8. Constable Beadle Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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8. Constable Beadle

The Constable Beadle is the village lawman of Asbury Demesne, entrusted with maintaining order and enforcing the fief-holder's rules. A loyal and effective enforcer, he is both respected and feared within the community.   Cottage Description: Thornwood's Watch
Thornwood's Watch is a small, sturdy stone building situated near the village green. Notices are attached to the front wall, providing news, laws, and reward offers. Inside, a small office area is neatly organized with records and fines. A cell for prisoners is located in the back, used to hold those awaiting the manor court’s judgment.
Duties and Responsibilities
  • Baroness Elinor Asbury: Eadric has a professional and respectful relationship with the Baroness. He admires her leadership and is fiercely loyal to her.
  • Steward Olaf Berg: Eadric and Olaf share a mutual respect for each other’s roles. They often coordinate to ensure the manor runs smoothly and that laws are enforced.
  • Villagers: While the villagers find Eadric intimidating, they respect his fairness. However, his stern methods sometimes cause friction.

Law Enforcement

  • Enforcing the fief-holder's rules.
  • Impounding stray livestock.
  • Collecting fines imposed by the manor court.
Commanding Roles
  • Overseeing messengers, watchmen, and Demesne guards.
  • Managing huntsmen and maintaining order during hunts.
Community Role
  • Serving as the primary law enforcer and upholder of order within the Asbury Demesne.
  • Acting as a mediator in disputes and ensuring the community adheres to the rules set by House Asbury and the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
Politics of Verbobonc and Asbury Demesne
Eadric's role places him at the heart of the local political landscape. His actions and decisions often reflect the policies of House Asbury. As the enforcer of the Baroness’s laws, he navigates the delicate balance between maintaining strict order and ensuring the villagers' well-being. His relationship with the lords of Verbobonc is one of duty and respect, as he works to uphold the broader Legal Edicts of Verbobonc: The Codified Justice System in the Viscounty while managing the specific needs of Asbury Demesne.
Constable Beadle Eadric Thornwood by 3orcs
"The peace of Asbury rests on the strength of our laws."
Constable Beadle Eadric Thornwood
  • Fighter level 5
  • Cottage Name: Thornwood's Watch
Eadric Thornwood is a stern and disciplined figure, known for his unwavering commitment to upholding the law. His intimidating presence and no-nonsense attitude make him a formidable enforcer. Despite his stern demeanor, he is deeply loyal to the Baroness and the steward, and his fairness has earned him a grudging respect from the villagers.
Eadric comes from a long line of yeoman, his father and grandfather both serving as constables before him. He grew up learning the ways of the law and the responsibilities that come with maintaining order. His training began early, and he was groomed to take over the role from his father.
Eadric is driven by a deep sense of duty and loyalty. His primary motivation is to ensure the safety and order of the Asbury Demesne, protecting it from internal disorder and external threats. His commitment to justice is unwavering, and he takes pride in his work.
Guard post / house
Owning Organization
"The law is a shield for the righteous and a sword for the wicked."

Cover image: Asbury Manor by Harn Writer's Guild Production: Written by Kerry Mould, Maps by Kerry Mould & Thomas Shook, Art by Richard Luschek, Editing by Brent Bailey.


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