Rao Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Mediator, The Calm God

Rao, greater god of Peace, Reason, and Serenity

The Beacon of Peace, Reason, and Serenity

Rao, known as The Mediator and The Calm God, stands as a pillar of peace, reason, and serenity in the pantheon of greater gods. Depicted as an Flannae Flan old man with dark skin, white hair, slender hands, and a perpetual serene smile, Rao's essence is intertwined with the pursuit of harmony and understanding. His influence, though often subtle, is profound across the Flanaess, shaping the lives of rulers, diplomats, and seekers of wisdom alike.

Divine Attributes and Powers

  • Appearance: Rao is envisioned as an elderly Flannae Flan man, exuding calmness and wisdom through his every feature.
  • Divine Intervention: While Rao never directly intervenes on Oerth, he is the creator of several powerful artifacts of good, notably the Crook of Rao.

Rao's Divine Relationships

Rao, the god of peace, reason, and serenity, maintains significant relationships within the pantheon that reflect his doctrines of calm and diplomacy. His alliances are typically formed with deities who share his values of order, justice, and benevolence, while his adversaries are those who represent chaos, evil, or destruction.
Allies of Rao
Rao's allies in the pantheon include gods who stand for justice, valor, and light, among others. These relationships are based on shared ideals and mutual respect, and they often collaborate to maintain balance and peace across the planes.
Notable Divine Allies
  • Heironeous: The god of valor, seen as a comrade in the fight against evil.
  • Pelor: A close ally, sharing Rao's ideals of goodness and light.
  • Zilchus: Despite philosophical differences, they share a mutual respect and a common goal of order.
  • St. Cuthbert: Treated like a younger brother, Rao values his commitment to law and retribution.
  • Zodal: A lesser god who serves Rao directly, embodying mercy, hope, and benevolence.
Conflicted Relationships
While Rao seeks peace and understanding, there are deities whose very nature or domain stands in stark contrast to his teachings, leading to inevitable conflict and opposition.
Divine Adversaries
  • Iuz: Represents everything Rao stands against; chaos, evil, and tyranny.
  • Incabulos: A deity of plagues and nightmares, opposing Rao’s doctrines of peace and serenity.
  • Joramy: Disliked by Rao due to her tempestuous and unpredictable nature, which conflicts with his pursuit of peace. 

Family and Brotherhood

Rao's familial relationships highlight his role as a nurturing and guiding figure within the pantheon, treating certain deities as siblings and playing a mentor-like role.
Familial Connections
  • Allitur: Considered Rao's younger brother, representing ethics and propriety.
  • St. Cuthbert: Beyond alliance, Rao has a brotherly affection for Saint Cuthbert, indicating a deep familial bond that might extend beyond mere mentorship.
Clerical Interactions
The interactions between Rao's clergy and those of other deities often mirror his divine relationships. While there is respect and affection, philosophical differences can lead to gentle disputes or discussions.   Inter-Clergy Dynamics With Zilchus' Clergy: While Raoan priests criticize the worldliness of Zilchus' followers, the underlying affection and mutual respect between these groups speak to a complex relationship that balances idealism with pragmatism.  

Symbols and Worship

Rao's holy symbol, a white heart of wood or metal or a heart-shaped mask with a calm expression, encapsulates his teachings. Temples dedicated to Rao are serene sanctuaries, promoting quiet contemplation, philosophical discourse, and the pursuit of knowledge.
Temples: Havens of Peace
Rao's temples are serene sanctuaries, often resembling secluded monasteries filled with vast libraries and quiet reflection spaces. These temples serve as hubs of philosophical study and peaceful mediation.
  • Open-air design, encouraging a connection with the natural world.
  • Filled with incense and the soft tones of quiet chanting.
  • Home to extensive libraries and sages, ready to dispel ignorance with enlightenment.
Rao's teachings emphasize the pursuit of knowledge, understanding, and peaceful coexistence. He encourages meditation, inquiry, and the resolution of conflicts through reason rather than force.

