11. Etterboek Watchtower Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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11. Etterboek Watchtower

From the merchant road of the viscounty travelers and merchants with their wares, soldiers, commoners and others move in and out of the village. You can smell fresh bread, seasoned meats, and sweet wine as you walk toward the watchtower. Many more smells and sights assault your senses as various merchants carry their goods into the village. The whole area is in such confusion that you can’t imagine the guards keeping track of who enters and who leaves, and by the looks of them, they are not even trying. They are well equipped in case of a disturbance; each guard wears chain mail armor and steel helmet and tabards displaying the House Langmuir, and carries a long sword. You notice that the guards on top of the watchtower are dressed the same, but there each has a longbow and quiver of arrows hanging at his back.   The people entering the village form a line that moves slowly past the gate guards. They wave a few people in without comment; these seem to be locals as they are on foot and most are alone. The wagons and groups arriving from afar receive more attention and the people are often alertly questioned. In one case, the guards look into the covered goods in a wagon, two guards poking while the driver stands a few feet away, next to a third guard, wringing his hands. He looks quite nervous, yet they pass him into the village without further incident. The guards seem aware of people coming out of the village, but you do not see them question any of them, nor stop anyone from leaving.

Market Square

The people entering the village form a line that moves slowly past the gate guards. Locals on foot are often waved through without comment, while wagons and groups arriving from afar receive more scrutiny. The guards question travelers alertly and inspect their goods when necessary. The guards seem aware of people leaving the village but do not question or stop anyone from exiting.

Current status

The Etterboak Guard Tower is fully operational, with 24 men-at-arms working under the command of Constable Davon Bosh and Lieutenant Cedric Thorne. The guards maintain strict control over the flow of goods and people, ensuring the safety and prosperity of Etterboak.

Ongoing Events

  • Trade Inspections: The guards regularly inspect incoming and outgoing goods to prevent smuggling and ensure that all trade complies with local regulations.
  • Security Patrols: Daily patrols around the village and its outskirts help maintain order and deter criminal activity.
  • Relations with the Gnomes and Elves: The guards also monitor interactions with traders from the Greenway Valley of the Kron Hills and the Fey Kingdom of Celene, ensuring peaceful and fair trade practices.

Key Points

  • The Etterboak Guard Tower is a crucial checkpoint for trade and security in the village.
  • Lieutenant Cedric Thorne, a seasoned and dedicated officer, leads the guards.
  • The guards maintain strict control over the flow of goods and people, ensuring the safety and prosperity of Etterboak.
  • The tower plays a significant role in the politics of Verbobonc, particularly under the influence of House Langmuir.
  The Etterboak Guard Tower stands as a symbol of strength and vigilance, ensuring that the village remains a safe and prosperous trading hub within the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
Etterboak Watch Tower by 3orcs
Watchtower Key Figures
Lieutenant Aldric Thorne
Lieutenant Aldric Thorne commands the guards at the Etterboek Guard Tower. He is known for his strict discipline and unwavering loyalty to House Langmuir.
  • Description: Tall, muscular, with a stern demeanor. He has short black hair and piercing blue eyes.
  • Personality: Disciplined, loyal, and uncompromising.
  • Background: A veteran soldier with extensive experience in maintaining order.
  • Motivation: Ensuring the safety and security of Etterboek, upholding the law of House Langmuir.
"State your business in Etterboek," Lieutenant Thorne demands as your party approaches the bridge. "We don't take kindly to troublemakers here."
  City Guard - Challenge Rating 1/8
Town Watch
  • 5 guardsmen: men-at-arms, longsword, crossbow
  • 1 lieutenant: fighter 3, longsword, crudgel
Lieutenant Aldric Thorne by 3orcs
Tower, Guard
Parent Location
Owning Organization
House Langmuir by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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