Corellon Larethian Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Corellon Larethian

Corellon Larethian, God of Elves, Magic, Music, Arts & Crafts, War
Creator of the Elves, the Protector, First of the Seldarine, Protector and Preserver of Life, Ruler of All Elves, Coronal of Arvandor

Divine Essence and Visage

Corellon Larethian's essence transcends traditional gender norms, presenting in forms that embody the entirety of elven identity. His depiction with a bow and sword signifies his dual role as the creator and warrior, a reflection of the elven race's elegance and martial prowess.
  • Multifaceted Presence: Corellon Larethian transcends traditional boundaries, manifesting across the spectrum of gender and form, embodying the fluidity and multifarious nature of elvenkind.
  • Symbol of Unity: His appearance, often depicted wielding the bow and the sword, represents the unity of all aspects of elven life—from artistry to warfare.

The Seldarine and Divine Kinship

Corellon Larethian, known as the Creator and Protector of the Elves, stands at the pinnacle of the elven pantheon. As a deity with dominion over magic, music, arts, crafts, and warfare, his influence and teachings are woven deeply into the fabric of elven culture and society. His relationships with other deities and entities shape the cosmic balance and the interactions between the planes and the races of the world.
Relationships of Corellon Larethian
  • Divine Consort and Creation: Sehanine Moonbow is the consort of Corellon Larethian, and together they are believed to have birthed the elven race. Sehanine's tears, mixed with Corellon's blood, are the source of the elves' renowned beauty .
  • The Seldarine: Corellon leads the Seldarine, a group of deities held in high regard within elven society. His connections with the pantheon are complex, interwoven with tales of creation, guidance, and protection .
  • Elevation of Ye'Cind: Corellon raised Ye'Cind, an exceptional elven bard, to demigod status, endowing him with a spark of his divine power and an androgynous form akin to his own .
  • Adversary of Gruumsh: The orc deity Gruumsh One-Eye bears a deep-seated hatred for Corellon, stemming from a legendary battle in which Corellon is said to have taken Gruumsh's eye .
  • Banishment of Lolth: Corellon played a crucial role in the banishment of the drow goddess Lolth  to the Abyss, setting him against her and the pantheon of evil drow gods .
  • Alliances with Other Deities: Beyond the Seldarine, Corellon is allied with a spectrum of deities that include Cyrrollalee, Ehlonna, and Skerrit, among others, indicating his broad influence across the planes and various aspects of the world .
  • Friendship with the Seelie Court: His affiliation with the Seelie Court often puts him in opposition to the Queen of Air and Darkness, another powerful entity within the multiverse .
  • Diplomatic Relations with Dragons: Corellon maintains a positive relationship with Vanathor, a gold dragon and advisor to Bahamut, further showcasing his role as a diplomat among the divine.

Arvandor: A Celestial Realm

Corellon's domain, Arvandor, is a testament to the splendor and mystique of the elven spirit. This realm serves not just as his residence but as a sanctuary for elven souls, bridging the mortal experience with the divine continuum.
  • Abode Among the Stars: Corellon's domain in Arborea reflects the ethereal beauty and infinite expanses emblematic of elven spirits.
  • A Refuge and Afterlife: This realm not only serves as Corellon's dwelling but also as a sanctuary for elven souls, illustrating the continuum from mortal life to divine eternity.

Dogma: The Guiding Threads of Fate

Corellon's dogma champions the preservation of elven heritage while urging forward movement towards innovation and self-discovery. It's a call to maintain balance and unity, standing vigilant against any who would threaten the elven way of life.
  • Preservation and Innovation: Corellon's teachings emphasize the sanctity of elven heritage and the imperative to foster growth, creativity, and discovery.
  • Balance of Power: His dogma encourages vigilance against threats to elvenkind, advocating for harmony within diversity and strength in unity.

Followers: The Devoted and the Inspired

From the high courts to the forest depths, Corellon's followers embody his ideals, striving to protect and enrich elven culture. Their dedication to his principles fortifies the legacy of the elves across generations. Corellon blesses those who aid others. He is upset at those who defile the dead or flee from their foes.
  • A Varied Tapestry: Corellon's worshippers range from artisans and bards to warriors and scholars, all united in their reverence for his guiding principles.
  • Protectors of Legacy: They are charged with defending elven realms and interests, ensuring the continuity of their rich traditions and the flourishing of their communities.
  • Favor of Corellon: He favors those who kill orcs and the followers of Lolth.

