Class: Stormriders

The Stormrider is a class for the RPG targetted around the Shattered World and Venya. It is currently in the content creation phase and more classes will be added before it moves into the testing phase. The Stormrider serves as an exclusive class for the Stormheld Bastion. There are still further additions to their spelllist to come as balances occur and more classes are introduced.  


Wielders of the storm and sea, Stormriders can heal wounds with mist, shatter bone with thunder and vaporise enemies with lightning. All the powers of the elements bend beneath their control. Though their numbers are few, Stormriders played a crucial role in the vorago's survival, freedom and in the founding of Stormheld Bastion. Among their ranks, few Stormriders are the same. So diverse are the elements that none save the greatest are able to master all their wonders. This means that many choose one of the paths these powers offer and become members of this chosen sect within Stormrider society. These sects and their respective stormriders are Stormweavers, Seabinders and Mistwalkers. However, a few choose to shun these sects, mixing their powers and becoming Stormriders without a family, left to roam and explore the seas as free agents, only holding allegiance to Stormheld Bastion and the Unitum Pact, rather than the Stormrider temples.  


Wielders of power enough to destroy armies and towns, stormweavers hurl lightning, create thunder and channel the storm winds by tapping into the elemental power of the storm. This sect values strength and power over all else. These experts in brute power and destruction actively seek out battle and often serve on the front lines of skirmishes and wars, seeking more glory and power with each victory. This has earned them a reputation as the most feared of stormriders. However, use of such power can take a toll on their bodies and many stormweavers end up giving their lives in battle, either from an enemy's blade or by channelling too much power and burning themselves alive from within.  


Wielders of water, the sea and ocean, seabinders channel the power of the deep. Less dramatic than stormweavers their powers are no less deadly. Much like the ocean their powers can provide life or consume it with devastating strength. Compared to the frantic and violent displays of stormweavers, seabinders are slow to rise, their powers building over time before it is unleashed in an unstoppable torrent. These are fewer seabinders than stormweavers and they are more closely guarded, rarely appearing on the frontlines of wars or battles. Their healing powers as well as their abilities to guide ships and people through the most dangerous of seas are vital to the preservation of the island nation of Stormheld Bastion and its continual existence.  


A mixture of the two, the ranks of Mistwalkers are made from the rejects of the others. Its members possess the ability to channel the storm and sea, but can wield neither to the level of strength the other sects require. This blending of powers has led to a sect of assassins and soldiers that are able to move quickly and stealthily as well as heal minor wounds. Mistwalkers spend more time training with weapons, using their powers to enhance their bodies and the environment around them.  

Class Mechanics: How to play

Elemental Power

Stormriders channel the power of the elements and over time accumulate 'elemental power'. Everytime the Stormrider casts a spell (not bonus action spells) this is increased by 1. This adds more powerful effects to future spells as well as potential side-effects or dangers.

The maximum elemental any Stormrider can obtain is 9 and for every elemental power they hold the spell effects are increased by the following:
  1. + 1m to their aura effects
  2. + 2 magic power
  3. + 1m to all knockback or movement effects
  4. - 1 to any spell resist rolls
To maintain this channelling power the Stormrider must not move. If they move their magic will discharge and the elemental power will return to 0. If no more spells are cast the elemental power will degrade at a rate of 1 point every 4 turns.  

Dangers & Side-Effects

Though the total elemental power is 9, a Stormrider can only safely hold half their level + 1 while channelling (a level 5 Stormrider could hold 3.5 points - rounded up to 4). For each point of elemental power over this limit, the Stormrider will take 1d6 damage at the start of their turn and roll on the 'Unrestrained Power table' to see what additional effects will occur.  


When a Stormrider reaches their limit for the maximum elemental power they can safely hold. They can use a bonus action to cast an 'unleashed' spell. This is a devastating spell that unleashes all elemental power and sets their power back to 0.  

Aura of Power

Aura's are a byproduct of elemental power that offers bonuses based on the chosen Stormrider pathway. They appear upon the casting of the first spell and grow by 1m for every elemental power the Stromrider possesses.  

Spellcasting & Channelling

Spellcasting for Stormriders works as normal (mentioned in Rules) though they do not possess spell slots. Once learnt a Stormrider can cast as many spells between rests as they wish and does not need to be concerned with the spell's level. However, certain more powerful spells for Stormriders have an 'elemental power' (EP) score. This means that this spell cannot be cast unless the Stormrider is currently channelling EP at that level or above. This means it is important for Stormriders to manage their EP to deal maximum destruction.  

Stomrider Traits

Main traits: Intelligence, Fortitude, Agility
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Agility
Favourable Environment: Ocean, Coast
Unfavourable Environment: Underground, Fire

At level 1 a Stormrider has the following abilities
  1. Agile Channeller: While channelling, add your AGILITY score to your DEFENSE when targeted by ranged weapons.
  2. Lightning Reflexes: Can use a reaction once per long rest to increase your SPELL DEFENSE or DEFENSE trait by your SPELL POWER score.
  3. Child of Air and Water: May move across water without suffering a movement penalty and breathe water
  4. Stormborne Senses: Guiding ships and people through the storms of the Shattered Shelf has given you an innate ability for navigation. Gain advantage on all navigation checks.
  5. Spellcaster: Stormriders begin level 1 knowing 5 of the Stormrider Spells. They learn another spell at every even level (e.g. 2, 4, 6, etc). This amounts to 10 spells at level 10.


