
'Through hardships, perils and death. I have persevered. Thanks to the ankh of my father. It sustains and protects me.' - Translated text from a sunken temple in Sabal'Har

Written by Yerran

The Ankhs were created long ago by The Ancients in an attempt to protect and preserve life. Originally manufactured in the now crumbling city of Dhun Khenil, each rune and marking is a form of the Ancient's magic-infused language. The pattern of this language and the material that the ankh is made from dictates the object's purpose.

In the days of the ancients, most people carried these as a form of personal power. They could be used to power vehicles or interface with magical constructs and attendants, though most were created as a way to ward off death. They absorbed magic from other sources and could impart that magic into people, healing their wounds, curing ailments and in some cases, even reviving the dead.  

Cheating Death

To bring back the fallen, the ankh had to be bonded to a person. This happened when someone carried it with them for a long period of time, usually several years. The ankh slowly absorbed energy dictating their personality and soul, storing an imprint of it within the object. If they were to die, then the ankh would use this imprint to anchor the soul to the ankh and expend its energy to heal the body of whatever killed the person, before returning their soul to the body and bringing them to life.  

Ankh's in Today's Society

These were carried by everyone in the days of the ancients and when the Cataclysm caused the destruction of that society and much was lost, it was assumed these would also be lost. However, in the Age of Strife that followed, people needed hope to survive, and feeling that their ancestors were watching over them helped. Many Ankhs were passed down to children and though they had become depleted, people still carried them as charms.

Now people still craft and use these ankhs as symbols of luck, hope, protection and the like, though it is incredibly rare to find an original one from the days of the ancients. Many of those were lost or destroyed, and even if someone did find it, they would have to figure out the correct procedure for charging and maintaining it. Something that few could manage, even if they were to know the difference. Even with many forgetting the original purpose of ankhs, they still play an important role in society and many people give them as gifts to their family members, hang them from ships on long voyages and stamp them on armour when heading to battle.

There is truth in the modern tale that they offer protection or luck. Many modern-day ones are crafted in a fashion similar to their heritage, often with similar rune patterns and materials. Though these possess nothing of the same power, they can absorb fractions of it, expelling them to: prevent an injured man from dying, keeping someone from falling from a ledge or avoiding an arrow by the smallest margin. The tiniest amount of energy from these at crucial times can in fact tip the scales, much to the ignorance of the people. However, the ankhs differ enough that some are purely duds, and there is no way to know for sure, as none possess the ability or magic knowledge to really check.

Another Tale of Venya

Geographic Location | Jul 7, 2024
Learn more about the world, its history and the factions here.

Lasting Ankhs

It is extremely rare, but not unheard of that original ankhs, still able to hold power are found. Some of these have been found in the Sabal'Har Desert where sands have preserved and protected them for eons. Depending on the state these can be huge sources of information and power. Some still have bonded soul slivers and can communicate with those that know how.  This is often carried out in the archaeological university in Sab Narath.

These are valuable the world over and those who know their real history seek them out for the power they offer. Though some that are cracked or broken can leak their magic into the world around them, causing unpredictable, chaotic and often dangerous effects.

The Greatest of Ankhs

An incredibly powerful ankh exists in Lenwir at the centre of the Wisp Ankh Inn. Though those that enter would never suspect. The ankh is hidden at the inn's core, powering the magic that preserves it, protects its patrons and appears to those in need. It has maintained its power due to the nature of its magic and has a personality of its own. Though many would give anything to find the inn's true power source and take it for themselves, they would likely perish in the attempt. The inn is far from defenceless. Those who sought it would likely never find it, getting lost in a maze of shifting corridors, leading to dangerous and hostile environments, and if they did reach the centre, the innkeeper would be waiting for them. A powerful entity in its own right.


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Aug 1, 2024 05:53 by George Sanders

I like items that can tell a story or be part of the story. Ankh's have a history as a type of item and you opened it up to each one being unique and potentially having an impact on whatever story they cross paths with as well.

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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Aug 2, 2024 20:34 by Yerran

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed reading it. This prompt actually gave me the idea for another prompt so it was a happy bonus!
