07a - Hunting of the Beast

General Summary

Battalion Commander Regis Venxojeth has called a guild meeting and addresses the guild in the training hall.   "Reports stir of some great beast supposedly lurking outside of our humble city walls, our own Ranger Carfiir believes he saw the carnage himself near the Cave of Songs. Bodies of Giant Squirrel and man alike, torn and mangled like they were nothing. And now two children have gone missing from Ostenward without a trace.   Cartographers! Keep your eyes out for any sign of these children or beast. Rangers! You will be posted around the northern edge of Ostenward, to keep any beast out, but to also keep any curious Townsfolk from wandering to their demise. You know have your duties, now get to it! This meeting is adjourned, Guild dismissed!"  


The Great Beast

The party made it to the Cave of Songs without issue, though their journey was unusually quiet and everyone was on edge after Enik brought up the Bellymaw. Thankfully the creature was not spotted, but what they party saw at the cave was nearly as gruesome. The smells of the fetid and decaying flesh and entrails strewn about the clearing in front of the cave nearly made the party nauseous where they stood. The poachers cages, Giant Carnivorous Squirrels traps were left smashed and stained with blood, the torso of some humanoid stuck in the branches of a nearby tree, a swarm of flies feasting on its innards. They think they spot some small sets of footprints dried in the mud, almost children sized...and then suddenly the ground began to shake...   A Monstrous Bear Creature emerges from mouth of the cave, its bulk barely fitting through as it grinds against the stone wall, ground rumbling with each step. It lets out a horrifying roar, baring ferocious fangs and flashing horrifyingly long claws. Yet beneath all that noise the party hears the all to familiar "fwumph" sound of an arrow being loosed from a longbow, followed by three more, "fwumph, fwumph, fwumph", and the party see a flurry of arrows sink into the top of this creature as well as group of poachers that had been hiding in the trees and brush around the clifftop.   The party silently agrees to ignore the poachers for now as they focus on the bearlike creature in front of them. With their combined effort they do fell this foul beast, the party lock eyes with the poachers who raise their bows in response. The party turns their attention to the poachers now, though their advantageous position on the cliff made it difficult. That was until Wally climbed the wall and enlarged himself while blocking their path (and squishing one beneath him, but we won't talk about that). After the party dispatched of the poachers and looted their corps, they took a short rest while they harvested what they could from the creature. They then cut it open and gutted it, searching its multitude of stomachs for signs of the children. They found many bones but didn't believe any of them to be children bones.   They finished their rest by sitting down and tending to their wounds, but during that Enik and Wally thought they saw a shining golden rabbit dart into a nearby brush and decided to follow it on an impromptu hunt...
We will continue in

Expedition 07b - The Lost Ones

Rewards Granted

Image Item & Description Quantity
Ghillie Suit
Light Armor, 10 AC, This suit grants you advantage on stealth check in those forest regions.
Martial Ranged, 150 / 600 ft, Heavy / Two-Handed / Ammunition, 1d8 piercing damage
Strange Bear Meat Jerky
Meat harvested from the strange cave bear, stringy in texture, but flavorful.
Strange Bear Claw
Long, thin, curved claws harvested from the strange white cave bear. They would make ideal scimitars or sickles.
Strange Bear Fang
These fangs could be fashioned into javelin tips, or potentially into a claw style weapon.
Report Date
19 Jun 2022
Primary Location