6. Langmuir Keep: Etterboek Guard barracks Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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6. Langmuir Keep: Etterboek Guard barracks

This is the guard barracks for the township of Etterboek under the direct command of House Langmuir.
This two story solid stone structure is built like a fortress proudly displays large House Langmuir pennants from the top of the walls. Small windows are scattered thinly around the walls in seemingly perfect symmetry, along with overhanging crenelations for archers and artillery. A great gate with thick wooden doors, with rooftop crenelations gives a safe place to rest in this stronghold and it's the only way in, at least without taking down the walls. Two guards stand guard at the door while men come and go on their patrols around town.
The Etterboek Guard Barracks, known as the "Langmuir Keep," is the formidable stronghold for the township of Etterboek's city guard. Located at the northwest corner of the market square, this imposing stone structure stands as a testament to the power and influence of House Langmuir. Under the command of Constable Davon Bosh, the barracks serve as the central hub for the town's security and order.

Description of the Location

This two-story solid stone structure is built like a fortress, proudly displaying large House Langmuir pennants from the top of the walls. Small windows are scattered thinly around the walls in seemingly perfect symmetry, along with overhanging crenelations for archers and artillery. A great gate with thick wooden doors and rooftop crenelations provides a safe place to rest in this stronghold and it's the only way in, at least without taking down the walls. Two guards stand at the door while men come and go on their patrols around town.


Langmuir Keep was constructed during the rise of House Langmuir to consolidate their control over Etterboek and ensure the town's security. Built with strategic foresight, the barracks have withstood numerous threats and remain a symbol of House Langmuir's strength and vigilance. Role in Conflicts
The guard barracks have been pivotal during various skirmishes with bandits and incursions from Ettercaps, which plague the hills between Etterboak and Nulb. The disciplined men-at-arms stationed here have repelled numerous attacks, safeguarding the township and maintaining order.

Political Influence

House Langmuir's Control
  • Command Structure: The guard barracks operate under the direct command of House Langmuir, with Constable Bosh reporting to the head of the house. This direct oversight ensures that the interests of House Langmuir are prioritized.
  • Discipline and Training: The guards are all disciplined, lawful neutral men who have seen combat and are expected to follow orders strictly. They wear tabards bearing the device of House Langmuir, symbolizing their allegiance.

Guard Facilities

  • Living Quarters: The upper floor of Langmuir Keep houses the living quarters for the guards, providing them with basic amenities and a place to rest between patrols.
  • Armory: A well-stocked armory ensures the guards are equipped with the necessary weapons and armor to defend the township.
  • Training Grounds: Adjacent to the barracks is a training ground where guards undergo regular drills and combat training to maintain their readiness.


  • Interactions with Other Faiths:The Radiant Sanctuary of Etterboek: The guards often work closely with the clerics of the Radiant Sanctuary to maintain order during religious festivals and gatherings.
  • Church of St Cuthbert: The Church of St. Cuthbert's emphasis on law and order aligns well with the objectives of Langmuir Keep, fostering a cooperative relationship.

Local Politics

  • Enforcement of House Langmuir's Policies: The guards enforce the laws and edicts passed down by House Langmuir, often dealing with dissent and maintaining the house’s authority.
  • Relations with the Commoners: While the guards are respected for their role in maintaining order, their strict enforcement of policies sometimes creates tension with the townsfolk.

Recent Developments

  • Increased Patrols: Due to recent rumors of uprisings and slander against House Langmuir, patrols have been increased to maintain order and suppress any potential threats.
  • Security Measures: Enhanced security measures have been implemented around key locations in Etterboek, including the marketplace and the Radiant Sanctuary, to prevent any disruptions.

Ongoing Events

  • Investigations into Slander: Constable Bosh has been tasked with investigating the source of slanderous rumors against House Langmuir, aiming to quell dissent and maintain the house’s reputation.
  • Training of New Recruits: The barracks are currently training a new batch of recruits to bolster the town’s defenses and ensure the continued security of Etterboak.
Langmuir Keep stands as a symbol of House Langmuir’s strength and dedication to maintaining order in Etterboek. Under the command of Constable Davon Bosh, the guards ensure the safety of the township while navigating the complex political landscape of the Viscounty of Verbobonc.  


Medium humanoid (any race), any
Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield)
Hit Points 11 ( 2d8+2 )
Speed 30ft

13 +1
12 +1
12 +1
10 0
11 0
10 0

Skills Perception +2
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)


Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ( 1d6+1 ) piercing damage, or 5 ( 1d8+1 ) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.


Guards include members of a city watch, sentries in a citadel or fortified town, and the bodyguards of merchants and nobles.

Langmuir Keep by 3orcs
Constable Davon Bosh
  • Description: A stout man with a bald head and broken teeth, Davon Bosh cuts an imposing figure. His armor bears the patch of the Sergeant of the Watch.
  • Personality: Intelligent and patient, Bosh keeps a tight rein on the daily workings of the village guard. Despite his thuggish appearance, he harbors little love for the law, and his cold, calculating demeanor makes him a figure to be wary of.
  • Role: Bosh commands the 24 men-at-arms stationed at Langmuir Keep, ensuring the security of Etterboek and maintaining the interests of House Langmuir.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Constable Davon Bosh by 3orcs
House Langmuir by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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