05b - Sewer Clog

General Summary

The city of Stonehelm requested the guild's aid in clearing the sewers of obstructions after a small earthquake knocked some stonework loose, letting strange creatures into the waterways.  


Expedition 05 - Sewer Clog pt. 1
The party has already descended into the sewers and cleared out a number of unwanted sewer inhabitants, including a grouping of Sewer Clots as well as a Darkdiver Eel, though one of the eels did escape. They also found a drowned corpse blocking a sewer drain, as well as an apparently friendly ratfolk who lives down in the sewer named Scarn. Something happened after they were finishing sharing pleasantries with Scarnand left his home. Banjo Kentucky began flying as fast as he could away from the party, while Scaley began wondering deeper into the sewer by himself...
And that is where we find ourselves


The Alluring Depths

The party had a few options, chase Banjo, follow Scaley, or do both and split up. The party chose to follow Scaley since he had his light cantrip on and was easier to see, while Banjo flew off into the darkness. They catch up to Scaley and he mumbles something incoherent, points towards some rubbish laying partly in the waterway and partly on the stone walking path, and continues moving forward. The rest of the party cautiously follow as something has his attention and he seems rather determined.   Scaley reaches the rubbish pile and when reaches down to grab it he falls into the water. He begins to thrash in the water and the party quickly goes to help him get untangled of this trash and pull him up. Though almost as if an unknown cloud fog of was lifted from the parties mind they realized that Scaley wasn't tangled up in the rubbish, but some sort of Strange Sewer Creature had grabbed him, pried his mouth open, and was attempting to drown him.   The party acted quickly to attack this creature and help Scaley, even Scarn came out and lended his sword when he heard the commotion. This creature was rather tough, even with the party and Scarn hacking at it, it would continually try to drown Scaley, even as its blue blood seeped into the water. All of a sudden, as quickly as it attacked it dove into the water and swam away from the party with incredible speed.   At that Scarn began to sniff the air and look towards the large nearby drain tunnel. As he eyed that tunnel the party would notice that the stream of water that had been running from that tunnel slowly come to a stop, and that's when Scarn would urgently tell the party that "Its time to go boys!". But as he turns away to go he hears this rumbling, bumbling, slurping sound getting closer, and turns back to see this large Engorged Sewer Clot wetly CRASH into the waterway that party was currently standing in, and it began to move directly towards them.  

The Sickening Slime

Luckily the slime did not have the momentum it had as it came crashing down that drainage tunnel, giving the party some time to try and devise a plan. Though their strategizing was thrown off as the Engorged Sewer Clot crawled forward and assailed the parties noses with a putrid stench, nearly knocking them off their feet. They tried to turn and run but little did they know that they were already in it's reach as it lashed out with a slimey pseudopod.   Rushing to think of a plan the party though about using the fileted eel meat they had as a lure, to which Scarn not only agreed with, but took the parties filets and used them and himself to lure the ooze into his home, sacrificing himself. The party turned and kept running towards the stairs they came down from, only to be attacked by the Darkdiver Eel that escaped after developing scales from biting Enik. They took it out and were surprised to see Scarn waiting for them. He explained that he had a few hidden exits he could crawl through so he wasn't worried about being trapped with the ooze, though now his home is a putrid, poisonous mess so he asked if he could crash at the guild for a few nights until he could find a new sewer residence to which the party agreed.

Rewards Granted

Image Item & Description Quantity
Guild Payment 7gp, 5 sp each
Stonehelm Watch Payment 10gp each
Report Date
15 May 2022
Primary Location
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