a small earthquake knocked some stonework loose, letting strange creatures into the waterways.  


The Sewers

The party made it to Stonehelm without issue and the City Watch escorted the party to the sewer entrance. The party descended the stairs and the floor was flooded when it normally was not. They were told this was due to the obstructions and tunnel collapses they have suffered. They have sent teams in to repair the damage but the teams (that have returned) have brought reports of horrid creatures lurking in the sewers so the work is on hold until the waterways can be properly investigated.   Shortly after entering the murky water they see a number of dark brown oozes sliming about. They engaged and dispatched of the oozes, noting that this species of ooze(Later learned to be a Sewer Clot) would corrode their weapons and armor. They continued onward until a strange eel like creature lurched from the dirty water and attacked the party. They slayed one, but the other gained a tough scale-like appearance after biting Scaley making it tougher to kill and allowing it to escape from the party.   The party collects the corpse of the eel and learns that it isn't like any normal eel. This must have emerged from one of the tunnel openings, the party tenativley named them Darkdiver Eels. They continue on, keeping their eyes open for any sign of movement in the water for the surviving eel. They encounter a clogged drain further on, mainly of debris but the party also sees a humanlike limb sticking of of the trash. Upon investigating they find the corpse of a human male and determined that he had no visable wounds and had apparently drowned. They cleared the debris and moved the corpse to a dry spot and moved on.   The continued on the path until they found a wooden door in the stone wall. They attempted to open it only to discover it was locked and then decide to knock. A creature responds to the knock and questions the party about their reasons for being there and opens the door when they mention their investigation of the sewers and creatures. As the door swings open they see a humanoid rat standing before them and he introduces himself as Scarn.   Scarn mentions that he lost a friend down here recently and that he himself has heard strange wispering voices bouncing off of the stone walls and that he has felt an unease down here that he never had before. Banjo Kentucky offers him some of the Darkdiver Eel which Scarn offers to filet up for the party. They accept and he artfully slices the eel apart, giving the lions share back to the part and keeps a small amount for himself.   The party says their farewells and Scarn wishes them safe travels as he closes his door. The party continues into the sewer and without notice Banjo Kentucky begins to fly away as fast as he could, and Scaley began to wander further into the sewer without the party...


Expedition 05 - Sewer Clog pt. 2
Report Date
12 May 2022
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