Ruination Prophecy

'The quest for paradise is traitorous. The balance cannot be broken. It will lead to destruction untold. The balance cannot be broken.' - Final Words of Prophet Jeileor

During the Age of Enlightenment, the prime nation of Falmir sought to pull their world into the realm of gods and titans and live in a utopia free from all ailments and evils. This great undertaking saw the creation of huge structures and cities that worked as conduits to chain all realms to theirs and channel incredible magics. This work took decades and during this time Venya underwent many changes. Though one counter-movement grew to oppose this plan and it all began with a prophecy.  

Ruination Prophecy

A plan for peace will hook us all.
But steps to Eden shake the world.
Creatures untold will cross the veil.
The earth will break, buck and call.
But on we stride, as all unfurls.
Unaware as reality swirls.
To watch the gate open yet.
Though from its berth comes naught divine.
But horrors and hells beyond our mind.
And all the warnings were ignored.
Death will meet us as the horde.
For none considered the balance of all.
And what pulled us, as we pulled one.  

The Growing Opposition

As the works began to bridge the veil between their world and that of the gods, most ignored the prophecy. However, a small group believed that striving for a utopia would lead them to become something other than themselves. This group called themselves 'The Society of the First Eternity'. They began to grow as their message spread and more of the world experienced the warnings laid out in the prophecy. Earthquakes shook the world, and beings unseen before passed into their realm, as the veil between all worlds thinned. Ultimately this society failed in its attempt to halt what was to happen.

A Prophecy Fulfilled

The great gate opened and so began the Age of Desolation. The horde of outsiders and their chained demon thralls spilled out into the world seeking to consume all the life-rich world had to offer. For six decades they plundered and battled the powerful races of Venya, until at last they were thrown back into the ether beyond the veil and the gate smashed to oblivion. The ensuing magical destruction shattered much of Venya and forever changed the landscape. Forming the great Maelstrom, not just within their realm, but across all the realms of the cosmos. It was here that they believed the prophecy ended, somehow avoided through the strength and might of Falmir, though at a terrible cost.  

A Prophecy Revitalized

In 2317 A.C. beneath the The Sabal'Har Desert an ancient temple was uncovered by the shifting sands and a team of excavators and upon the stones runes of old glittered and shone. The prophecy had once again been found. Though kept hidden from the people of the world The Emperor is fearful that it was not fulfilled at all, but only a taste did The Ancients experience. He sees multiple futures himself and fears they are on course for this prophecy yet to be fulfilled, though he works tirelessly to prevent it.

A Tale of Venya

Geographic Location | Jul 7, 2024

Learn more about the world, its history and the factions here.

Ages Long Past

The Age of Enlightenment and Age of Desolation are long forgotten history for much of those that now inhabit Venya. Though a few of the immortal races remember such a time and fear the prophecy has yet to truly come to pass. These factions prepare as well as they can to deal with what they fear is to come. To learn more about those times the history you can find them in the  History of Venya

The Cataclysm 

This event saw the end of the Age of Desolation and forever changed Venya to the world it is now. The destruction wrought shattered the chains to the other realms and flung them from the material worlds. Though created the Maelstrom in the process. A hole in reality that churns and pulls, bending time and space, it shoots out magic and many other things not normal on Venya. The cataclysm saw the end of 'The Society of the First Eternity', and that of the prophecy. For many believed they had lived through the end-times and no longer looked to prophecies. Though had it really been fulfilled, and it was not the only prophecy created by the Prophet Jeileor, what too did those say that may yet come to pass.


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Aug 20, 2024 07:00 by Lia Felis

Nice work, keep going!

Aspiring fantasy writer and part-time Dungeon Master. Dragon Goddess of Evera.