Eadric Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Warmaster Eadric of the Verbobonc Cavalry

Position: Captain and Warmaster of the Verbobonc Standing Army's Cavalry Division   Warmaster Eadric stands as a pillar of military expertise and unwavering loyalty in the Verbobonc Standing Army. His strategic acumen, combined with a deep commitment to the Viscount and the people of Verbobonc, makes him a respected figure in both military and political circles.


  • A graduate of the prestigious War College in Furyondy, Warmaster Eadric is a tactician of the highest order.
  • His education was further augmented under the mentorship of Baron Avgustin, a renowned military strategist.


  • Eadric is known for his calm and calculating demeanor, especially in the heat of battle.
  • His analytical approach to warfare is complemented by a deep sense of duty and honor.
  • Despite his serious nature, he is deeply respected by his troops for his fairness and unwavering commitment to their well-being.

Devotion to Command and Viscount

  • Warmaster Eadric exhibits an unshakeable loyalty to Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart and the Lords of Verbobonc.
  • He views his role not just as a military commander but as a protector of the Viscounty's sovereignty and people.
  • Eadric regularly liaises with the Viscount and other nobles, ensuring that the cavalry division aligns seamlessly with the Viscounty's broader defense strategies.

Role in the Verbobonc Standing Army

  • As the head of the cavalry division, Eadric is responsible for maintaining the readiness and efficiency of this elite unit.
  • His expertise in cavalry tactics has been pivotal in numerous engagements, securing the outskirts of the Viscounty and key trade routes.
  • Under his leadership, the cavalry division has developed innovative strategies, combining traditional heavy cavalry charges with modern reconnaissance techniques.

Military Philosophy

  • Eadric believes in a proactive approach to defense, emphasizing training, discipline, and the anticipation of enemy moves.
  • He encourages his officers to think critically, fostering an environment where strategic creativity is valued.
  • His motto, "Vigilance in Peace, Valor in War," encapsulates his philosophy of constant preparedness and bravery in the face of adversity.

Relationship with Lord Mayor Haxx

  • Warmaster Eadric maintains a professional and respectful relationship with Lord Mayor Marakios Willem Haxx.
  • While dedicated to the Nobles and the Viscount, he understands the political dynamics of Verbobonc and navigates them with diplomatic finesse.
  • Eadric ensures that the cavalry division remains an impartial and loyal force, serving the interests of the entire Viscounty.

Warmaster Eadric

  • Commander of the Verbobonc Calvary
  • 9th level Fighter
Lawful Neutral
Year of Birth
540 36 Years old
penetrating grey
short in a military style, is peppered with gray
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Vigilance in Peace, Valor in War"
Ruled Locations
When you first meet Warmaster Eadric, you are immediately struck by his commanding presence. He is a tall man, with a posture that speaks of both discipline and strength. His hair, cropped short in a military style, is peppered with gray, hinting at his years of service. His face, marked with lines of experience and determination, is usually set in a stoic expression, softened occasionally by a thoughtful gaze from his sharp, observant eyes.   Eadric's attire is a blend of functionality and distinction. He typically wears a well-maintained uniform of the Verbobonc cavalry – a tunic in deep blue adorned with the insignia of his rank and the emblem of Verbobonc, paired with sturdy, polished boots. His armor, when worn, is both impressive and practical, showcasing the craftsmanship of Verbobonc's finest smiths. At his side, he carries a sword that, while elegant, is clearly a weapon of a seasoned warrior, its hilt bearing the marks of many battles.   His manner of speaking is direct and clear, with a voice that carries both authority and a hint of underlying warmth. When he addresses you, his focus is complete, making you feel both scrutinized and respected. In Eadric, you see not just a military leader, but a man who embodies the discipline, honor, and responsibility of his esteemed position.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Aedric by 3orcs


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