Claviger Velysin Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Claviger Velysin

Lord Velysin (a.k.a. Captain of the Militia)

A Pillar of Strength and Strategy

In the esteemed Council of Lords that guides the destiny of Verbobonc, one name stands out for his valor, strategic acumen, and unwavering commitment to the city's welfare—Lord Claviger. Once the Mayor of Verbobonc and a renowned figure in its history, Lord Claviger's legacy is a testament to his contributions to the city, both on and off the battlefield.

A Storied Legacy

Battle of Emridy Meadows
  • Valor and Strategy: Lord Claviger's prowess was most notably displayed at the Battle of Emridy Meadows, where he fought valiantly alongside Viscount Wilfrick.
  • Recognition by Viscount Wilfrick: His capabilities as a strategist earned him the honor of leading the militia, a duty traditionally reserved for the Lord Mayor.

Leadership Roles

  • Captain of the Militia: Following his success in military endeavors, the position of Captain of the Militia was established as a separate office by Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart, appointed directly by the Viscount, solidifying Lord Claviger's influence in Verbobonc's defense.
"True leadership is demonstrated through service to the community, whether in the council chambers or on the battlefield."

Political Influence and Relations

Ties with the Church of St. Cuthbert
  • Advocate for Law and Order: Lord Claviger is known for his hard stance against crime and corruption, with the full support of the Church of St Cuthbert and Viscount Wilfrick.
  • Political Control: His first term as Lord Mayor saw substantial political control exerted by the Church of St. Cuthbert, highlighting his close relationship with the church.

Second Term as Lord Mayor

Election Intrigue: Lord Claviger's reelection was marked by an atmosphere fraught with intrigue and violence, showcasing the contentious nature of Verbobonc's politics.
"Our close ties with the Church of St. Cuthbert and Viscount Wilfrick reflect our shared vision for a just and prosperous Verbobonc."

Family and Wealth

Manor and Holdings
  • East of Verbobonc: The Claviger family maintains extensive holdings east of Verbobonc City along the Low Road to Dyvers, reflecting their status and wealth.
  • Support and Defense of Faith: The family's lands were awarded based on their defense of a church of Rao, emphasizing their role in the city's religious landscape.
Rumors and Family Ties
  • Allegations of Dark Worship: Despite their esteemed position, rumors persist that some family members have engaged in the worship of an evil deity, casting a shadow of intrigue over the Claviger lineage.

Conclusion: A Legacy of Service and Sacrifice

Lord Claviger's contributions to Verbobonc span the realms of military strategy, political leadership, and unwavering dedication to the principles of law and order. His relationships with the Church of St. Cuthbert and Viscount Wilfrick have positioned him as a central figure in the city's governance, while his family's history and wealth underscore the complex tapestry of loyalty and power that defines Verbobonc. Amidst rumors and challenges, Lord Claviger's legacy remains one of service and sacrifice for the city he has sworn to protect.
"Our commitment to justice is unwavering; it is the foundation upon which our city thrives."
Physical Appearance: Lord Claviger might possess a robust and imposing figure, marked by years of military discipline. His face could bear the signs of experience, with keen eyes that reflect both wisdom and determination.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
525 51 Years old
penetrating shade of blue
dignified, short silver
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In Strategy and Service, We Forge Our Legacy"
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Velysin coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lord Velysin by 3orcs


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