Clerical Emissaries: Keepers of the Flame

Corellon's clerics are more than spiritual leaders; they are the living embodiments of his teachings, guiding elves in matters of faith, culture, and defense. They don the colors of the sky and the sea, signifying their heavenly mandate.
  • Vestments and Symbols: Clerics don Corellon's azure and silver, embodying the celestial and the mystical, while carrying the quarter-moon talisman as a beacon of their faith.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Beyond spiritual guidance, they are mentors, diplomats, and custodians of elven art and magic, nurturing the seeds of future legacies.
Fellowship of the Forgotten Flower
Composed of elven knights and paladins
  • Aim to recover lost relics of ancient elven heritage
  • Members often embark on quests into ruins and forgotten realms
  • Prioritize the preservation of elven history and culture
  • Uphold Corellon's values through actions and recovery of sacred artifacts
  • Operate with a sense of knightly honor and duty
Seekers of the Misty Isle
Elite group of elven seekers and rangers
  • Tasked with the mission to locate the enigmatic Misty Isle
  • Believe in prophecy and legends associated with the Isle
  • Known for their extensive knowledge of lore and geography
  • Conduct secretive expeditions and reconnaissance
  • Maintain a sacred vow to restore the Misty Isle to the elven domains
  • Work in opposition to the deities that displaced the Isle

The Hallowed Grounds: Temples of Corellon

Temples dedicated to Corellon Larethian stand as beacons of hope and beauty, reflecting his divine essence. These sanctuaries offer solace to the weary and serve as fortresses of strength against the darkness.
  • Structures of Awe: From majestic alabaster edifices in urban hearts to sacred groves in sylvan cloisters, temples of Corellon serve as focal points of elven worship and community.
  • Sanctuaries of Solace and Strength: These holy sites offer refuge to the weary and bolster the resolve of those preparing to face darkness, embodying Corellon's protective embrace.

Celestial Observances and Sacred Rituals

The observances and rituals of Corellon's followers are deeply interwoven with the cosmic tapestry, marking time's passage with celebrations of life, art, and martial valor. They reaffirm the elves' connection to their divine protector and the natural world.
  • Marking Time and Fate: Corellon's holy days, intertwined with the movements of the heavens, invite reflection, celebration, and renewal among the faithful.
  • Rites of Communion: The rituals practiced by Corellon's followers, rich in symbolism and beauty, reinforce their deep connection to the divine and to the eternal cycle of elven life.
The Forest Communion of the Crescent Moon
  • Monthly Observance: When Luna reaches its quarter phase, the elves hold the Lateu'quor, gathering in moonlit glades.
  • Celebration of Creation: This ceremony involves praising Corellon through artistic expression, with songs, dances, and the creation of beautiful artworks.
  • Preservation of Art: Offerings of art are not destroyed but are either physically transported to the Upper Planes for the elven afterlife or used to adorn temples.
  • Artistic Transformation: Sometimes the very glade in which the Lateu'quor is held is reshaped into a lasting work of art, a testament to the elves' integration of their faith with the natural world.
The Remembrance of Battle
  • Annual Commemoration: Celebrated on the fourth of Richfest, Agelong is a day dedicated to Corellon's victory over Gruumsh.
  • Ritual of Vengeance: Elves engage in orc hunts to honor the struggles of their deity, reinforcing their eternal enmity towards the orcish pantheon.
Litany of Arrows
This specific prayer seems to prepare the worshipers for battle, invoking Corellon's prowess and seeking his aid in the fight to come.
  • A ceremonial acknowledgment of Corellon's gifts of skill and precision to his followers, particularly in archery, which is a significant part of elven culture and defense.
  • It's a prayer recited in the elven tongue, emphasizing the unity and exclusivity of the elven connection to their deity, which is bound by language and heritage.

Conclusion: The Enduring Legacy

Corellon Larethian's influence permeates every facet of elven existence, from the loftiest ideals of art and harmony to the grim realities of conflict and survival. His is a legacy of resilience, grace, and an unyielding commitment to safeguarding the future of elvenkind.
  Elven Pantheon
Holy symbol: a crescent moon
Realm: Olympian Glades of Arborea
Domains: Celerity, Chaos, Community, Good, Liberation, Magic, Protection, War
Speciality Clerics
  • Clothing: Silver circlet, gossamer robe
  • Cleric of the 5th Seldarine: Elven Long Sword
Prayers to Corellon: "Hei-Corellon shar-shelevu," which means, "Corellon, by your grace grant..."
Divine Classification
Greater god
Chaotic good
Quotes & Catchphrases
"By moonlight and starshine, in Corellon's name, we tread paths unseen."
"Through art, battle, and the wisdom of ages, Corellon's legacy shines eternal."
"With every dawn, Corellon renews our purpose; with every dusk, he honors our deeds."
Corellon vs Gruumsh
Corellon Clergy Hierarchy
  • Protector: The first rank, where clerics begin their journey, learning the basic tenets of protection and guardianship.
  • Peacekeeper: Clerics who have demonstrated a commitment to preserving peace and harmony within the elven communities.
  • Holy Warrior: Those who have proven their ability to defend the elven way with martial skills in Corellon's name.
  • Light Bringer: Clerics who have mastered arts and crafts, bringing light and beauty into the world as Corellon does.
  • Joy Bringer: Those who, like bards, spread joy and influence through music and storytelling.
  • Wildstar: Clerics who have ventured into the wild, embodying Corellon's adventurous spirit.
  • Crescent Moon-blessed: Elevated clerics under Corellon's direct blessing, showing exceptional devotion.
  • Great Protector: Senior clerics responsible for overseeing the safety and defense of major elven territories.
  • Great Peacekeeper: A title for those who have prevented or resolved significant conflicts.
  • Great Holy Warrior: War-leaders who have led significant campaigns against the enemies of the elven people.
  • Blessing of Corellon: The highest honor, bestowed upon the most devout who embody the god's will on Oerth.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Corellon Larethian by 3orcs


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