
'A copse of mushrooms stood up. Like with little feet and legs. Then there were hundreds, all around. I just... just ran. What the hell else was I supposed to do?' - Human Tracker

Created by Tiandra, The Summer Queen Mushgnomes are intelligently designed creatures with an important role in the maintenance of the realms. They were created to roam the fey wylds. A huge expansive area between the seasonal courts at the centre of fey and the bastions and wars of The Court of Flame & Frost upon the edge of the realm. This area is usually inhabited by wild fey and ruled over by a range of powerful fey barons and baronesses, like that of the wyld hunt. Though the Mushgnomes care little for that, or hold allegiance to any but Tiandra. Their role is to wander the wylds for any sources of decay that have seeped through the bastions or entered another way and consume it. They are purifiers and once a Mushgnome family gets a scent of any kind of decay or corruption in their realm, they will follow it until it is completely purified. Family groups can manipulate Tiandra's magic and create minor ruptures in the veil to pass through during their hunts. This may take them into the mortal realm or further afield into other realms, but the hardy Mushgnomes can handle all manner of environments and horrors they come across by secreting all manner of spores that can have a range of deadly or enhancing effects. 

Within the mortal realm, Mushgnomes exist in small settlements of the Elyswer and usually trundle through the magic-rich environment, occasionally falling through decaying areas into other realms and purifying them. The creatures have a large permanent district in the city of Greenleaf in the Southern Elyswer that many call home.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

The process of Mushgnomes reproduction is certainly a sight to behold. Though anyone unfortunate enough to get caught up in it will likely never speak of it again. Descriptions are vague at best, but the general recordings in books, before the words and glyphs become gibberish go like this:

Reproduction usually involves a family group, or more than one and begins when the eldest mushgnomes release their reproduction spores. This causes a chain reaction that sees spores exploding from each and every mushgnome in the area. The air becomes so thick with spores that it's like wading through a sandstorm, and each spore that touches a creature causes a shock of pleasure and a little loss of sense. This is where the records get hazy, because any natural creature caught in this loses all self-control, much to their shame, and becomes a member of the strangest and wildest interspecies sexual ritual whether they wish it or not. I will spare the details but, when those, not mushgnomes come to their senses they are often naked and covered in a film of spores.

Growth Rate & Stages

After reproduction mushgnomes release their spores onto a damp and usually dark patch of ground or rotting log. In certain situations, this can also be a corpse or body of a sick or infected creature. From here there are three distinct stages of their life:  

Stage 1 - Toadles:

The mushgnomes grow like normal mushrooms. First, they sprout like a seedling and then form a colourful cap, the colour of which is dependent on their parent group and the location they are growing in. This stage usually lasts about a year, but can be sped up if extra nutrients, water or magic is added to the process. By the end of the process, the Toadles are usually about 30cms tall and 10cm thick with a wide-coloured mushroom cap, much like wide-brimmed sunhat. The end of this phase is marked by the growth of two black beady eyes and some humanoid facial features on the stalk of the mushroom, like a mouth and a small nub of a nose, barely noticeable really.  

Stage 2 - Mushling 

The transition from a Toadle to a Mushling is symbolised by nubs forming around the centre of the mushroom's stalk. These quickly grow to become little arms, and soon the Mushling can lift itself from the ground on its legs. The appendages don't have any joints, but are relatively flexible with the soft tissue of the mushroom and move freely where they touch the stalk. The Mushlings are then free to roam the world, though usually do so in their family units as they learn much from their elders and are safer in a group. They continue to grow through this stage which usually lasts about 5 years and sees them usually growing to a height of 1 metre. During this stage, they develop the ability to speak, though primitively, and also appear slightly more humanoid. The end of this stage of their growth is marked when they are able to produce spores from both below and above their mushroom caps.  

Stage 3 - Mushgnome

A full Mushgnome looks like a gnome had a child with a mushroom. It looks somewhat humanoid and has a simple intelligence and loyalty, but largely acts like a playful pet for many years. However, the thing is, Mushgnomes don't die from old age, and also don't stop growing. The more decay they consume the more they grow. This means that there are elder mushgnomes in parts of The Elyswer that are as tall as trees. Usually, these Mushgnomes become elders of some kind and prefer to cultivate their own families. They then become houses and homes to their family and can move around, meaning full settlements of mushgnomes are smaller mushgnomes living in bigger mushgnomes and the whole settlement can stand up and walk somewhere new if it so wishes. This however, takes years and most mushgnomes die either in combat, during their search for decay or in the service of Tiandra, The Summer Queen before they reach that point. However, in this stage of life they continue to develop their wisdom and intelligence and elder mushgnomes are considered some of the wisest of councillors in the fey courts due to their experiences in life. In this stage they are also able to produce spores of many kinds for reproduction, combat or absorbing decay.

A Tale of Venya

Geographic Location | Jul 7, 2024

Learn more about the world, its history and the factions here.

Spores of Purity

Amongst the numerous spores of the Mushgnomes, the most important is their Spores of Purity. They are the reason the creatures were created in the first place and are required to serve their primary purpose. 

When a single Mushgnome or family comes across decay or corruption, whether it be of world, reality, creature or spirit they will tuck their feet and arms in and plant themselves in the ground just above the site. From the inside of their cap will rain a golden mist of spores. These spores are alive in their own sense and when they touch the ground they will begin to consume the decay or corruption slowly, eating away at it and releasing magic to heal the area after the decay has been consumed. After a while, the mushgnome will suck up the spores of purity, reabsorbing them into their body and then digest the decay or corruption in their stalk/body. This process usually takes a while and the mushgnomes will usually stay in this form until the decay is completely absorbed.

The Spores of purity have an alternate function. Once they are emitted, it will draw other mushgnomes to the location, a special scent that they can smell through the veil. This is designed to ensure a quick purification of any decay. This decay sustains mushgnomes as a large part of their food source, though they can survive on light and other types of refuse, decay and corruption are their main diet.
Greenleaf is home to many clans of gnomes in the Elyswer and houses Arenal Luxlight, The Summer Lady, who watches over the Southern Elyswer as Tiandra's chosen heir. She is a powerful gnomish spellcaster herself protects gnomes and the forest alike. Greenleaf is her seat of power.



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