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Wilfrick Revepaix

Viscount Revepaix (a.k.a. Defender of the Faith)

A Tale of Nobility, Decline, and Hope

In the tapestry of Verbobonc's history, few threads are as colorful yet frayed as that of Viscount Wilfrick. Once a heroic figure in The Battle of Emridy Meadows, his name now evokes a sense of melancholy among the denizens of the Viscounty. The old Viscount, a mere shadow of his former self, navigates the twilight of his reign amidst rising challenges and shifting allegiances.
"We honor the legacy of those before us, like my mother, Lady Elara, while striving to secure a prosperous future for Verbobonc."

Family Name

"Revepaix" can be interpreted as "Dream of Peace" or "Peaceful Dream." This name would suggest that the house holds ideals of tranquility, harmony, and possibly a visionary approach to their governance or ambitions. It conveys a sense of aspiration towards a peaceful and prosperous existence, which can align with the noble qualities and the overarching goals of the house within the context of Verbobonc.


Wilfrick's early days were marked by valor and astuteness. His leadership in The Battle of Emridy Meadows was not only pivotal but also symbolized the strength and resilience of Verbobonc. However, time, as it often does, eroded these qualities. Today, Wilfrick is seen as indecisive, some even whisper the term 'feeble-minded'. His inability to conceal this weakness has become the subject of hushed conversations in the halls of power.

Politics and Policies

Wilfrick's rule, once defined by vigor and clarity, has become clouded with hesitation. He leans heavily on his aides and his close confidant, Tymak of House Tymak, potentially Verbobonc's next Mayor. This dependence has not gone unnoticed, leading to an erosion of confidence among his people.
"Navigating through conflicts and challenges requires steadfast determination and a clear vision for the future."

The Writ of the Viscounty

The official jurisdiction of the Viscounty extends approximately fifteen miles into the Kron Hills to the south. However, the current gnome troubles in this region pose a significant challenge to Viscount Wilfrick's authority. The unrest and the ensuing complexities ensure that, in practice, Wilfrick holds little true power over these lands. This situation reflects the delicate balance of power between the Viscounty and the autonomous communities within its borders.

Internal Relations

Closer to the heart of the Viscounty, the political landscape appears more stable, but not without its undercurrents of tension. Relations with the lords of neighboring villages and strongholds are generally amicable, yet not entirely devoid of strain. Viscount Wilfrick's recent inattentiveness, particularly in the latter part of his reign, has inadvertently allowed some local rulers to amass more power than traditionally accorded to them.

Impact of the Viscount's Approach

Viscount Wilfrick's leadership style, marked by periods of intense involvement followed by phases of relative withdrawal, has shaped the political contours of Verbobonc. His initial proactive stance, particularly during the conflicts surrounding the Temple of Elemental Evil, established his strength and commitment. However, his later periods of inattentiveness have given rise to a sense of autonomy among some local leaders, altering the traditional power hierarchy.

Family Dynamics and Succession

Amidst this decline, the spotlight has shifted to Wilfrick's progeny. His daughter, Helena, was to marry Prince Thrommel IV of Furyondy, a union lost to time and circumstance. His eldest son, Fenward Lefthand, seems ill-equipped to follow in his father's footsteps, harboring unexplained resentments and showing little of Wilfrick's former acumen.

Verbobonc Royal Family

Helena Verdanhart

Helena Verdanhart,Helena, raised in the esteemed halls of Verbobonc's nobility, was groomed for a life that intertwined duty with political aspiration. Poised, articulate, and versed in the intricate dance of courtly politics, Helena was more than just a noblewoman; she was a symbol of potential alliances and future stability for the Viscounty.

Fenward (Lefthand) Verdanhart

Fenward Verdanhart, Wilfrick's oldest son, was expected to assume his father's position when Wilfrick passed. Unfortunately, he had few of the qualities his father once possessed. Fenward held a strange antipathy for the gnomes of the hills, and openly resented the Viscounty's ties to Furondy.

Elysia Verdanhart Role and Influence

Elysia Verdanhart, Wilfrick's middle child and adopted daughter, stands as a beacon of hope. Her ambition and compassion mark her as a worthy successor, yet societal norms and political machinations hinder her path. Lord Mayor Marakios Willem Haxx, a traditionalist, often thwarts her efforts, viewing her progressive stance with skepticism.

Serrol Verdanhart joins Church of St. Cuthbert

Serrol Verdanhart, Wilfrick's youngest son, while not a favorite amongst the the nobility, was definitely the most beloved by the commoners. Unlike his siblings, who tread the intricate paths of politics and nobility, Serrol chose a path led by faith and common empathy, joining the priesthood of Church of St Cuthbert under Bishop Haufren.

