Abrac Fillmyer Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Abrac Fillmyer

The High Enumerator of Zilchus

In the heart of Verbobonc's bustling Business Quarter stands the Chapel of Zilchus, a beacon of commerce and divine influence. At the helm of this monumental institution is Abrac Fillmyer, the High Priest, known among the faithful as the High Enumerator. His journey, marked by trials, ambition, and an unyielding dedication to Zilchus, paints a portrait of a man whose life is as complex as the deity he serves.

Background and Personality

Abrac Fillmyer, a Oeridian figure both admired and enigmatic, is a man of modest stature. Standing at 5'8" and weighing merely 100 lbs, his physical presence might be unassuming, but his mind harbors a vast ocean of knowledge and acumen. Long wavy hair and beard, with poor vision and limited social grace, Abrac's appearance belies the formidable intellect and supernatural financial acuity he possesses.   His journey to Verbobonc was not one of aspiration but of exile. Following a scandal at the seminary/accounting academy in Dyvers, The Free Lands, where accusations of cheating tarnished his reputation, Abrac was reassigned to a less prestigious post away from his home city. This demotion, rather than disheartening him, only fueled his determination to prove his detractors wrong.

Motivation and Envy

Despite his remarkable abilities in finance and record-keeping, which have secured his position within Verbobonc, Abrac's heart harbors a deep-seated jealousy towards his peers in Dyvers. This envy, stemming from his forced departure and the perceived injustice of his reassignment, has made him a bitter and somewhat unapproachable figure. Yet, under his guidance, Verbobonc has seen a consistent financial uptick, outperforming Dyvers by 0.37% since he took charge—a testament to his unmatched skill and dedication.

Politics and Relationship with Business

Abrac's role extends far beyond spiritual leadership; he is a pivotal figure in the intertwining realms of commerce and politics within Verbobonc. His interactions with the lords and common folk are nuanced, often influenced by his financial acumen and strategic mindset. Despite his limited social skills, he navigates the complex political landscape with a keen eye for opportunity and a firm grasp on the economic levers of the city.   His relationship with the business community is marked by a blend of respect and wariness. Business leaders recognize his contributions to the city's prosperity, yet his enigmatic nature and the chapel's secretive dealings inspire a mix of admiration and speculation.

The Office of Enumeration

The Office of Enumeration, a modest one-story building nestled in the merchant's district, serves as the epicenter of Abrac's operations. It is here that all financial documents and records are meticulously maintained, safeguarding the economic integrity of Verbobonc. The office is shrouded in mystery, with rumors of thieves and blackmailers disappearing after attempting to breach its archives. Yet, despite numerous investigations by the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc, no evidence of wrongdoing has ever been unearthed, a testament to Zilchus's protective gaze and Abrac's scrupulous management.


Abrac Fillmyer's story is one of resilience, intellect, and the relentless pursuit of vindication. His leadership of the Chapel of Zilchus in Verbobonc has not only enhanced the city's financial standing but also solidified his legacy as a formidable High Priest. While his personal struggles and ambitions shape his approach to governance and divine service, they also reveal the depth of his commitment to Zilchus's teachings. In the intricate dance of power, faith, and finance, Abrac remains a pivotal figure, his influence resonating through the cobblestone streets of Verbobonc.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
High Priest of the Chapel of Zilchus
Current Location
Year of Birth
512 64 Years old
dark blue squinty
long wavy hair with glorious beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the ledger of life, Zilchus's favor is the greatest asset, and devotion to Him the wisest investment."
Zilchus God of Power and Money
Zilchus holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: by 3orcs


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