Sabal, Nation of the Eternal Emperor

Nation of sand and blood.

Written by Yerran

As seen in
The brutal heat of the sun bears down on me, as the white dunes of Sabal’Har stretch as far as the eye can see. The sands shift and shake with the thrum of power. Power secreted away beneath the ashes of long dead civilisations. Power sought by the denizens of the desert, to hold and use against others in their quest for domination. To the north I see armies stirring and marshalling, their shouts filling the vast courtyards of a sectioned city. To the west a gleaming copper metropolis erupts from the desert, a place where wealthy and poor are never seen together. To the south a huge excavation site buzzes with work and baggage trains fill the road to a great port. Far to the north-west a city sits against the tumultuous magic of the ocean. Huge rods rise from all every buildings, like long tongues raised skyward to taste the first drops of rain. But it's not rain but magically charged lightning they suck at as storms of chaotic energy thunder from the ocean. Energy that can be stolen, manipulated and bent in laboratories far beneath the city. Yes, this desert is very much alive, and all that churns within is ready to explode across Lenwir.


The Empire of Sabal covers much of the western continent and is made up almost entirely of humans. Though many foreigners pass through its markets on their travels and in trade, all are given a wide birth and suspicious glances, for none are trusted.  


At the nations centre, surrounded entirely by desert, lies Sab Dubar, capital of Sabal. For all travellers and pilgrims the gleam of the Brass Citadel can be seen from miles, and at its centre sits the Sapphire throne. A monolithic chunk of pure Sapphire scoured from beneath the treasure rich sands of The Sabal'Har. Many consider such a think an omen, one attached to the rule of the Eternal Emperor and his Empress, who have prospered and ruled since the finding of the great throne, almost three hundred years ago.  

The Eternal Emperor

All that live within the desert fall under the jurisdiction of The Emperor and worship him as a deity, for no other religions are permitted within the nations borders. No others have earned their worship more than the Emperor, or so the legends say. A demi-god who has been a fixture of Saballian culture for over three hundred years.

His long life and presence is preached as a blessing and gift. His rule, though often considered cruel by dissidents within the Empire and without, cannot be refuted for its success. In the years since his arrival he has conquered and combined the warring tribes of the desert, pulling them from the ragged caravans and lawless towns of a great desert, where all treasures found were fair game, and dangerous and magic items ran loose into a great and powerful nation. One that has survived the test of time, so far.  


The wealth and strength of the empire lies beneath its sands. A place where the ancient civilisation of Famala rests, its struggle forgotten and its abrupt end a missed lesson. For it is not the history the treasure hunters of Sabal care for, or its warnings, but the power of the long lost nation's magic, magic imbued and kept alive in artefacts, preferably ones that can be sold. The lifeblood of the nation is through the trade of artefacts and the knowledge salvaged from the dead. A lifeblood that is built on the backs of slaves and 'indentured prisoners', those taken by The Silver Chain 


Though the Empire has eyes for the lush lands of Alenian and Nemir, it is hesitant to act, for war would halt all trade and without trade, the nation would have no food, for nothing grows in the deserts of Sabal. Eventually, the flow of artefacts will dwindle and with it power and control, so the Empire keeps the most powerful for themselves, as a they plots future conquest. Any war must be swift and merciless, for anything protracted will surely draw the ire of all the nations on Lenwir, and that would be the beginning of the end for Sabal.

Beneath the Sabal'Har

Many pass through Sabal on their travels, but few remain long. A group of such adventurers fit that bill. Their stay in Sandmyst Point was explosive before they vanished into the sands without a trace, a common tale to the denizens of Sabal. Follow along and read up on the escapades of our adventurers in 'Act 1: Treasure Beneath the Sabal'Har', a DnD/RPG adventure written as a tale.

Type: Nation


2.1 million (95% human, 5% other races)  


Beneath the rule of the Eternal Emperor and by extension his family.  


A huge standing army, mostly located in Sab Izel . Though each town/city has a sizable force of city guards and a branch of The Silver Chain . An uncountable number of mercenary guards ply their trade in protection of caravans and can be press-ganged into service if needed.


Most common services can be acquired across Sabal, though their trade is largely dependent on history and ancient artefacts scoured from the ruins of Famala and ancient lost civilisations.


The Archeological Institute, The Silver Chain, The Purple Dagger, The Grey Moon, Children of the Emperor


Northern Sabal
South-Eastern Sabal


  Karos is a town alone amongst the The Shifting Sands , built atop a plateau, overlooking the tumultuous sand dunes that flow likes waves of an ocean. A place outside the jurisdiction of Sabal. Famous for its resistance, lawlessness and sand-pirate crews. Step aboard and learn more!

Articles under Sabal, Nation of the Eternal Emperor


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