Obsidian Covenant




  • We believe in the almighty Obsidian, the sovereign of creation, who, with divine wisdom, brings forth order from the abyss of chaos.
  • We humbly dedicate our toil to Obsidian, each hardship a sacred offering. In our suffering, we find His grace, and through our sacrifice, His bounty unfolds. Our pain is His strength, our labor His blessing. This solemn truth is our creed, our unwavering testament to Obsidian.
  • We pledge to rise as warriors, to fight not for our glory but for the revered name of Obsidian, who inspires valor and courage within our souls.
  • We hold steadfast to the sacred doctrine that belief in any entity other than our divine Obsidian is heresy, a betrayal of faith, a fall from the path of truth.
  • We submit ourselves to Obsidian's divine teachings, allowing its wisdom to purify our minds, align our hearts, and lead us toward the path of righteousness.
  • We profess our divine commitment to disseminate the sacred word of Obsidian to the furthest reaches of the lands. Under the sanctified banner of Obsidian, be it through the power of His divine word or the might of His holy sword, we vow to usher in a reign of order amidst the chasms of chaos.
  • With joyous resolve, we surrender our lives to the glorious call of Obsidian.

Obsidian Covenant

In the shadow of the One's fall, the Gods rose to claim power. Reality trembled under the weight of burgeoning chaos, a tempestuous sea of disorder. Among these divine beings, it was Obsidian alone who stood resolute, a beacon amidst the storm, offering sanctuary and guidance towards order, security, and virtue.   Obsidian, in its celestial wisdom, sought to accomplish this divine mission through peaceful means. Yet, the rival deities, blinded by their hubris, scorned the offerings of peace from Obsidian. This rejection stirred the ire of our Exalted Deity.   It was in this moment of divine revelation that Obsidian grasped the hard truth: that order can only be fully realized through the might of the sword. The untamed can only be tamed through the rule of the strong hand, and creation can only know tranquility through the meticulous orchestration of control. Thus was born the Obsidian Covenant, a doctrine of order destined to usher in an era of universal peace.   Obsidian's teachings are the only path through which creation may taste the sweet fruit of unity. Obsidian's doctrine, resplendent with wisdom, elucidates the meticulous establishment and adherence to a divine order. While the retribution of Obsidian may be perceived as stern and swift, it is enacted with a loving heart, always considering the collective good.   Rest assured, in the embrace of Obsidian, we are guided by a divine hand that acts not out of cruelty, but out of love, aiming for an ordered cosmos in which all creation may flourish in harmony and peace.  




  The faithful members of the Obsidian Covenant express their heartfelt gratitude to Obsidian for the unwavering order and sublime grace bestowed upon them when they wake, during nourishment, and as they rest. They humbly thank Obsidian for the privilege of serving their Lord another blessed day, deeply appreciating the opportunity.   In observance of their devotion, adherents attend the sacred services led by esteemed members of the revered Obsidian Clergy three times a week. During these reverent gatherings, the clergy enlighten the congregation by imparting wisdom from the sacred Book of Obsidian, fortifying their understanding and reinforcing the profound tenets of the Covenant.   Once a month, the devout followers demonstrate their commitment by partaking in a solemn act of sacrifice: offering up their meals to Obsidian and abstaining from food for an entire day. It is through this act of self-denial and perseverance that individuals draw closer to the presence of Obsidian, allowing His divine embrace to envelop them, ultimately leading them towards greater order and grace.  

