Juelihm Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Head Master (a.k.a. the Conjurer)

Juelihm the Conjurer is a figure of considerable repute and skill, a master of the arcane arts whose name is whispered with respect and awe throughout the Nyr Dyv region and beyond. A human wizard of the 14th level, Juelihm possesses a deep and nuanced understanding of magic, coupled with a finesse and control that few can match. His prowess is not merely in the casting of spells but in the intricate weaving of magical theory, the creation of new spells, and the unraveling of arcane mysteries that have puzzled scholars for generations.

Head of Silver Consortium

Juelihm oversees the Silver Consortium, a guild of mages and scholars, with a hand both firm and enlightened. Under his guidance, the Consortium has flourished, becoming a beacon of magical study and a hub for the exchange of arcane knowledge. His leadership style is one of empowerment and inspiration, pushing both himself and his fellows towards greater heights of magical discovery.


His reputation extends far beyond the confines of the Consortium. Juelihm has maintained a high profile in the Nyr Dyv region, his achievements and contributions to the field of magic drawing the attention of none other than the Circle of Eight, a legendary group of powerful wizards. Rumors abound that members of the Circle have approached Juelihm, a testament to his skill and potential to influence the broader currents of magical practice in the Flanaess.


Juelihm's appearance is as distinctive as his reputation. He often wears robes of deep blue or midnight black, embroidered with silver thread that seems to shimmer with a light of its own. Piercing grey eyes that seem to shimmer with the depth of arcane secrets and mysteries untold. His hair, a distinguished silver, falls to his shoulders in waves that speak of many years spent poring over ancient tomes and casting spells of great power. Complementing his wise visage, Juelihm's beard is a well-kept silver that matches his hair, trimmed to perfection, framing his face in a way that enhances his enigmatic and authoritative appearance. This striking combination of grey eyes, silver hair, and a neatly kept beard makes Juelihm an unforgettable figure, embodying the quintessential wizard with a demeanor as captivating as the magic he wields.

Politics with the Viscounty and Council of Lords

  • Alliance and Support: Juelihm's relationship with Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart and the Council of Lords might be characterized by a mutual alliance, where both parties see the benefit of supporting one another. Juelihm's magical expertise and the resources of the Silver Consortium could be invaluable to the Viscounty, especially in matters of defense, magical research, and education. In return, the Viscounty's political support could ensure the Consortium's operation without interference, providing access to resources, protection, and perhaps even funding.
  • Advisory Role: It's plausible that Juelihm serves in an advisory capacity to Viscount Wilfrick and the Council, given his expertise and the potential for magical solutions to the Viscounty's challenges. His high profile and rumored connections with the Circle of Eight could make his counsel particularly sought after in matters that touch on the arcane, the defense against magical threats, or diplomatic engagements where magical insight is crucial.
  • Independence and Autonomy: Despite any alliances or advisory roles, Juelihm likely maintains a degree of independence from the political workings of the Viscounty. His primary allegiance is to the pursuit of magical knowledge and the wellbeing of the Silver Consortium. This independence ensures that while he may assist the Viscounty, he is not bound by its politics, allowing him to navigate a neutral path that serves the interests of magic and knowledge above all.
  • Potential Tensions: Any political relationship is susceptible to tensions, especially if the interests of the Viscounty and the Silver Consortium diverge. For example, the Viscounty might seek to leverage Juelihm's magic in ways that conflict with his ethical standards or the Consortium's goals. Alternatively, Juelihm's rumored connection with the Circle of Eight and his high profile could be seen as a threat or challenge to the Viscount's authority, especially if perceived as aligning with external powers.
  • Socializing: He is known to frequent The Spruce Goose, C3 Jylee’s Inn, and sometimes even College Lane, but he is otherwise either in the Consortium buildings or at his home.
Despite his achievements, Juelihm remains a figure of intrigue and mystery. His ambitions and goals are known only to a select few, and he guards his privacy fiercely. Behind the walls of his tower and within the sanctums of the Silver Consortium, Juelihm continues his work, ever driven by a thirst for knowledge and the unrelenting pursuit of power through understanding.
Lawful Neutral
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
528 48 Years old
Current Residence
Tower of Juelihm the Conjurer
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Guardians of the Arcane, Stewards of the Mind." - Reflecting their role in protecting magical knowledge and nurturing intellectual growth.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Juelihm by 3orcs


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