Beyond the information detailed on the main levelling-up page, class-specific steps are chosen from the pathways presented here. You may choose one of the three pathway options at the designated level, following the path of Stormweaver, Seabinder, or Windwalker, or walk a path between the three.


Lore concerning Stormriders is scattered and fragmented at best. What exists is hidden in the halls of their orders and within the shrines and temples that avoided the Yeshi's attempts to expunge their culture, traditions and history. Further information about their affiliation with other races and where they stand within Lenwir can be found within the offices of The Free Cities and particularly the signators of the Unitum Pact.

Amongst the temples, scrolls and tales told around campfires in the tumultuous seas of the Shattered Shelf, those of Stormriders and their deeds shine brightest. These tales tell of their history, their heroes and present opportunities for future quests:
Stormheld Bastion
The Stormheart Rebellion
Castellian Harlscurl, The First Stormrider
The 'Vorago'


Stormriders use spells like other spellcasters, information on the rules for spellcasting can be found here:  
Magic & Spells
Generic article | May 29, 2024

The spells used by Stormriders are listed on the page found below. The only difference between these and normal spells is they don't use spell slots as Stormriders don't have any. Some spells have a 'level' which represents how much 'Elemental Power' (EP) the Stormrider must be channeling to cast that spell. Casting a spell at this level does not use up the EP, it is just the minimum requirement.

Spell List: Stormrider
Generic article | Jun 2, 2024

Unleashed Spells

These spells are unique to Stormriders and use their EP mechanic. Stormriders can only cast the type of unleashed spell (mist, storm, sea) as chosen in their talent tree. They are cast as bonus actions and expend all the stored up EP, reverting the Stormriders EP to 0.
Unleashed Spells: Stormrider
Generic article | Jun 2, 2024

Vorago: Twisted Bodies

The effects of the Shattered Shelf and the Maelstrom's broken and chaotic magic slowly infused the human ancestors of the Vorago that once lived on the islands. Generations of exposure to this magic twisted and mutated the bodies of the Vorago much faster than that of normal evolution. It tore at their bodies increasing their natural fortitude and melding their essence with the environment of their home. The violent storms and seas became a part of them, and in time linked their bodies to the elements. This mean that only the Vorago are able to harness the powers of Stormriders and channel the elements through their bodies.

Discharge Side Effects

These side effects occur as described above, during the discharge feature or should any RP purpose have need for them. This is by no means an exhaustive list and can be amended and changed as you wish. Roll a D12 and choose from the effects on the list.

D12 Discharge Effects
1: Sleet It begins sleeting for 1d6 turns. Vision is limited to 5m while this continues.
2: Call of Crustations Crabs, lobsters and other molluscs issue forth from all the pools of standing water. They do nothing but sit upon the floor 1m around each standing pool. Though will crunch when stepped upon. Reduce all stealth checks or attempts to hide by 10.
3: Colourful Mist Any mist or cloud effects are all coloured, changing through various hues and colours each turn. This effect lasts until your next rest. Observers that observe it know it isn't naturally occuring.
4: Crawling Water Water sticks to anything it touches, and any standing water will move towards living things 1m per turn. If it touches a creature it coats them in water, making them vulnerable to FROST spells.
5: Sand Everywhere For inexplicable reasons, sand is everywhere. It's in your pockets, your bag, your rations and even your hair. You feel incredibly uncomfortable but beyond that it does nothing.
6: Dispelled Weather All weather and weather effects vanish, leaving a blue sky with sun. You are unable to summon or channel magic of the weather variety for 1d4 turns when the sunlight vanishes.
7: Pools of Displacement Standing water around you (6m) gains a deep darkness. Anyone who steps into it falls into it and emerges from another patch of standing water with complete randomness.
8: Wind Whistle The wind shrieks and screeches, despite the fact it is barely blowing, preventing anyone in the 6m radius from hearing anything for 1d4 turns. (All gain the deafened trait).
9: Water Burn All water in your vicinity (6m radius) begins to burn. The steam obscures vision and anyone standing in the burning water takes 2d6 fire damage per turn.
10: Rust Rain Rust Rain Rain falls in a 6m radius around you that instantly rusts metal. This reduces all armour by 5 for the duration of 1d4 turns and gives metal the 'brittle' trait. Vanishing mysteriously after the turns expire.
11: Dark Lightning All lightning cast or currently on the battlefield becomes black in colour and emits a high shrieking sound instead of the thunderous boom it should. Lasts 1d6 turns.
12: Gravity Inversion Drawn from the powers of The Rage of Castellian gravity temporarily inverts. This causes standing water to lift into the air, followed by objects and people in a 6m radius around the caster. No one can gain traction for the duration of this effect and it lasts 1d4 turns


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