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Brandobaris, God of Stealth, Thieves, Adventuring
Master of Stealth, Misadventure, the Trickster, the Irrepressible Scamp, the Friendly Rapscallion   Brandobaris, the halfling deity of Stealth, Thievery, Adventuring, and Rogues, embodies the spirit of the daring rogue. Known for his trickster qualities and nimble moves, Brandobaris represents the adventurous side of the halfling psyche, continually seeking thrill and challenge. His tales, filled with clever escapes and profitable exploits, serve both as a warning against recklessness and as an inspiration for daring among his followers. Brandobaris's unpredictable nature means that his followers might even find themselves alongside him in disguise on one of his notorious escapades.

Physical Manifestation and Symbolism

Brandobaris typically appears as a lithe halfling with a mischievous grin, donned in attire befitting a master thief. His eyes sparkle with cunning, and his movements are swift and silent. Often depicted with a feathered cap and a cloak that blends into shadows, Brandobaris carries tools of the thieving trade, emphasizing his role as the divine patron of halfling rogues and adventurers.

Divine Relations and Pantheonic Ties

  • Allied Deities: Brandobaris maintains positive relationships within his pantheon, particularly with Garl Glittergold and Baervan Wildwanderer, who share his love for mischief and adventure.
  • Rivalries: He notably opposes Urdlen and harbors no fondness for the dwarven deity Abbathor, whose greed clashes with Brandobaris's more thrill-seeking nature.
  • Co-Sponsorships: Alongside Fharlanghn, he co-sponsored the apotheosis of Charmalaine, adding to his reputation as a supporter of halfling ascension.
Wandering Realms
Brandobaris does not claim a specific divine realm; instead, he roams the planes, frequently visiting the Prime Material Plane for his adventures. While he is welcomed in the Green Fields, his divine home among Yondalla's Children, he prefers the thrill of the unknown and the unexplored.

Core Teachings and Dogma

  • Embrace of Adventure: Followers are encouraged to seek excitement and danger, valuing experience over material wealth.
  • Thrill over Greed: Unlike other thieving deities, Brandobaris discourages greed, promoting the pursuit of wild tales and daring deeds as true treasures.

The Church of Misadventure

Brandobaris is revered by those who live by their wits and skill, particularly thieves, rogues, and adventurers who prize stealth and cunning over brute strength. His worshipers often come from among the halflings, though he attracts followers from other races who share a love for adventure and mischief. These individuals see life as a grand adventure or game in which each risk brings them closer to the divine trickster himself.
  • Followers: Comprised mainly of thieves and fighter/thieves who embrace risks and adventures, living out the deity’s dogma through their daring actions.
  • Clergy Attire: Clerics, known as the Hands of Misadventure, sport gray leather armor and feathered caps, embodying the rogue aesthetic.
  • Prayer Times: Clerics choose their own specific time for prayers, aligning with their personal approach to stealth or bravado.
  • Risk and Reward: Brandobaris's followers believe in taking great risks which, while potentially dangerous, can lead to equally great rewards.
  • Once-in-a-Lifetime Boon: He may grant a miraculous boon to a follower who performs an exceptionally daring feat, but only once, to prevent reckless behaviors.
  • Celebration of Cunning: Subtlety, cleverness, and the ability to escape from tight situations are highly valued and often celebrated within this faith.

Clergy of Brandobaris

Clerics of the Grey Cap: Hands of Misadventure
Brandobaris's clergy, known as the Hands of Misadventure, are as adventurous and risk-taking as their patron. These clerics often double as thieves or rogue adventurers, embodying the deity's ethos of thrill-seeking and cleverness. Their roles fluctuate between that of spiritual leaders and mischievous plotters, depending on their current escapades.
  • Garb and Gear: They don distinct gray leather armor and feathered caps, blending the flamboyant with the functional.
  • Prayer Times: Choosing individual times for prayer that suit their lifestyles—daytime for the bold and nighttime for the secretive.
  • Favored Weapons: Preferring tools of the trade like short swords and daggers, which complement their stealthy endeavors.

Holy Days and Rituals of Brandobaris

Rituals and Holy Days: Stealth Under the Moon
The Church of Misadventure celebrates its deity through unconventional and informal rituals that underscore the playful and unpredictable nature of Brandobaris. Traditional temple worship is eschewed in favor of spontaneous celebrations and daring adventures.
  • New Moon Sacrifice: Known as Brandobaris's Tithe, stolen items are secretly offered under the new moon, reflecting the god’s mastery over theft and stealth.
  • Adventurous Services: Any recounting of Brandobaris's legendary exploits serves as a form of worship, often occurring in inns or around campfires rather than in sanctified places.
  • Encouragement of Risk: Clerics lead by example, engaging in bold adventures and encouraging their brethren to do the same, always with a calculated plan and an escape route in mind.
  Halfling Pantheon
Holy symbol: a halfling's footprint
Realm: Green Fields
Domains: Celerity, Luck, Travel, Trickery
Speciality Clerics
  • Clerics: unable to TurnUndead
  • Cleric of the 1st Trickster: spider climb, use d6 for hit dice
  • Cleric of the 3rd Trickster: silence 15' radius
  • Cleric of the 5th Trickster: invisibility
  • Cleric of the 8th Trickster: deeppockets
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In shadow and jest, we find our quest."
"A clever escape is worth more than a bold entrance."
"Fortune favors the bold, but the clever collect the reward." 
- Highlighting the importance of smart planning in adventurous endeavors.
Brandobaris holy symbol by 3orcs
Hierarchy for the clergy of Brandobaris
Reflecting the playful and roguish spirit of their patron deity:
  • Scamp - The entry-level novices, just starting on their path of mischief and adventure.
  • Rascal - Junior members who have demonstrated basic cunning and stealth abilities.
  • Swindler - Clerics skilled in deception and slight of hand, beginning to make their mark.
  • Blackguard - Mid-level clerics who are adept in the arts of subterfuge and trickery.
  • Trickster - Experienced in the crafts of stealth and thievery, these clerics start taking on more responsibilities.
  • Rapscallion - Senior members known for their cleverness and dexterity in challenging situations.
  • Knave - Elite members who have mastered the arts of stealth, thievery, and mischief.
  • Master Rogue - Very few reach this level, known for their legendary skills and adventures.
  • Hand of Misadventure - The highest title, held by the leaders of the faith, directing major operations and representing Brandobaris's interests across the realms.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Brandobaris by 3orcs


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