

Scarn was once a human thief in Stonehelm's criminal underworld, known for his stealth and agility. However, his fortunes changed when he was cursed by a powerful magic-user, transforming him into a wererat and trapping him in that form permanently. Forced to flee from his former associates, Scarn found refuge in the city's sewers, where he learned to survive and even thrive among the vermin that scurried about.   Despite his appearance and reputation, Scarn is not a heartless killer. He values loyalty and honor, and he is fiercely protective of his adopted home in the sewers. When the Cartographers Guild stumbled upon him during one of their expeditions, Scarn was initially suspicious of their intentions. However, the guild recognized the potential value of having a wererat ally in the city's underworld. Through patience and diplomacy, they were able to earn Scarn's trust, and the wererat swore an oath of loyalty to the Cartographers Guild.   Since then, Scarn has served as a valuable asset to the guild, using his knowledge of the sewers and his abilities as a thief and scout to assist in their explorations and recoveries. He is particularly fond of the young apprentices, whom he sees as fellow outcasts and underdogs. Despite his fierce loyalty to the guild, however, Scarn remains an outsider in the eyes of many of its members, who view him with a mixture of fascination and revulsion. Nevertheless, he is determined to prove his worth and to protect his new friends from harm.

To uncover the truth behind the magical experiment that led to his transformation, and to seek revenge on the person responsible for cursing him.
Scarn's animalistic nature can sometimes get the better of him, causing him to act impulsively or aggressively in certain situations.
Scarn has a soft spot for anyone who is down on their luck or struggling to survive, having been in a similar position himself.

Guild Interactions

The Cartographers (Bondok, Enik, & Wally) first met Scarn while investegating the Stonehelm Sewers during Expedition 05a - Sewer Clog & 05b - Sewer Clog. He seemed somewhat friendly and answered the Guild questions without any problems, and even warned them when he noticed an Engorged Sewer Clot coming down the tunnel towards them, and then risked his life to lock and lure the ooze in his little sewer home, allowing the Guild to escape. The party was pleasantly surprised to find Scarn alive & waiting for them near the exit of the sewers. He informed them that he had a few hidden escaped in his home that he could crawl out of while the slime was distracted. With his home overtaken by the ooze, the Guild offered him a bed which he does occasionally stop by and use.   He was again encounted in the Sewer Pit Fighting Club while Wally and Enik were searching for Drog the Ruthless & Guk Morningstar during Expedition 23b - Surviving the Stink Smasher. He was sitting at a table in the fighters lounge with Flimflog, Himhog, & Gimgog drinking and gambling. Turns out he was a new fighter on the card, going against an Ettercap and its hoard of Giant Spiders.   Their venom was visably effecting Scarn, but he fought on and slayed every last arachnid in that pit, earning his first victory in the pit. While he was wounded from his own fight, that didn't stop him from launching himself into the pit to aid Wally and Enik when their fight against this stinking monster. He aided them in defeating it, as well as earning some of their victory purse and is welcomed back at the pit anytime.
  • Surviving
  • Children