B3 Chapel of Zilchus Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B3 Chapel of Zilchus

This large chapel/commercial building is located in the heart of the business district. The priests here are involved in business and politics, and conduct deals above or below the table. When one enters through the large ornate arches on the ground floor, you are immediately struck with awe by the large amount of wealth here. Gold statues, silver trimmed mirrors and stained glass, finely carved oak roof with gem-studded chandeliers.

Chapel of Zilchus in Verbobonc

Nestled in the bustling heart of the Business District, the Chapel of Zilchus stands as a monument to wealth, commerce, and the intricate dance of politics within Verbobonc. This large chapel, doubling as a commercial building, is not just a place of worship but a center of economic power and negotiation.

The Market Square: A Narration

Imagine stepping into the vibrant Market Square, the economic heartbeat of Verbobonc. The air is alive with the chatter of traders, the scent of spices and leather mingling under the open sky. Ahead, the grand Chapel of Zilchus looms, its ornate arches inviting yet imposing. As you move closer, the sound of coins and the subtle rustle of parchment fill your ears, a testament to the chapel's dual nature as a place of faith and finance.

Relationship with the Folk and Nobles

  • The Common Folk: The Chapel of Zilchus maintains a complex relationship with the citizens of Verbobonc. While some view it as a bastion of prosperity and divine favor, others are wary of its deep entanglement in commerce and politics.
  • The Nobility: Among the nobles, the chapel is both respected and indispensable. It serves as a crucial ally in their endeavors, offering financial services and divine support to those who can afford its offerings.

Security Measures

Upon entering, visitors are immediately enveloped in luxury, but accessing the chapel's inner sanctums requires passing through rigorous security:
  • Guard Detail: Twelve guards, clad in full plate and wielding scimitars, stand watch at the entrance, ensuring only those permitted can pass.
  • Magical Protections: Wards and alarms are in place to prevent theft, with additional magical security measures guarding the treasures and secrets within.

Notable Figures

Adre Fillmyer: The head priest, overseeing worship and spiritual matters.
Vester Fillmyer: Adre's brother, a shrewd businessman who handles the chapel's financial dealings.

Services Offered

  • Financial Services: Loans, banking, and secure vault storage are available, with terms that reflect the chapel's emphasis on profit.
  • Insurance: A unique service offering protection against theft, employing magical means to safeguard and recover valuables within the city.

Political Influence and Relationships

The Chapel of Zilchus does not merely exist within Verbobonc's political landscape; it actively shapes it. Through strategic alliances, financial support, and the influence of its priests, the chapel asserts a significant presence in the city's governance and decision-making processes.
  • Alliances: The chapel aligns itself with powerful nobles and merchants, solidifying its power base.
  • Influence: Through financial and spiritual influence, it sways public opinion and political decisions, ensuring its interests are well represented.


The Chapel of Zilchus is a pillar of Verbobonc, embodying the city's wealth and the complex interplay of commerce and faith. It serves as a reminder of the power held by those who can balance the divine with the material, and the influence such an institution wields within the tapestry of city life.  
Zilchus holy symbol by 3orcs
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Loans/Banking Services
  • Visitors can inquire about loans after making a chapel donation.
  • Negotiations for loans occur upstairs in a designated room/shrine.
  • Loans require a 50% deposit in trade goods and incur a 5% monthly interest rate.
Vault Storage
  • Cash or valuables can be deposited in basement vaults, with no patron access permitted.
  • Standard vault storage costs 1% of the stored value per month.
  • For high-value items, 'ultra' secure vaults in a pocket-dimension are available at 5% per month.
Insurance Against Theft
  • Offers insurance for valuables within the city limits.
  • Valuables are magically marked for identification.
  • In case of theft, 'locate item' spells are used to recover the item.
  • Insurance is void if the item leaves the city, costing 2% of the item's value per month.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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