Clergy and Orders

Rao's clergy, The Order of Rao, primarily male, are dedicated seekers of knowledge and peaceful resolutions. They play pivotal roles as mediators and negotiators in times of conflict.
  • Keepers of Wisdom: Seekers of knowledge, guardians of peace, and collectors of magical artifacts.
  • Temple Militant: Comprising the Holy Knights of Rao, who uphold peace through diplomacy and, when necessary, defensive strength.
Clergy: Keepers of Wisdom
Rao's relationships are characterized by his desire for peace and understanding. He stands somewhat aloof from other deities, focusing on his quest for knowledge and the enlightenment of his followers.
  • Actively seek new philosophies, places of peace, and potent magics.
  • Canon Hazen of Veluna, a notable figure for activating the Crook of Rao.
Temple Militant: The Holy Knights of Rao
The Temple Militant of Rao, comprising the esteemed Holy Knights of Rao, stands as a unique fusion of martial prowess and philosophical depth. These knights, known as Envoys or Heralds, embody the principles of Rao: seeking peace through reason, understanding, and, when necessary, controlled strength. This segment delves deeper into the composition, ethos, and practices of Rao's Holy Knights.
  • Comprises paladins known as Envoys or Heralds, alongside fighters and retainers.
  • Philosophy: "Peace through Strength of Words and Weight of Reason."


Rao's worship involves:
  • Meditative Practices: Focusing on inner peace and cosmic understanding.
  • Scholarly Activities: Including study, transcription, and cataloging of esoteric knowledge.
  • Conflict Resolution: Utilizing the Socratic Method to achieve the most reasonable outcomes in disputes.

Holy Days

Raoan holidays are on nights of astrological importance, such as times of eclipse and comet sightings.
  • Breadgiving Day. On this day, taking place on the 4th of Needfest (the Winter Solstice), Greyhawk's clerics of Pelor, Rao, and St. Cuthbert distribute food to the poor.
  • The Feast of Edoira, a major Raoan holiday within the Domain of Greyhawk, is celebrated on the fourth of Growfest.
  • The Holy Day of Serenity, on Reaping 10, is celebrated in Veluna as a holy day of Rao, though it's actually the anniversary of Veluna's secession from Furyondy in 476 CY. It is celebrated with religious singing and worship.
  • The Night of Hopeful Judgement, called Dark Night by most peoples, occurs on the night of Goodmonth 11. This night is a particularly holy time for the faith of Rao, as the Book of Incarum states that Rao will cleanse the world of evil on a night when neither moon shines in the sky. Raoans believe that it is during this night that Rao leads the souls of the righteous to salvation or damns the unrighteous to their eternal punishment. Those without faith in Rao call this holiday the Night of Hopeful Dawn.
  • Midsummer's Night is, in the lunar calendar, the opposite of Dark Night, for it is on this night that both moons shine full in the sky. As such, this is another important time for the faith of Rao.


Rao, an ancient deity revered for his wisdom, has long been worshipped by the Flan peoples, especially in the Vale of Luna, a land deemed most sacred and under his protection. Initially recognized as a god of the moons, Rao's domain expanded as he welcomed the Vollar tribe of Oeridians, interpreting him as a deity of reason and serenity. The fusion of cultures peaked with the discovery of the Crook of Rao in 9 CY, in a location now known as Mitrik, symbolizing "salvation."
Key Historical Points
  • Ancient Worship: Primarily venerated by the Flan in the Vale of Luna.
  • Cultural Fusion: Welcoming of the Vollar tribe led to an amalgamation of cultural beliefs.
  • Discovery of the Crook of Rao: Marked a significant religious and cultural milestone in Mitrik.

Divine Domains

Peace, Reason, and Serenity
Raoan clergy motto
There is a time to think, and more rarely to act; but in that time, action is wisdom.
Flan Pantheon
Holy Symbol: heart-shaped mask with a calm expression, or a simple white heart crafted of metal or wood
Domain: Community, Glory, Good, Inquisition, Knowledge, Law, Mind, Pact
Realm: Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia
Cleric Speciality Bonus spells
  • Clerics of the 1st order: friends (W1)
  • Clerics of the 4th order: + 2 to all saves vs illusions, mind-affecting spells
  • Clerics of the 7th order: emotion (calm) (W4)
  • Clerics of the 9th order: true seeing
  • Clerics of Rao Turn Undead at -4 levels
    Roa Holy Symbol by 3orcs
    Divine Classification
    Greater God
    Lawful Good
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "Peace through Strength of Words and Weight of Reason."
    Aligned Organization
    Worshipers: The Faithful of Rao
    Dominant Regions: Veluna, Furyondy, Bissel, and The Free City of Greyhawk.
    Core Followers: Rulers, diplomats, sages, scholars, and philosophers.
    Specialized Devotees: Monks, spellcasters, and Raoan paladins.

    Cover image: by 3orcs
    Character Portrait image: Rao the Calm God by 3orcs


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