Knights of the Faithful Defender Military Formation in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Knights of the Faithful Defender

Protectors of Verbobonc

In the heart of the Viscounty of Verbobonc, within the storied walls of Castle Greyfist, resides a legendary cadre of warriors known as the Knights of the Faithful Defender. Often referred to as the White Guard due to their distinctive white tabards, these knights are the embodiment of valor, duty, and unwavering loyalty to the Viscount and the realm they protect.


The Knights of the Faithful Defender represent the pinnacle of martial prowess in the Viscounty, serving as the personal guard to Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart.

The Commander

At the helm of the Knights of the Faithful Defender is Commander Sir Alden Hawkridge a veteran of many battles and a paragon of knightly virtue. Born to a family of minor nobility, Sir Alden rose through the ranks with his exceptional skill at arms and his unshakeable faith in the ideals of knighthood. His loyalty to Viscount Langard is beyond reproach, forged in the fires of conflict and tempered by shared visions for the Viscounty's future.

Core Values

  • Duty and Honor: Above all, the Knights are driven by a profound sense of duty and an unyielding adherence to the code of honor. They are sworn to protect the Viscount, uphold justice, and defend the weak.
  • Personal Valor: Each knight is a formidable fighter, renowned for bravery and skill in battle. Their deeds of valor are the stuff of legend throughout Verbobonc.
  • Loyalty: The Knights' loyalty to the Viscount and the Viscounty is absolute. They serve without question, placing the needs of the realm above their own.

Organization and Structure

Unlike other military units within the Viscounty, the Knights of the Faithful Defender operate with little formal organization. They are directly commanded by the Viscount, who assigns them missions ranging from the protection of high-ranking officials to covert operations critical to the security of the realm.
  • Location: The Knights' headquarters are located within Castle Greyfist, a symbol of their integral role in the defense and governance of Verbobonc.
  • Membership: The order consists of approximately 20 knights, carefully selected for their exceptional abilities and unwavering character.
  • Duties: Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the protection of the Viscount, investigation of threats against the realm, and the execution of special tasks as directed by the Viscount himself.

Current Endeavors

Under Commander Sir Alden Hawkridge's leadership, the Knights of the Faithful Defender continue to serve as a bulwark against the forces of darkness threatening Verbobonc. Their presence reassures the citizens of the Viscounty, serving as a reminder of the strength and honor at the heart of their leadership.   In conclusion, the Knights of the Faithful Defender stand as a testament to the enduring values of duty, honor, and loyalty. Under the command of Sir Alden Hawkridge and the watchful eye of Viscount Langard, they remain the steadfast protectors of Verbobonc, ready to face any threat with valor and resolve.

Historical Future Context

In 591 cy The Knights of the Faithful Defender will be disbanded during the reign of Viscount Fenward Left-Handed, a controversial decision that was swiftly reversed upon Langard's ascension to Viscount. Their reinstatement has been met with widespread approval, reinforcing the importance of tradition and the knightly virtues in the governance and protection of Verbobonc.
by 3orcs
Location: V1-3 Castle Greyfist, Citadel of the Viscount
Membership: 20 knights
Duties: protection of the Viscount, investigation of threats against the realm, and the execution of special tasks as directed by the Viscount himself.   Commander: Sir Alden Hawkridge
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation

Cover image: by 3orcs


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