The Council of Lords of Verbobonc Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Council of Lords of Verbobonc

The Council of Lords of Verbobonc is a key political body that advises Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart and shapes the governance of the Viscounty. Comprised of influential nobles, each with their own estates, political aspirations, and historical legacies, the council is a dynamic and complex organization.  

Historical Background

The Council of Lords has evolved over centuries, mirroring the changing political landscape of Verbobonc.
  • Formation: Established to provide balanced governance and to represent the various noble houses in the Viscounty.
  • Evolution: Over time, it has adapted to include a mix of hereditary nobles and those who have risen through political acumen or military valor.

Political Influence

The Council of Lords wields significant political influence, each member contributing to the governance and strategic direction of Verbobonc.
  • Advisory Role: Advising Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart on key decisions, from military strategy to economic policies.
  • Legislative Impact: Influencing legislation and reforms through debates and alliances within the council.
  • Diplomatic Engagements: Engaging with external powers such as Veluna and Furyondy to protect and advance Verbobonc's interests.


The relationships within the council are complex, marked by alliances, rivalries, and strategic maneuvering.
  • Alliances: Formed to consolidate power and influence, such as potential marriages and economic partnerships.
  • Rivalries: Stem from historical disputes, competition for resources, and differing political ideologies.
  • Diplomatic Relations: Managed carefully to maintain stability and advance Verbobonc's interests.

Current Affairs

Ongoing events and developments continuously shape the dynamics of the Council of Lords.
  • Temple of Elemental Evil: The resurgence of this threat requires coordinated efforts for defense and reconstruction.
  • Economic Policies: Debates over trade routes, taxation, and resource management to ensure prosperity.
  • Military Strategies: Planning and executing defense strategies to protect against external threats and internal unrest.
  • Social Welfare: Addressing the needs of the commonfolk and ensuring their well-being amidst political machinations.

Council of Lords Key Figures

Each noble house represented in the Council of Lords brings its own history, influence, and ambitions.
Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart:
The head of the council, Wilfrick has led Verbobonc through significant challenges, including the rise of the Temple of Elemental Evil and maintaining independence from neighboring powers.
"Navigating through conflicts and challenges requires steadfast determination and a clear vision for the future."
Lord Claviger Velysin:
Former Mayor and current Captain of the Militia, he is a staunch defender of justice and order, with close ties to the Church of St Cuthbert.
"Justice Above All": "Our commitment to justice is unwavering; it is the foundation upon which our city thrives."
Lady Kathryn Sarcina:
Matriarch of House Sarcina, known for her charm, intelligence, and political maneuvering, often involved in delicate alliances and rivalries.
"Charm and Intelligence, Our Legacy": "Our charm and intellect have always been our greatest assets, steering us through the tides of politics and society."
Lord Simon Milinous:
A militaristic and ambitious noble who often clashes with others in the council, particularly over his hardline stances.
"Might Makes Right": "Strength and power are the true measures of leadership, and we must assert our dominance to maintain order."
Lady "Iron Lady" Godeleva Langmuir:
A master manipulator with hidden political agendas, often at odds with other council members.
"Power Through Manipulation": "True power lies in the ability to control and influence others without their knowledge."
Lord Roland Galans:
Known as “the Grand” due to his girth and mode of dress, Roland is a jovial yet cunning businessman.
"Business is War": "Every transaction is a battle, and every contract a victory in the ongoing war of commerce."
Baronet Drenton Vaswell:
Overlooked due to his unconventional behavior, yet strategically influential through his economic activities along the Velverdyva River.
"Unconventional Tactics, Hidden Strength": "While my eccentric behavior may be misunderstood, it offers a unique edge in political maneuvering that others often overlook."
Lord Corbin Deleveu:
A half-elf noble comander of the southern border Mounted Borderers and lord of Ostverk, aligned with both human and elven interests, balancing his loyalties between Verbobonc and Celene.
Lord Mayor Marakios Willem Haxx:
Lord Mayor and a wealthy merchant, known for his political acumen and advocacy for more democratic governance. Official Viscounty tax collector and leader of Haxx's Hardheads.
"True strength comes from empowering the people and fostering democratic principles."
Baron Rollof Avgustin:
Known for his significant influence in the trade sector and his complex relationship with other nobles .
Lord Wendell Rhynehurst:
A beloved figure among the common folk, with a reputation for supporting the arts .
"Art and culture are as vital as commerce; both drive the spirit and prosperity of our lands."


The Council of Lords of Verbobonc is a pivotal institution, balancing the interests of various noble houses while advising Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart. Through intricate politics, strategic alliances, and dedicated governance, the council shapes the future of the Viscounty, ensuring its stability and prosperity amidst ever-evolving challenges.

"Together We Lead, Together We Thrive"

Verbobonc Politics
Geopolitical, City council
Ruling Organization
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Parent Organization
Related Species
Noble Estates and Holdings
The noble houses represented in the council have extensive estates and holdings that contribute to their power and influence.
  • House Verdanhart: Visounty of Verbobonc ruling house. Extensive lands and military installations, including the newly constructed castle at Hommlet.
  • House Velysin: Expansive domains east of Verbobonc City, influential in maintaining law and order.
  • House Sarcina: Economically powerful, with significant investments and trade connections.
  • House Langmuir: Wealthy and strategically located estates in the middle of the lands of the Viscounty, though marred by internal manipulations and secret agendas.
  • House Galans: Prosperous shipping yards and fertile fields, bolstering their economic influence.
  • House Vaswell: Modest yet strategically placed holdings along the Velverdyva River, vital for trade.
  • House Avgustin: Known for their ancestral home in Loren’s Ford and significant military presence.
  • House Rhynehurst: Culturally rich estates in Rhynehurst with a strong emphasis on the arts and local economy.
  • House Haxx: Dominates trade routes and maintains a strong economic and political presence in Verbobonc City.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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