Del Tain Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Del Tain

Master the School of Abjuration

Master Del Tain is the enigmatic and formidable Head of the School of Abjuration at the Silver Consortium. Hailing from the distant realms of Keoland, Del Tain's mysterious departure from his homeland adds an aura of intrigue to his already complex personality. Known for his severe teaching methods and uncompromising demeanor, Del Tain's presence within the Consortium is both respected and feared.

Lore and Description

Master Del Tain is an obese, disheveled man known for his lack of personal grooming which contrasts sharply with his undeniable skill in abjuration. His teaching style is infamously rigorous, employing criticism and harsh challenges to push his students to their limits, which often results in a polarized reception among them.
  • Appearance and Mannerisms: Del Tain is an imposing figure; his considerable girth and somewhat disheveled appearance do little to dampen the intense authority he commands. Despite his unkempt appearance, his magical prowess is undeniable.
  • Teaching Philosophy: He is notorious for his harsh pedagogical style, often belittling students to motivate them, a method that garners mixed results.


The details of Del Tain’s past in Keoland are shrouded in secrecy, contributing to his enigmatic reputation. His expertise in protective magics paved his path to becoming the Head of the School of Abjuration, where his contributions have significantly shaped the curriculum and standards of magical defense training.
  • Origins: Del Tain's secretive past in Keoland remains a topic of speculation among both colleagues and students.
  • Career Progression: His rise to the Head of the School of Abjuration was marked by significant achievements in protective magic, earning him a formidable reputation.


Del Tain maintains a complex relationship with the Grand Headmaster Juelihm; despite not being favored by him, Del Tain respects his authority and harbors aspirations to succeed him. He remains neutral in the power struggles between Juelihm and Markessa, believing leadership should be determined by strength and magical prowess.
  • With Juelihm: While he is not favored by Juelihm, Del Tain holds a grudging respect for the Grand Headmaster, aspiring to one day claim his position.
  • With Markessa: Del Tain remains neutral in the ongoing feud between Markessa Dufraine and Juelihm, advocating for the survival of the fittest in leadership roles.

Politics and Motivation

Del Tain is driven by a deep-seated ambition to ascend to the position of Grand Headmaster, despite lacking the diplomatic grace typically required for such a role. His political philosophy centers around the survival of the fittest, valuing strength and capability above all in leadership.
  • Ambitions: Ambitious to a fault, Del Tain dreams of ascending to the role of Grand Headmaster, despite lacking the necessary diplomatic skills. 
  • Philosophy: He believes in the supremacy of strength and magical ability over tact and diplomacy in leadership.

Hierarchy and Influence

As head of the Abjuration school, Del Tain wields considerable influence over the training and deployment of protective magics within the Consortium. His focus on ensuring that abjuration remains a cornerstone of the institution's curriculum reflects his commitment to his discipline.
  • Role in the Consortium: As the Head of Abjuration, Del Tain influences much of the defensive magical training and policies within the institution.
  • Defensive Prowess: He ensures that abjuration, the magic of protection, is respected and well-represented among the magical disciplines.

Notable Traits and Anecdotes

Characterized by his paranoia regarding personal security, Del Tain constantly surrounds himself with a myriad of protective spells. His abrasive personality often isolates him within the academic community, yet his mastery of abjuration commands a reluctant respect from his peers.
  • Protective Enchantments: Paranoid about personal safety, Del Tain is shrouded in multiple protective spells at all times.
  • Controversial Figure: His blunt and abrasive nature makes him a polarizing figure within the magical community, often leading to isolation from peer collaboration.
  In the intricate tapestry of the Silver Consortium’s politics and academic life, Master Del Tain stands out as a figure of power and contention, his future moves watched closely by friends and foes alike.
Lawful neutral
Year of Birth
538 38 Years old
Head of the School of Abjuration
long grey streaked
300 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Strength in protection, weakness in neglect."
"In the realm of magic, only the prepared prevail."

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Del Tain by 3orcs


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