Berei Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Hearth Mother

Berei, lesser goddess of Home, Family, and Agriculture

The Flan Goddess of Agriculture, Family, and Home

Berei, affectionately known as the Hearth Mother, stands as a beacon of warmth and nurturing in the pantheon of the Flanaess. A lesser deity originally venerated by the Flannae Flan people, she symbolizes the essence of agriculture, family unity, and the sanctity of home. Berei's teachings emphasize communal bonds, the sanctity of the hearth, and the cultivation of the land. Unlike her more aloof counterpart, Beory, the Earth Mother, Berei engages with her followers through the cyclical blessings of growth and harvest, instilling in them the virtues of care, protection, and stewardship over nature and kin.

History and Relationships

  • Origins: Berei's worship originated among the Flan people, evolving into a distinct practice focused on agriculture and homesteads.
  • Iconography: Depicted as a brown-skinned woman of kindness, usually wielding a sickle, symbolizing her connection to agriculture.
  • Relationships: Considered by some to be an aspect of Beory, Berei’s concern lies solely with the welfare of her followers and the balance of nature.

Dogma and Teachings

  • Core Beliefs: Berei's dogma centers around strengthening family ties, community welfare, and careful stewardship of crops.
  • Guidance for Followers: She advocates for harmony within the family unit, respect for the land, and the communal sharing of resources.

Worshipers and Clergy

  • Demographics: Predominantly worshiped in agrarian communities, especially among the Flan people in regions like the County of Ulek, Furyondy, and Tenh.
  • Clergy Roles: Berei's priests are integral to their communities, offering counsel, officiating ceremonies, and sometimes wandering to spread her teachings or discover new agricultural practices.

Temples and Rituals

  • Temples: Sanctuaries of Berei are central to village life, serving as places for community gathering, celebration, and solace.
  • Rituals: Her worship is intertwined with the agricultural calendar, featuring ceremonies for planting, harvest, marriages, and other community milestones.

Realm and Influence

  • Realm: Berei resides in Elysium, specifically in the Principality, where she oversees the cycles of life and growth.
  • Influence: Through her divine influence, Berei aims to ensure the prosperity of crops, the happiness of families, and the safeguarding of homes from external threats.
In summary, Berei’s worship embodies the nurturing spirit that binds communities together, making her a beloved deity among those who value the traditions of family, the sanctity of home, and the bounty of the earth. Her teachings and blessings continue to guide the hands of those who till the land, ensuring that the cycles of life and growth perpetuate in harmony with nature.
Prayer to Berei
The way of nature has no beginning and no end. Our hearts beat in the womb of the world. The forest connects all things, life to death, darkness to light. When life ends, another begins. The family is the strongest tie between individuals, and one must learn to support and depend upon one's family to survive. A community is a form of large family, and when another family is in need it is the duty of the community to provide for them. We must help one another and I will not flinch in the face of this sacred duty. Praise Berei.
Flan Pantheon
Holy Symbol: a sheaf of wheat stalks
Domains: Community, Creation, Good, Plant, Protection
Realm: Elysium
Available Speciallty Cleric spells
  • First Level spells: animal friendship, predict weather
  • Second Level spells: locate plants, produce flame
  • Third Level spells: plant growth, pyrotechnics, 
  • Third Circle ability: identify plants as druid
  • Fourth Level spells: hallucinatory forest, produce fire
  • Fifth level spells: create food and water
  • Tenth Circle ability: plant growth
Berei holysymbol by 3orcs
Divine Classification
Lesser goddess
Neutral Good
Quotes & Catchphrases
"As the seed needs the soil, as the child needs the family, so too do we all need the guidance of the Hearth Mother. In her wisdom, we grow; in her care, we flourish."
Aligned Organization
Specialty Cleric Spells
Priests of Berei, the goddess of Agriculture, Family, and Home, are granted unique abilities as they progress in their divine service.
Priest Level 1: Herbal Mastery
  • Herbalism Proficiency: Upon initiation at the first level, priests of Berei automatically gain the skill of herbalism.
  • No Cost: This ability is granted at no cost, symbolizing Berei’s intrinsic connection to the natural world and its plants.
Priest Level 5: Sacred Guardian 
  • Protection and Awareness: Sacred Guardian. Priests can cast the Sacred Guardian spell, creating a protective aura within a 100'/level radius of their temple/home.
Priest Level 7: Bountiful Growth
  • Plant Growth Spell: Priests at this level may cast Plant Growth once per week.
  • Agricultural Enhancement: This ability directly reflects Berei's domain over agriculture, allowing priests to promote crop fertility and growth, benefiting the community’s food supply and natural surroundings.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Berei by 3orcs


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