Obsidian Crucible

  The Obsidian Crucible, as the name suggests, is a rigorous education program designed by the Obsidian Covenant to expose the greatest value every child can provide to the covenant.   Upon turning 10, children are taken from their homes and transported to the forbidding stone citadel known as the Obsidian Monolith, the primary location for the Crucible. Here, in the heart of the Covenant's power, they begin their journey of 'enlightenment'. The towering edifice is a grim representation of the Covenant's power, with its black stone walls, eerie torch-lit corridors, and chillingly austere classrooms.   Education in the Crucible is divided into two main parts: indoctrination and training. The indoctrination component involves rigorous lessons on the Covenant's theology, history, and laws. Children learn to recite the Covenant's tenets and its leaders' accomplishments by rote, using ancient texts filled with cryptic symbols and narratives that glorify the Obsidian Covenant.   Meanwhile, the training component is designed to break down the barriers of each child for them to reach how best they may serve the covenant. Children undergo harsh physical training, endurance tests, and intense instruction, all under the relentless watch of their black-robed tutors. This regimen is coupled with reinforcement of Obsidian's principles to ensure the Covenant's doctrines are thoroughly ingrained in each student.   In the final phase, children are subjected to the 'Trial of Ascendance'. This is an intense examination that tests their physical prowess and loyalty to the Covenant. Once a child has completed their Crucible by the age of fifteen they will be refered to as ascendants and they will be given their vocational assignment to one of the many forms of service to the Covenant.   Guilds   Many ascendants are destined for the life of a guildsman or guildswoman, dispatched to various towns or cities to commence their apprenticeships in their allocated trades like blacksmithing, merchandising, carpentry, farming, and more. Though these roles are pivotal in the Covenant's structure, they are perceived, somewhat disparagingly, as the most humble assignments one could be tasked with.   Orders of Obsidian   Ascendants often find themselves summoned into the distinguished echelons of the Obsidian Orders. Every novice is allocated a place within one of the ten hallowed orders, setting out on a profound journey as a nascent acolyte. Each order imparts its unique brand of training within their dedicated temples, offering a myriad of diverse paths to spiritual and martial enlightenment.   Obsidian Stewards   Within the vast expanse of the Obsidian Covenant, an intricate network of administrators, record-keepers, and tax collectors forms the backbone of its governance. Those ascendants entering the esteemed ranks of the Covenant Stewards are amongst the most intellectually elite and erudite to have weathered the Crucible. As these Stewards ascend in their stations, they are frequently handpicked for roles of governorship and political leadership within the Covenant's sphere of influence.   Obsidian Judicators   Those selected for the esteemed ranks of the Judicators have demonstrated such unswerving commitment to the laws and dictates of the Obsidian Covenant that they are set on the path towards becoming esteemed arbiters of justice. Upon ascendance, they take on critical roles as guardsmen, bailiffs, sheriffs, and judges, becoming the living embodiment of Obsidian's will and authority.   The Path   Ascendants radiating with the fervent flame of faith in Obsidian are blessed to embark on the revered Path of Obsidian. Upon this divine journey, they are destined to join either the sacred clergy or the revered inquisition.   Whether they choose to wield the power of words or brandish the might of the sword, these faithful disciples are tasked with a holy mission. As they tread the Path of Obsidian, they are entrusted with spreading the divine word of Obsidian to the multitude.   Their mission, sanctioned by the heavens, is to scatter the seeds of order throughout the realms. Like sowers in a field, they sow with every step, every word, and every swing of the sword, nurturing a landscape where order will take root and flourish, under the watchful eyes of Obsidian.   Obsidian's Hand   Ascendants who demonstrate aptitude for covert operations and clandestine activities find their place within the esteemed ranks of the Obsidian's Hand. Within the secretive halls of the Obsidian's Hand, a formidable assemblage of spies, agents, and assassins diligently carry out the discreet and shadowy actions demanded by the Covenant.   The Obsidian's Hand serves as the covert arm of the Covenant, undertaking vital tasks that often operate beyond the public eye. These skilled operatives infiltrate and navigate through the intricate webs of secrecy, executing missions with finesse, precision, and utmost discretion.   Bladesworn   The second-most elusive honor an ascendant may be bestowed with is the sacred mantle of a Bladesworn. This revered order beckons those who are prepared to withstand a rigorous crucible of training, as they learn the intricate dance of the sword and, akin to the Magi, tap into the pulsing veins of the world's mystical energies.   Through this profound attunement, graduates ascend to become some of the most formidable warriors known to our world. They become a symphony of martial prowess and magical attunement, a force to be reckoned with, standing as bulwarks of Obsidian's doctrine.   Every Bladesworn is an embodiment of an entire army, a paragon of divine might, standing firm against the unholy onslaughts that dare to halt the spread of Obsidian's holy teachings. They are the silent guardians, the watchful protectors, and the mighty warriors that preserve the sanctity of the Obsidian way.   Obsidian Magi   Ascendants who demonstrate an intrinsic harmony with the enigmatic forces that lace our world are chosen to cross the threshold into the esteemed domain of the Magi. This path is an elusive one, with only a scant few making their way into these sanctified chambers.   The metamorphosis to become an Obsidian Magi is a daunting crucible that often ends in mortal surrender. However, those who defy the odds and emerge victorious from this arcane crucible are inducted into the world's deepest mysteries.   Endowed with such mystical knowledge, these stalwart Magi bear the heavy responsibility of shielding the sublime purity of the Obsidian way. They stand as vigilant sentinels, keeping at bay the taint of alien gods and powers that threaten to mar the perfection of Obsidian's cosmic design. Through their valor and wisdom, they assure the world remains in harmonious attunement with the divine rhythm of Obsidian.  

Authority of Dominion

In centuries past, the lands were divided into various kingdoms, each driven by their own ambitions and goals. Unfortunately, these differing objectives often led to conflicts and wars, resulting in immense suffering for the people. Recognizing the urgent need for peace and stability, Lord Avatar took decisive action by implementing the Obsidian Covenant. The Covenant aimed to eliminate internal wars and establish a harmonious and secure land for its inhabitants. To achieve this, Lord Avatar dismantled the old kingdoms and eradicated the artificial barriers that fueled conflict. The emphasis shifted from territorial disputes to a structured governance system.   Understanding the necessity of maintaining order and efficient administration, Lord Avatar, together with the guidance of Grand Chancellor Orias, devised a hierarchical structure to govern the liberated lands. They divided the territories into dominions, each to be overseen by a governor. The dominions were entrusted with the vital responsibility of reporting taxes, monitoring population dynamics, and developing essential infrastructure within their respective territories.   Within each dominion, realms were established and placed under the administration of a prefect. Prefects acted as intermediaries between the governor and the realms, ensuring effective governance and representing the interests of both the central authority and the inhabitants of the realms.   Further divisions within realms were introduced as districts, each under the jurisdiction of a viceroy. Viceroys played a crucial role in managing and overseeing the districts, ensuring the enforcement of laws, and promoting regional development.   Lastly, to facilitate local governance and address the specific needs of communities, districts were divided into administrative areas known as counties. Each county was entrusted to a magistrate, who served as the local authority responsible for the efficient administration and welfare of the county's inhabitants.   Through the implementation of this structured hierarchy, Lord Avatar and Grand Chancellor Orias aimed to foster stability, cooperation, and unity across the conquered lands. The new system aimed to replace the arbitrary lines on the map that once fueled conflict with a harmonious and prosperous future for all.
Religious, Organised Religion
Government System
Notable Members


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