Recent Developments

Viscount Wilfrick of Verbobonc finds himself navigating a complex and often treacherous political landscape, shaped by external pressures and internal challenges.   The Viscounty, under the aged leadership of Wilfrick and Lord Mayor Haxx, has tread a path of caution since the Temple of Elemental Evil's demise. Yet, a call for change echoes through the streets and fields of Verbobonc. As conflicts rage in distant lands, Wilfrick's decision to construct a castle in Village of Hommlet reflects his policy of cautious engagement. It's a strategic move, symbolizing strength without direct commitment to the broader conflicts of the Flanaess. Viscount Wilfrick warms to clerics and paladins, offering supplies, religious items, and other resources to anyone he deems worthy and appropriately deferential.

Veluna and Furyondy Politics

Verbobonc's strategic location has not escaped the notice of its more powerful neighbors, Veluna and Furyondy. There are movements within these states to annex Verbobonc, a testament to its value and the precariousness of its independence. Spies from these nations keep a close watch on Wilfrick, analyzing his every move for weaknesses or opportunities. Wilfrick, acutely aware of these prying eyes, must tread a fine line, balancing the sovereignty of Verbobonc with the need to maintain amicable relations with these influential neighbors.

Internal Political Challenges

Domestically, Viscount Wilfrick faces significant opposition, most notably from the ambitious Mayor Lord Marakios Willem Haxx. Haxx, a charismatic and politically savvy figure, has long challenged Wilfrick's policies. His calls for the townsfolk of Verbobonc to take a more active role in governance and his attempts to restore the old republic resonate with many citizens, even though he was thwarted by Wilfrick and his vassals. Haxx's ability to attract followers with his speeches poses a constant challenge to Wilfrick's authority.

Tenuous Alliances and Loyalties

Wilfrick's concerns are compounded by shifting loyalties within his circle. Sir Simon Milinous, once a staunch ally, now seems less committed to the Viscount and the Viscounty. Furthermore, LadyGodeleva Langmuir “Iron Lady”, the mother of Lord Ludovic Langmuir, is not a supporter of Wilfrick or his administration, adding to the internal political strife.

Gnome Politics

Relations with the Gnomes of the Kron Hills which is represented by Free Alliance of the Kron Hills further complicate Wilfrick's political scenario. Tensions between Viscount Wilfrick and Jeet Jimbleclap are palpable, rooted in unresolved issues and mutual distrust. “Prince” Jimm Pithriggen plays a crucial role in mediating these strained relations. Verbobonc's desire to annex the hills and the gnomes' fierce resistance to human rule create an uneasy alliance. Discussions often teeter on the brink of hostility, and Wilfrick's patience is routinely tested by Jeet's defiance.


Viscount Wilfrick's reign is characterized by a web of political intrigue, both within and beyond the borders of Verbobonc. Balancing the external threats of annexation with the internal dynamics of ambitious political figures and uneasy alliances demands a leader of considerable acumen. Wilfrick's ability to navigate these complex waters will ultimately determine the fate and fortune of the Viscounty of Verbobonc.

Personality Characteristics


Despite his fading influence, Wilfrick maintains a stern facade. His deep religious faith informs his decisions, and he presents himself as a disciplined and devoted leader, albeit one who is often consumed by his anxieties. He offers support to clerics and paladins, viewing them as extensions of his own convictions.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

His Noble Lordship and Defender of the Faith is as serious as his titles indicate. Somber and consumed with worry over the magnitude of the threat to the people of Viscounty of Verbobonc, Wilfrick presents a dour face and a sober assessment of the situation whenever asked.   Wilfrick’s faith underlies everything he does. A devout and pious individual, he channels his convictions into his leadership decisions. He hides his anxieties behind a noble, devoted, and disciplined facade—the very image of strong but stern leadership. He cares for the soldiers under his command but does not tolerate failure. Under most circumstances, second chances are unthinkable. Wilfrick’s pride will not allow him to look foolish or weak, and he is thus prone to overcompensate when he thinks people doubt him.
Lawful Good
Year of Birth
526 50 Years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the twilight of my reign, I have come to understand that true leadership is not just wielding power, but in nurturing the seeds of tomorrow. Our greatest legacy is not the battles we win, but the peace we leave behind for our children." - Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart
Aligned Organization
Viscount Wilfrick, a man who appears to be in his early fifties, sits with an air of solemn authority. His once robust frame has thinned slightly with age, but he still carries himself with a vestige of the strength that marked his younger days as a hero of  The Battle of Emridy Meadows black hair, peppered with gray, is cut in a manner that befits his noble status, neatly combed back from a face lined with the experiences of his long rule. A neatly trimmed beard frames his strong jaw, adding to his distinguished appearance. His eyes, deep and insightful, hold a mix of wisdom and weariness, the burden of leadership evident in their gaze. Wilfrick is clad in garments that speak of his position – a finely tailored tunic of rich fabric, adorned with subtle yet intricate embroidery. Over this, he wears a cloak of fur, a nod to the traditional attire of his domain, lending him an air of rugged nobility. His hands, resting on the arms of the throne, are adorned with signet rings, symbols of his authority and lineage.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Viscount Wilfrick by 3orcs


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