H15 Barracks – Cavalry Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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H15 Barracks – Cavalry

The addition of the Barracks – Cavalry highlights the strategic military presence outside the city walls, reinforcing Verbobonc's defensive capabilities. This location, alongside the diverse array of other sites, depicts the rich tapestry of life beyond the city boundaries, encompassing both the spiritual and practical aspects of the region's populace.

Location & Description

  • Situated just outside the city walls of Verbobonc, the Barracks – Cavalry is a pivotal military installation.
  • Comprising both barracks and stables, it is a well-fortified structure, signifying its strategic importance.
  • Home to 50 heavy cavalry, these troops are among the most elite in the Viscounty's military forces.

Role in Verbobonc's Politics and Defense

  • The heavy cavalry stationed here are a key component of Viscount Wilfrick’s military strategy, reflecting his approach to the safety and sovereignty of Verbobonc.
  • They serve as a rapid response unit for threats both within and on the outskirts of the Viscounty.
  • Their presence outside the city walls symbolizes a show of force and readiness, deterring potential aggressors.

Historical Significance

  • The Barracks – Cavalry has been a historical constant in the defense of the city, with its origins tracing back to the earlier days of the Viscounty.
  • Throughout various conflicts, including the battles against the Temple of Elemental Evil, these cavalry forces have played a crucial role in ensuring victory and stability.

Safety and Security of the Viscounty

  • Under Viscount Wilfrick’s leadership, the cavalry at these barracks have been instrumental in maintaining peace and order.
  • Their strategic positioning allows for efficient monitoring of trade routes and quick deployment to troubled areas.
  • Their presence reassures the citizens of Verbobonc, who have seen their fair share of turmoil, lending a sense of stability and security.

Current Political Climate

  • Viscount Wilfrick’s reliance on the cavalry reflects his commitment to a strong defense policy.
  • The cavalry serves as a symbol of the Viscount's authority and his dedication to safeguarding the Viscounty.
In the complex political landscape of Verbobonc, where tensions with neighboring powers like Veluna and Furyondy simmer, the Cavalry Barracks stand as a testament to the Viscount's readiness to defend his rule and the independence of the Viscounty.   The Barracks – Cavalry outside the city walls of Verbobonc is not just a military installation; it's a symbol of the Viscount's power, the city's historical resilience, and a reassurance of safety to the people of the Viscounty. Its presence is a constant reminder of the need for vigilance and preparedness in a region that has seen its share of conflicts and political intrigues.


Warmaster Eadric of the Verbobonc Cavalry Standing Army's Cavalry Division

Role in the Verbobonc Standing Army

  • As the head of the cavalry division, Eadric is responsible for maintaining the readiness and efficiency of this elite unit.
  • His expertise in cavalry tactics has been pivotal in numerous engagements, securing the outskirts of the Viscounty and key trade routes.
  • Under his leadership, the cavalry division has developed innovative strategies, combining traditional heavy cavalry charges with modern reconnaissance techniques.
Parent Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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