Earth Dragon Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Earth Dragon

Wyrm of the Hills, Earth Lord, Serpent of Stone

The Earth Dragon, a Flan demigod, embodies the primal essence of earth, weather, and hidden treasures, revered as the guardian spirit of Mount Drachenkopf in the Pomarj. This entity's influence spans across the natural and the subterranean, commanding respect and awe from a diverse following.


  • Manifestation: The Earth Dragon may appear as a mottled serpent or a gargantuan dragon made of stone laced with precious ores. Its displeasure is often shown through earthquakes.
  • Symbol: A coiled dragon represents the Earth Dragon's eternal presence and power.


  • Underground Lair: The Earth Dragon resides in a vast underground domain beneath Mount Drachenkopf, shunned by other subterranean races. It is here that the most devout worshippers may enter the presence of their deity.


  • Opposition: The Earth Dragon and its followers find themselves at odds with the Silent Ones, highlighting a deep-seated conflict between their respective domains.


  • Protector and Provider: As the spirit of the earth, the Earth Dragon offers protection and knowledge to those who demonstrate true devotion.
  • Sacrifice and Worship: Followers are encouraged to make sacrifices, spread the faith, and engage in activities that honor the earth and its treasures.

Earth Dragon Cult

  • Diverse Congregation: The cult's followers include not only humans but also orcs, gnolls, goblins, hobgoblins, ogres, and the derro, forming a complex tapestry of devotees.
  • Farmers, Miners, and Warriors: The Earth Dragon's worship extends across various professions, each focusing on different aspects of the deity's domain.
  • Initiation: must hunt and slay a young, good-aligned dragon to prove their worthiness.


  • Robes and Regalia: Priests don distinctive brown robes adorned with gold and gems, and in ceremonies, they wear Earth Dragon Helms made from the skulls of young dragons.
  • Battle Gear: In conflict, they favor scalemail and shields emblazoned with the coiled dragon symbol.


  • Mount Drachenkopf Complex: The primary temple complex is intricately connected to the mountain, featuring sacrificial shafts plunging into the deity's realm.
  • Expansion: Under Turrosh Mak's influence, shrines and temples have proliferated throughout the Pomarj and the Wild Coast, always incorporating subterranean altars.

Holy Days and Rituals

  • Earthday Celebrations: Devotees gather at temples on Earthday for significant sacrifices, particularly during the third week of each month and the Growfest, marked by mass human sacrifices at the Drachenkopf Temple.


  • The Dragon's Scales: A ceremonial scalemail rumored to be made from the Earth Dragon's scales, possessing powerful enchantments and the ability to judge the worthiness of its wearer.
  • Earth Dragon Helm: Ceremonial helms crafted from the skulls of young dragons slain by priests, each imbued with unique powers.
Smoke of Little Death
  • Ritual Oil: A potent concoction used in rituals and combat, inducing sleep and vivid dreams or nightmares, depending on the sleeper's relationship with the Earth Dragon.

History: A Legacy of Power and Retribution

The Earth Dragon, an emblem of the ancient spiritual beliefs of the Flanaess, stands as a testament to the enduring reverence for the natural world and its elemental forces. This deity's history is deeply interwoven with the fate of the lands and peoples it has influenced, marking significant epochs with its formidable presence.

Primitive Beginnings

  • Ancient Deity: The Earth Dragon's worship dates back to a time when the spirits of nature were deified by the Flan peoples of the Pomarj.
  • Tribal Prosperity and Wrath: Tribes in the Drachensgrab Hills learned early on that prosperity was tied to the propitiation of the Earth Dragon, while neglect invited natural disasters.

Era of Transition

  • Survival through Eras: As newer gods emerged, the Earth Dragon persisted, demanding recognition and veneration from all cultures that ventured into its domain.
  • Cultural Integration: Every new wave of colonizers in the Pomarj learned to accommodate the Earth Dragon in their spiritual lives, incorporating it into their pantheons.

Significant Historical Events

  • Retribution and Transformation: The mysterious petrification of Suloise invaders in the Drachensgrab Hills hints at the Earth Dragon's potent powers of retribution, underscoring its protective nature over its followers.
  • Pact with Erkin: In the mid-400s CY, Baron Erkin's pact with the Earth Dragon marked the beginning of a new era of conquest and expansion, solidifying the deity's influence over the region.

The Earth Dragon in Recent History

  • Assassination and Claim: The assassination of King Rodric by Stalman Klim, the High Priest of the Earth Dragon, in 574 CY, represents a dark chapter where ambition and divine power intersected to reshape the political landscape.
  • Turrosh Mak's Conquest: The spread of the Earth Dragon's worship by Turrosh Mak further entrenched the deity's significance across the Pomarj, weaving its worship deeply into the cultural fabric of the region.


The Earth Dragon's history is a saga of survival, power, and the deep bonds between the land and its inhabitants. From its early days as a revered nature spirit to its role as a potent force in the geopolitical dramas of the Flanaess, the Earth Dragon has remained a formidable presence. Its legacy is a reminder of the ancient roots of worship and the complex relationships between gods, nature, and humanity. Through centuries of change, the Earth Dragon continues to embody the primal essence of the earth, asserting its will through the very land it governs, and demanding reverence from those who tread upon it.
Symbol: a coiled dragon
Realm: Oerth (Material Plane)
Domains: Earth, Evil, Law, Protection, Weather
Divine Classification
Lawful evil
Earth Dragon symbol color by 3orcs
Earth Dragon BW symbol by 3orcs
Eath Dragon Speciality Clerics
For the clerics of the Earth Dragon, their unique connection to the land grants them a series of escalating abilities and spells that reinforce their bond with the earth and their martial prowess. Here's a detailed progression of these special abilities:  
  • At initial levels: Unable to TurnUnead; clerics gain access to either the light or magic stone spells, acknowledging their foundational connection to the earth. Additionally, they are proficient in mountaineering, allowing them to traverse rocky terrains with ease.
  • Third level: clerics receive a boon of +2 to their hit points, showcasing their increasing resilience. They also gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against physical damage or petrification, reflecting their growing bond with the earth's enduring nature.
  • Fifth level: clerics are granted a +3 damage bonus when wielding a military pick, symbolizing their proficiency with weapons that resonate with their earthy domain.
  • Seventh level: clerics are endowed with a +1 caster level for spells cast while standing on the earth, enhancing their magical capabilities in their favored environment.
  • Ninth level: clerics are awarded an Earth Dragon helm. This powerful artifact embodies their deep connection to the Earth Dragon deity, offering unknown benefits that further their cause.
  • Tenth level: clerics can make 3/2 attacks with a military pick during combat, reflecting their exceptional skill and training with this particular weapon.
  • Thirteenth level: clerics gain the ability to stand immovable on earth. They cannot be knocked over or moved, mirroring the unyielding nature of the earth itself.
  • Fifteenth level: clerics can choose between meld into stone, spike stones, or stone tell spells. These abilities allow them to merge with, manipulate, or communicate with the earth in profound ways, marking the pinnacle of their earthly powers.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Earth Dragon by 3orcs


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