Blood Rite Sacrifices

'Let the blood flow. Let it smother the land. Let the Blood Serpent consume it all, and the world with it.' – Chant of a Szenthian High Priest

Blood Rite Sacrifices are a long abhorred form of worship by almost all factions and races across Lenwir, most having died out or been expunged long ago. The last on the mainland was eradicated in the last war of The Emperor of Sabal, when he eradicated a death cult necromancer in Demonfall.

However, upon the isle of Xieyin exists a race of snake-like people that have it as a fundamental part of their lives, power and religion. All their acts swirl around these Blood Rite Sacrifices and ultimately preserve them, even after the War of Scales where the Kylithotal Empire empire all but wiped the Szenthians from the world.


The tales tell of a great snake that lived below their kingdom, birthing the Szenthian and sending them out into the world to bring back more for her to eat and grow their people. This continued for a long time until the eventual death of the serpent named Lashiaz, the Blood Serpent

With her death, the Szenthian Empire began to wane, and so it sought to bring her back to life. They were unsuccessful in their attempts until a high priest recommended feeding her the blood of her enemies and infusing it with magic. When the first few drops landed on the snake's corpse, it began to move, its blue-green scales turning a bright red. Her eyes came alight with crimson light and she demanded more. 

The kingdom rejoiced feeling their power grow again, but when they ran out of sacrifices it began to wane and the blood god began to decay. They knew they had bound their lives to this creature and without it they would perish. So they began to invade, conquer and steal any creatures they could that made suitable sacrifices. The stronger the being the more power it offered and so then flourished the kingdom of Szenthian. These blood sacrifices became a staple for their worship and were ways for them to gain great power.


The Szenthians drag those to be sacrificed to the top of a stepped temple, lie them upon the altar and use sacred implements and daggers shaped like snake fangs to murder their victims. Then do this in whatever way extracts the most blood from the creature and allows it to flow down the side of the altar, along intricately cut rivulets and over the side into special pools. 

The body is then thrown off the back of the temple into a great pit and consumed by the snaklings that live there. If this is during a phase when Lashiaz, the Blood Serpent has reincarnated and exists as a snake then the bodies are thrown directly into her mouth, or a pit that she alone feeds from. Either way, the god is able to consume their spirit and essence and forever bind their soul to Lashiaz, where it riles in eternal torment until she is expelled from the mortal world once more.


Great events occur when the Red Moon is high in the sky. This moon is often referred to by the Sznenthians as 'The Blood Moon' and they believe that through its guidance and power, it can thin the veil and allow more of the sacrifice and blood to reach their god Lashiaz, the Blood Serpent. This is somewhat true and where their empire held its greatest power, the sky became a reflection of the ground. While red blood coated the stones and floor of the temples and jungle, the sky turned a bloody hue, blocking the stars from sight and emboldening the Blood Moon to gigantic proportions.

A Tale of Venya

Geographic Location | Jul 7, 2024

    Learn more about the world, its history and the factions here.

Lashiaz, The Blood Serpent

The great god of the Szenthians seeks to ever grow and consume. Her power grows with each soul she can consume through their blood and flesh. While in the spirit world, she can only consume the lifeblood that is sacrificed or blessed by her agents. However, during her time in the material world, she is able to consume the flesh of any growing with each meal.

This power grows with big sacrifices and wanes over time. So a drought of sacrifices means that her power shrinks to almost nothing. This directly impacts the Szenthians who draw their power from her directly. Meaning their spellcasters and warriors are much more powerful when she is well fed and somewhat satiated, compared to if there has been a lull in sacrifices.


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Aug 25, 2024 22:21 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

This is a well concieved and executed article. Solid worldbuilding.

Follow my worlds: Arrhynsia and Compendium and check out my author website at to see my latest work!
Aug 26, 2024 08:40 by Yerran

Thank you very much!
