The Unitum Pact Document in Venya | World Anvil

The Unitum Pact

'Today we bind ourselves with honour, to those who trade with us. Fight with us. Die with us. Today we found our brethren.'- High Thane Thardin Ironshield upon signing the pact

Written by Yerran

Alliance Treaty - Diplomatic, Military

  The Unitum Pact is a diplomatic and military document that has resulted in the biggest upheaval of power across Lenwir in centuries. Presented by High King Thardin Ironshield in the year 2421 AC to several of the smaller and embattled factions in a bid to create a more solidified and united power against the larger nations. It originally had three signators: The Dwarven Enclave, The Red Ushad and Stormheld Bastion.

Each faction possessed specific skills, resources and land that could greatly benefit the others. Particularly with Stormheld Bastion's ongoing war against the Yeshi and the Red Ushad's difficulties with Sabal.

By the year 2444 AC Nie Soe had signed, seeking the knowledge and trade offered by the signators and the The Dracis Collective signed in 2477 AC seeking protection. In 2488 AC Allsend Landing was inducted into the pact, being an independent settlement of sorts and unable to function without the aid of Stormheld Bastion's Stormriders. Though it serves as a commercial partner with no real military capabilities.


The Unitum Pact sought to bring together smaller nations and factions into a solidified alliance. It boldly promises any signators access to resources, technology, war support and soldiers. The Dwarven Enclave saw this as a necessity with the growing powers encroaching upon Lenwir from without, and within, and knew the unique skills, strengths and location of each of the factions could offer something unexpected and powerful to any that sought to try their hand against them.

Beyond its military and diplomatic implications, it has garnered kinship in vast swathes of land across Lenwir and allowed The Dwarven Enclave to embark upon expeditions it previously considered too costly or remote. Since its establishment a unified expedition set out for Dhun Khenil, the lost settlement in a bid to reclaim it for their stalwart allies, the Iron Gnomes. With this in hand the Unitum pact would have a solidified force surrounding Sabal and keeping them in check between the lands of Dhun Khenil, Stormheld Bastion in the Shattered Shelf and The Red Ushad in the Crimson Canyons.

It is not only the Dwarven Enclave that prospers with this pact, for each gain great benefits:

The Red Ushad gain food resources, trading partners and technology for the cost of land and manpower. Stormheld Bastion gain manpower and technology in their war with the Yeshi for their aid in shipping, ship mastery and magical resources (like Airite) and artefacts from the Shattered Shelf. The Dracis Collective gain protection for their skills in magical crafting and smithing and the denizens of Nie Soe gain trade and knowledge for their protection of trade and shipping.

And all the while citizens move freely between, sharing their cultures, gifts and expertise, building a more unified and powerful faction. Each with aims of claiming their independence, security and in many of their cases, lands lost to time and darkness.


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