Ehlonna Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Ehlonna, of the Forests, NG intermediate goddess of Forests, Woodlands, Flora and Fauna, and Fertility

Goddess of the Forests and Fertility

Ehlonna, known among Elves of Greyhawk as Ehlenestra, is a revered deity in the pantheon of Flanaess, embodying the essence of forests, woodlands, flora, fauna, and fertility. Her worship spans across various races, emphasizing the protection and reverence of natural beauty.


  • Origins: Ehlonna is an ancient deity, venerated for her role in protecting the forests and their inhabitants from harm and exploitation.
  • Evolution: Over the centuries, Ehlonna's worship has evolved, but her core principles remain unchanged, focusing on the conservation of nature and the celebration of life.


Ehlonna is depicted in two primary forms:
  • Human Aspect: As a dark-haired human woman, Ehlonna is closely associated with horses, demonstrating a special power over these majestic creatures.
  • Elven Aspect (Ehlenestra): In her golden-haired elven form, she commands unicorns and is adorned in either ranger's attire or the regal garments of elven royalty. Her longbow, known for never missing its target, is a symbol of her protection over the forests.


  • Rivalry with Obad-Hai: Ehlonna's advocacy for the beauty and goodness of nature contrasts sharply with Obad-Hai's more neutral view.
  • Enemies: Karaan represents a direct opposition to Ehlonna's ideals, embodying the darker aspects of nature.
  • Allies: Friendly with the Seldarine and most good-aligned deities, Ehlonna is closely allied with Atroa 
The Grove of the Unicorns: Situated in the Beastlands' layer of Krigala, this realm is a sanctuary for unicorns, bariaurs, and other creatures that embody the spirit of the wild. It is characterized by towering sequoias and a peaceful coexistence between its inhabitants.


Ehlonna's teachings emphasize:
  • Conservation: Protecting the forests from destruction and preserving their natural beauty.
  • Harmony: Promoting a harmonious relationship between the flora, fauna, and sentient beings.
  • Fertility: Celebrating the cycles of life and growth that sustain the natural world.


Ehlonna is worshiped by:
  • Nature Lovers: Those who find solace and spirituality within the wilderness.
  • Rangers and Druids: Protectors of the forests who follow Ehlonna's teachings in their guardianship.
  • Elves and Humans: Among others who see in her the embodiment of nature's majesty.


  • Roles: Clerics of Ehlonna serve as guardians of the wild, educators on the balance of ecosystems, and leaders in the fight against those who would despoil nature.
  • Attire: Reflecting her dual aspect, clerics may wear practical ranger garb or elven finery, always with symbols representing Ehlonna.


  • Design: Temples and shrines dedicated to Ehlonna blend seamlessly into natural landscapes, often hidden from those who do not respect the wilderness.
  • Location: Predominantly found in or near woodlands, embodying the essence of Ehlonna's domain. Temples to Ehlonna throughout the forests of the land, and one can find shrines to her in small villages and towns near forest.


  • Ceremonies: Rituals honor the cycles of nature, including planting, harvest, and seasonal transitions. Offerings are made to ensure the fertility of the land and the well-being of its creatures.
  • Prayers and Ceremonies: Focus on the positive attributes of the forest, often held within the woods to honor Ehlonna's domain.
  • Community Involvement: Inclusive of all ages, with children participating in the more lighthearted celebrations of fertility and growth.
Flan Pantheon
Holy symbol: a rampant unicorn or a unicorn's horn
Realm: Wilderness of the Beastlands
Domains: Animal, Celerity, Good, Plant, Purification, Sun
  • Cleric of the 1st order: Tracking as a Ranger
  • Cleric of the 5th order: move silently as ranger; animal friendship
  • Cleric of the 7th order: hide in woodland as ranger
  • Divine Classification
    Intermediate goddess
    Neutral Good
    Other Ethnicities/Cultures
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "In the whisper of leaves and the murmur of streams, Ehlonna speaks. We listen, we learn, and we protect."   "Ehlonna guides our arrows and blesses our paths. Through her, we become the guardians of all that grows and breathes."
    Aligned Organization
    Ehlonna holy symbol by 3orcs

    Cover image: by 3orcs
    Character Portrait image: Ehlonna by 3orcs


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