Arenal Luxlight, The Summer Lady

Arenal Luxlight was born to rule. Her family have been leaders for generations and she is no different. She holds a natural well of druidic power that has given her an edge over those of her council that see her as too young to rule. Her considerable power was amplified by Tiandra's gift of the 'Mantle of the Summer Lady' and she has continued to rule over Greenleaf and the Southern Elyswer since. Those that once had doubts have now fallen into line and would follow their Queen to death and back should she command it. Her day to day is spent managing the Southern Elyswer and ensuring the safety of its citizens as well as maintaining relations with those of The Elyswer's neighbour nations. The Summer Lady is often employed by Tiandra to maintain relations with others due to her family's reputation, abilities in statecraft and positive attitude.   


Kalros Luxlight, Arenal's father, was king of the gnomes for one hundred and ninety two years. He oversaw the migration and settlement of dozens of tribes of gnomes from across Lenwir and further afar, bringing them into Greenleaf and creating harmony between tribes that once hated each other. He is known for his skills in diplomacy and statecraft, growing the Elyswer, Gnome-kind and fostering peace and strong relations with their southern neighbours in Luren and Nemir. However, his unexpected disappearance in 2467 AC on an expedition to Crag Fyr threw the eighteen year old Arenal into the seat of power. She was alone as ruler and last of the Luxlight bloodline. Her mother and two sisters vanished in 2454 AC in the area of the Bitterwood to the north, while trying to bring the ice-gnomes to Greenleaf. Though the exact details of events is murky at best, and that tribe has since vanished.  


Arenal Luxlight is from the 'Forest Gnome' clan and therefore holds power over the others in Greenleaf. Though in the years after her ascendence the other clans questioned her rule, since Greenleaf had become their home after the great migration during Kalros' reign. These protests have since been quashed, as the years went on and her competence shone through. The last few acknowledged her as supreme ruler of the gnomes upon seeing the gift of 'Summer Lady' bestowed upon her by Tiandra. Though she now has a firm grip on the hearts of the gnomes, others occasionally seek to bypass her or ignore her, considering gnomes less important than themselves. She does not tolerate this kind of treatment, and has been known to make an example of those that would belittle herself and her kind.  


Though Arenal seems short of stature and young compared to most that sit upon the council, her power is an order of magnitude above the other gnome leaders. Even before the gift of the Summer Lady she could best the others with her skill in both magical and physical combat, but after the mantle of the Summer Lady she can now dominate with her will alone and her mental powers should she require it (though the power of summer rarely enforces its will in such a way, more through honeyed words, suggestion and pleasantries). Her impressive druidic abilities have been supplemented with the power and she can perform acts of great strength, speed and magic when required.


2449 AC  


Queen of the forest gnomes, ruler of Greenleaf, The Summer Lady.

The Mantle of the Summer Lady

The mantle of the Summer Lady was granted to Arenal in 2491 AC. Though she is relatively new to this power, she has been a ruler and leader of the forest gnomes for longer, and the added power has only helped to increase her strength and support among her people. The mantle supplements her already impressive druidic powers and she can communicate directly with Tiandra as well as move herself or others anywhere in the Elyswer by communing with the great tree Am'uan. The strength of the mantle provides longevity as well as superhuman speed, strength and survivability.


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