Alden Hawkridge Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Alden Hawkridge


Knight of The Knights of the Faithful Defender

Sir Alden Hawkridge stands as a paragon of chivalry and duty within the elite cadre of the White Guard, serving directly under the banner of Viscount Wilfrick in the heart of Castle Greyfist. His unwavering dedication to the Viscount and the Viscounty of Verbobonc has marked him as both a steadfast protector and a formidable foe against those who would threaten the peace and stability of the realm.


  • Noble Lineage: Born into the esteemed Hawkridge family, a lineage known for producing valiant knights and loyal servants to the Viscounty.
  • Military Training: Educated at the prestigious War College in Furyondy, where he honed his skills in combat and strategy as a Warmaster.
  • Joining the White Guard: His exceptional prowess and noble heart earned him a place among the White Guard, the personal defenders of the Viscount.


  • Duty to the Viscount: A deep-seated sense of loyalty to Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart and his ancestors, for whom his family has served for generations.
  • Protection of the Realm: A personal vow to safeguard the people of Verbobonc from any threat, be it from within or beyond its borders.
  • Honor and Legacy: Upholding the honor of his family name and ensuring that his deeds add to the storied legacy of the Hawkridge lineage.


  • Stoic and Resolute: Displays a calm demeanor in the face of adversity, with a resolve that remains unshaken regardless of the challenge.
  • Honorable and Just: Lives by a strict code of chivalry, treating friends and foes alike with fairness and dignity.
  • Compassionate Leader: Despite his formidable presence on the battlefield, Sir Alden possesses a compassionate heart, especially towards those under his command and the innocent.

Skills and Abilities

  • Master Swordsman: Renowned for his skill with the blade, having bested many foes in single combat.
  • Tactical Acumen: Possesses a keen mind for strategy, often tasked with planning and leading critical missions for the White Guard.
  • Horsemanship: An exemplary horseman, embodying the cavalry traditions of the White Guard with grace and power.


  • Defender of the Viscounty: Played a pivotal role in several key battles that secured the borders of Verbobonc against incursions.
  • Diplomatic Envoy: On occasion, has served as a diplomatic envoy on behalf of the Viscount, using his noble status to foster alliances.
  • Mentor to the Young: Takes an active role in training and mentoring young squires and knights, passing on his knowledge and values.


  • Balancing Duty and Personal Life: Struggles with the demands of his position and the toll it takes on personal relationships and aspirations.
  • Navigating Court Politics: While a warrior at heart, Sir Alden must also navigate the intricate web of politics within Castle Greyfist and beyond.
Sir Alden Hawkridge's life and career within the White Guard exemplify the virtues of courage, loyalty, and duty. As he continues to serve the Viscount and the people of Verbobonc, his legacy as a knight of renown only grows, inspiring those who will come after him to uphold the noble traditions of the White Guard.
Commander of Knights of the Faithful Defender
Lawful Good
Year of Birth
536 40 Years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Bravery isn't the absence of fear but the will to confront it. Duty calls where courage responds."
As you approach Sir Alden Hawkridge, the first thing you notice is his commanding presence, marked by an air of nobility that is both imposing and reassuring. Standing tall and broad-shouldered, Sir Alden carries the weight of his armor with ease, a testament to his strength and years of training.
  • Hair Color: His hair is a deep chestnut brown, kept short and neat, with the slightest hint of waves that suggest an untamed spirit beneath his disciplined exterior.
  • Eye Color: Piercing blue eyes, sharp and observant, reflect a mind that misses nothing. These eyes, capable of softening with compassion or hardening with resolve, are the windows to his soul, revealing a depth of character forged in battle and bound by honor.
  • Facial Features: A strong jawline and a clean-shaven face highlight his classical features, marred only by a few well-earned scars that speak of his bravery and battles fought in defense of the Viscounty.
  • Build: His physique is that of a seasoned warrior; muscular and fit, his body honed through rigorous daily training and combat. The way he moves—graceful yet powerful—betrays his mastery in the arts of war.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Sir Hawkridge by 3orcs


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