Davon Bosh Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Davon Bosh


A stout man saunters down the street, the patch on his armor marking him as the Sergeant of the Watch. He stops to bark some orders at a guardsman through broken teeth, prodding him roughly with the cudgel he carries. His head is shaved bald, visible above most of the crowd as he brusquely pushes them out of his way. The rest quickly part to let him through.
Constable Davon Bosh is the stern and authoritative figure at the helm of the guard barracks in Etterboek. Known for his imposing presence and unyielding discipline, Davon Bosh ensures that law and order are maintained in the bustling township.


Davon Bosh is a stout man whose mere appearance commands respect. His armor is marked with the patch of the Sergeant of the Watch, signaling his authority. He is often seen sauntering down the streets, barking orders through broken teeth, and roughly prodding guardsmen with the cudgel he carries. His shaved bald head is a distinctive feature, making him easily recognizable above most crowds as he brusquely pushes through, causing townsfolk to quickly part in his path. Personality   Despite his thuggish appearance, Davon Bosh is far from dimwitted. He is intelligent and patient, keeping a tight rein on the daily workings of the city guard. His demeanor, though authoritarian, is a facade that conceals a sharp mind and strategic thinking. Those who spend time with him often sense a deep-seated unease about the law, highlighted by the coldness in his eyes.
Key Traits
  • Authoritarian: Keeps strict control over the guards.
  • Intelligent: Capable of strategic thinking and planning.
  • Patient: Methodical in his approach to maintaining order.
  • Cold: Displays a noticeable lack of warmth, causing unease.

Historical Background

Davon Bosh's rise to the position of Constable is a testament to his capabilities and unwavering dedication. His past is marked by numerous encounters that have shaped his rigid approach to law enforcement. His tenure as Sergeant of the Watch has been characterized by an iron-fisted approach to discipline and an uncompromising stance on order.


Davon Bosh is driven by a deep-seated need to maintain control and order in Etterboek. His loyalty to House Langmuir and their vision for the town is unwavering. Despite personal feelings about the law, his primary focus is on ensuring the safety and stability of the township.
Motivational Factors
  • Duty: A strong sense of responsibility towards his role.
  • Loyalty: Commitment to House Langmuir's interests.
  • Control: Ensuring that order is maintained at all costs.


  • House Langmuir: Davon Bosh has a strong professional relationship with House Langmuir. His enforcement of their laws and protection of their interests solidifies his position and earns their respect. Town Guards: The guards under his command respect his authority, though they may fear his strict disciplinary methods. He ensures that they follow orders precisely and maintain a high level of vigilance.
  • Townsfolk: The townsfolk have a mix of respect and fear towards Davon Bosh. While they appreciate the order he maintains, his harsh methods and cold demeanor keep them at a distance.


Davon Bosh's role extends beyond mere enforcement. He is a key figure in the political landscape of Etterboek, ensuring that House Langmuir's policies and interests are upheld. His actions and decisions often have political ramifications, affecting the delicate balance of power within the town.
Political Influence
  • Law Enforcement: Strict implementation of House Langmuir's laws.
  • Order Maintenance: Ensuring that political dissent is kept in check.
  • Strategic Advisor: Providing counsel to House Langmuir on matters of security and order.


Constable Davon Bosh is a formidable figure in Etterboek, embodying the authority and discipline required to maintain law and order. His stern demeanor and cold eyes conceal a sharp mind and unwavering dedication to his duty. Under his watchful eye, Etterboek remains a secure and orderly township, firmly under the control of House Langmuir.
Lawful neutral
Year of Birth
542 34 Years old
dark brown
bald, big bushy beard brown
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Justice is Non-Negotiable."
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Constable Davon Bosh by 3orcs


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